Pañcāṅga – Vāra_04

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Read Time:73 Minute, 59 Second

(TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO LECTURE “Pañcāṅga – vara_04”)

(note: every word is written exactly in the same manner as and when spoken by Gurudev-Rath)


Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ, Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ, Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. At least by now, Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ, most of my students and many of you would know that this is my signature mantra, right? I actually always start with the name of Guru, always. This is, I mean, never have I ever started a Vedic teaching without saying Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. It is very simple. The knowledge is not mine. I have no right to claim that this is my knowledge. This is the knowledge of Śiva. It has come through the Ṛṣis to us. And each one of us is just sharing it with the other person. So thank you so much for being a part of it.

So today we are going into the fourth part of Agni – Vāra in the Pañcāṅga series of the Parāśara Jyotiṣa Conference of America by Sat Sri Khalsa and the nice ladies. Our topic today is Gārhapatya. And we already know that the Gārhapatya is the fifth weekday from the Vāreśa. Vāreśa is the weekday in which we are born. The weekday that we follow is from sunrise to the next sunrise. So every sunrise marks a new weekday. It’s as simple as that. So we are all born on a particular weekday and that weekday is our Agni. That is the real Agni. That is the Adhi Devatā of Surya. The sun rises because of Agni. So the Adhi Devatā, Agni is instigating the sun to rise into a new weekday, a new Vāra, a new body, a new place to reside in, a new pace. And this Vāreśa, we have seen its importance and what a huge role it plays in our health, our life, our energy is totally based upon the Vāreśa. And we have also done a little bit about Gārhapatya, which is the fifth weekday. For example, somebody born on a Sunday, the Gārhapatya is Thursday, Jupiter becomes Gārhapatya. Now that is also Agni but that’s a different kind of Agni. That’s supposed to… if Sunday is the red flame then Thursday is the yellow flame of Gārhapatya. Like that we understand that Gārhapatya is more of the Viṣṇu, it is the Avatāra. It is the energy of the Avatāra. It is he who is very close to our heart chakra. Our heart chakra and our Anāhata chakra are very close to each other. They are not one and the same. The Hṛd chakra or the heart is on the left hand side and the Anāhata is in the center of the chest and this padma is where the Avatāra is residing. This is our connect to the whole world around us. The connect to our self is from Vāreśa. The connect to the world is through Gārhapatya. That is the fundamental difference between the two. One, the Vāreśa is us. We looking at ourselves. What am I? How do I look at myself? What am I going to be? Whether I’m going to live, whether I’m going to die. How do I protect myself? What do I do? That me looking all about me is Vāreśa. But me interacting with the world is a different thing. That means that all of us are actually some kind of a split personalities. That is a personality which is interacting with the world and there is a personality which is interacting with myself. I talk to myself in my head and nobody else can listen to that. For example, sometimes you hear a politician giving a lecture and a thought comes to your head. Oh my God, why doesn’t he jump into a well? Now nobody else can hear that, thank God. Because that is you talking to yourself, that is your Vāreśa. Whereas the moment you speak it out, the moment you communicate it, once it is heard by others, what you are telling others, but the moment it is heard, it is Gārhapatya. Then other people will react to that and somebody in that audience may come and thrash you. So you can see that Gārhapatya is our interaction with the world around us and this has a very strong link to the pitṛs, to the fathers. The pitṛ are inhabiting the pitṛ loka and they are connected with the moon. So it’s a very interesting thing we see now. The Vāreśa was connected to the sun, whereas the Gārhapatya is connected to the moon. So that is also Agni, but it is more like reflected light. It is something which we have learned and we are reflecting and then we are using that to communicate or to share ideas or to share life. So, it is the Pitṛs. And these Pitṛs are ruled by the moon because it is through the blood. You are connected to your father through blood, you are connected to your child through blood, you are connected to your grandfather through blood and the Pitṛ means the lineages, the blood lineages and all these blood lineages are coming through the Pitṛs and the particular Nakṣatra which is in the fifth house of the natural zodiac, see the natural zodiac the fifth house is leo, is having three Nakṣatras. Number 10 is maghā, number 11 is purvā Phālgunī and number 12 is uttarā Phālgunī. So we have three Nakṣatras over here. 10 and 11 are completely there in Leo whereas uttarā Phālgunī is only partly there in Leo. The other part goes into Virgo. It’s like split. So we call it a Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra. A Nakṣatra which spreads over two different signs is called a Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra. It’s broken. It’s not fully stationed in one Rāśi. And naturally when there is a Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra that is called Khaṇḍita vyavahāra, your way you look at things is not uniform. There is no uniformity in that. When we do Nakṣatras in more detail you will understand this. A Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra will look at some aspects of life through one Rāśi and some other aspects of life through another Rāśi because every Nakṣatra has got Dharma, Artha, Kāma, Mokṣa as the four Padas. Now some Pada of Uttara Phālgunī are in Leo, some other Padas have fallen into Virgo. How interesting, whereas purva Phālgunī and Maghā are a 100% in Leo. That means these two Nakṣatras Maghā and Pūrva Phālgunī; Dharma, Artha, Kāma, Mokṣa, there is no confusions, they’re all working together. It’s not Khaṇḍita, it’s not broken. You don’t have to make a choice that, okay, are you going to have dharma artha or you will have Kāma Mokṣa or like that. There is no breaking over here. Some Nakṣatras normally with the, in the middle of the signs, they are the lucky ones because they operate through one Rāśi. The moment the Nakṣatra is splitting between two signs, then it becomes Khaṇḍita. Keep that in mind. So the question is your janma Rāśi, your moon sign,.. is it a whole Nakṣatra or is it a Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra?


Now we come back to Maghā. Maghā is a whole Nakṣatra. It is complete in itself. It rules Pitṛs, fathers, forefathers and this is our connect to our lineage. This is the 10th constellation starting from Aświnī which is the first. So if Aświnī is like Janma Nakṣatra, Maghā is like Karma Nakṣatra. So when we use the word karma, we are connecting to the energy of Maghā. That is where the throne is. It is said to be the throne of heaven. The throne of heaven is in Maghā Nakṣatra. There’s a big throne. A king is sitting in that throne. And who is the king? You are the king of your karma Nakṣatra. You are required to sit in that Nakṣatra. You are supposed to rule over your karmas. You are supposed to experience the good and bad of your karmas. You are supposed to be use your judgment wisely. And the energy to do all that comes from Gārhapatya Agni. This Gārhapatya Agni is supposed to enlighten these three Nakṣatras. The tenth which is your karma Nakṣatra your connection to your Pitṛ. So basically what you mean by Pitṛ, that means basically a father. We assume your father. In ancient days, if the father was a blacksmith, the child would be a blacksmith. Because right from childhood, he would get all his learning and training at the shop of his father. And when he grows up, by the time his father becomes old and sort of retires, he would already have taken off the workshop. And so basically there is a continuity between what father does and what the son will do. So a king’s son, a prince will become a king. Like this you can see that the Gārhapatya was connecting the father to the son. The father is the one who gave birth to you, who feeds you and who is also supposed to show that okay, this child is going to replace me in this planet. So basically this Nakṣatra is where you will replace your father and similarly your son replaces you. That was the Pitṛs connection. But in the modern world and even in ancient world, it always did not happen like that. Sometimes parents died. Sometimes father had to go away for war and the child grew up learning under somebody else. I mean, life is not always as perfect as that. There is a lot of sway over here. So basically what are we looking for in the fifth house in the Gārhapatya. So the planet who is going to connect us to this teacher energy, it’s a teacher energy, it’s a guru energy, but this guru is Sansāra guru. It is Sansāra guru, not Saṁnyāsa guru. He is teaching us how to live in this world, how to fight our battles, how to fight for what is right, how to stand up for the truth. This is Sansāra Guru. And that is why here we have a picture of Kṛṣṇa. Maghā star is said to be Surya’s power. The power of Surya is coming through this 10th Nakṣatra of Maghā. The 11th Nakṣatra is Kṛṣṇa and the 12th Nakṣatra is Rādhā. How interesting. So basically we have three deities in the 5th house. The first is Surya Pitṛs father, Sun; easy to understand? But why was the 11th Purva Fālgunī given to Kṛṣṇa? If you look at the horoscope of Lord Kṛṣṇa, his Surya is in Purva Fālgunī Nakṣatra. Wow! So therefore, the constellation where Surya is placed in our horoscope is very, very important. Because it is through that constellation that I can connect to the other souls in the world. So if I have to connect to Lord Kṛṣṇa, I can only do so through Purva Fālgunī Nakṣatra. I do not have any other access to connect to Lord Kṛṣṇa. It can only happen through PURVA FĀLGUNĪ NAKṢATRA because that is where his Surya is. And he is supposed to be the God of that star. And so mighty is his light, they say, that when the sun is in Leo, the deity who is to be worshiped is Kṛṣṇa. So therefore the Sun in Leo has a very strong connection with Kṛṣṇa and the Pitṛs. Pitṛpaksha? When does Pitṛpaksha happen? During Bhadrapada Masa, when the Sun is in Leo. So the first Nakṣatra, that is the Fālgunīs are two, the Fālgunīs are two, they are a pair. It is a veni bija, veni means pair. They are together. You cannot separate one from the other. The Nakṣatra is 11 and 12, cannot be separated because they are like the four legs of a cot. Two legs of the cot are in purva Fālgunī, the other two are in uttara Fālgunī. and this Purva Fālgunī is Kṛṣṇa and Uttara Fālgunī is Rādhā. We connect Maghā or the tenth Nakṣatra to the Pitṛs whereas Purva Fālgunī is connected through Kṛṣṇa to the father and Uttara Fālgunī through Rādhā to the spouse. Very strange. So our spouse is coming in Uttara Fālgunī Nakṣatra. Interesting, but I thought spouse was in the seventh house, but Gārhapatya Agni will decide whether you will have a spouse in the first place. Whether you will have a spouse in the first place or not will be decided by Sansāra guru. Only when you are ready to have a spouse will you have a spouse? Otherwise you are spouseless. And that is coming from the 12th constellation.


audio 16:56

You see The Vimshottari Lordships are here. Pitṛs are ruled by Saturn, father is by the sun and spouse by Venus. Whereas the Vimshottari Lordships are Ketu, Venus and Sun. Do you see some kind of an exchange over here? Father is ruled by the sun, but the Vimshottari is Venus. Spouse is ruled by Venus, but the Vimshottari is sun. Some kind of an exchange is happening between the divine energy and the earth energy. Earth energy is in green, the divine energy is in pink. Okay, now this is a bit of a complicated. Three Padas of the 12th star are in Virgo and that is the reason why Rādhā was separated from Kṛṣṇa. If you look at the constellation Uttara Fālgunī, it has got four Padas. You can say the first Pada is childhood, the second Pada is youth, third Pada is adult and the fourth Pada is old age. So Rādhā was associated with Kṛṣṇa only in childhood. The first pada of Uttara Phālgunī is in Leo. So Rādhā is associated with Kṛṣṇa only in childhood. Subsequently she is separated from Kṛṣṇa and her whole remaining part of life goes in praying for the reunion, for meeting Kṛṣṇa again. and that is the sorrow of the Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra because your initial part of life and the latter part of life are Khaṇḍita broken. More about Nakṣatras when we do Nakṣatras. The fifth week day lord is Gārhapatya. So if I am born on a Wednesday, I can count Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Okay, so the sun becomes my Gārhapatya. Easy. Karma Pitṛs is the 10th constellation and the sun is very concerned about this.


It is very interesting that Kṛṣṇa 15, that is Amāvasyā, goes into the Sun. You see what is happening in this particular time we call Pitṛs because at this point the Sun is in Leo and the Moon, Gārhapatya is basically the Moon, the Moon is also coming over here. So what happens when the Sun and Moon are both coming together in Leo? Oh, it is called Mahālaya. It is called Mahālaya, the dark night. It is called the dark night of the Pitṛs, Mahālaya, is it not? That is the Amāvasyā of the Pitṛpaksha. So in the 10th constellation, we are learning how to work, we are meeting the Śreṇī Guru. Śreṇī Guru is somebody who’s helping us, guiding us, showing us, telling us, how am I going to do something? And there can be many who says there is only one. There can be many Śreṇī Gurus, but am I fortunate enough to have one who will be with me right from the time I start working; until the time I become old, am I so fortunate that I will have… And what do I call such a person? In English they call them mentors, they call them life coaches, but real life coaches are like mentors, you know, they stay with you right through. That is a Śreṇī Guru like a Jyotiṣa Guru. A Jyotiṣa Guru is a Śreṇī Guru. He is supposed to stay with you throughout your life, right through from the beginning till the end. Śreṇī word is from ShRāma means labor. So Śreṇī Guru means teaching work, skills, schools for these there can be schools where these are being taught like there could be a Jyotiṣa school there can be a dancing school there can be your skills where you pick up skills where you master skills. So are we going to get a mentor and how important are these mentors every successful person has always had a mentor. So We are now going to start studying about Mentors.


So basically I was talking about connecting souls, you know, souls get connected, really connected through the constellations of the sun, not the moon. The moon is only mind, mental connect. Mental connect is nice but the solar connect is much more stronger. Sarvātmā ca Diwākara, Parāśara says that, Sarvātmā cha Diwākara. So if soul has to connect to your soul, my surya has to talk to your surya, my Atmākāraka has to talk to your Atmākāraka. Right? So that is a much deeper level connect. And then there is a Sun connection. So try to understand the Divine Being. Basically you must know who you are. You are a Divine Being. You are not this physical body and this mind which likes Coca-Cola or which likes coffee. That is not you. That is your mind. Your mind is telling that you like this and you like that. Actually, that is your mind playing games with you. He’s ruling you. You have to get over this mind and when you get over the mind you go deeper inside you will find your soul and this soul is the real Surya and that is, the Vāreśa is working through that. And that soul is energizing the Vāreśa. Anyway we now go into some more interesting topics and the first chart, we are going to do some charts. Best way to learn is through charts.

audio progression: 23:15

We are going to talk about Oprah and her mentor. How many of you even knew that Oprah had a mentor? You see what she says? She was there all for me always, guiding me through some of the most important years of my life. Mentors are important, and I don’t think anybody makes it in this world without some form of mentorship: Oprah Winfrey. She is so wise, you know, when I listen to Oprah, I sometimes wonder, where did she get so much wisdom? Ah, she had a mentor. You see, wise people always have a mentor. Because that’s how they become wise. A good soldier will grow up to become a good general. Now this is Oprah. Let’s look at her Gārhapatya. We are only looking at Gārhapatya. Oprah’s Gārhapatya is the moon. How? She was born on a Thursday, do the math and you will get Monday as the Gārhapatya. So moon. Where is the moon? Her moon is in Scorpio. You see that? Moon is in Scorpio. The moon is connected very strongly with Mars and Mars is the lord of the fifth house. That means she, one day is going to mentor somebody because fifth lord is like a child. If the fifth lord is conjoined with the Gārhapatya, you will have wisdom to mentor somebody. You will pass on, you will guide, you will help. So one day she is going to do that, but not from the beginning. In the beginning, she needs somebody to mentor her. Let’s see if she’s lucky. Who is her ninth lord? She is Sagittarius Lagna. You can see that she’s a very bubbling, fighting female. 9th lord is Sun, and the sun is in Capricorn it’s going through a lot of trouble over here but it is still the sun and the sun has Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on the moon. What am I using Rāśi Dṛṣṭi. So the Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of the ninth lord on the moon makes this a permanent connection it’s not temporary it’s a permanent connection. So therefore the sun is coming as a mentor to light the lamp. See, there is a lamp called Gārhapatya lamp. This lamp is having nice ghee. It’s a beautiful lamp. It’s got a beautiful wick and that wick is your soul, but that’s a part of your soul. There is another part which is already burning with the Vāreśa. This part is the Gārhapatya lamp. Now somebody has to come and strike a match and light this flame. Once this flame of the moon starts burning and you know it’s the moon, it can give you fame. Moon makes people famous. Lokapriyatā: loved by the people. That’s what Oprah is. She is a public figure. People love her. They listen to her. and she’s got the moon in the 12th house, they know she’s got a great heart. Okay, so basically we are looking for a mentor from the Sun because the Sun is looking at the moon over here. Her mentor was this lady over here, Maya Angelou or Angelo, so Maya was Leo Lagna, wow, Leo Lagna.  So perfect and she was born on a Wednesday which makes the Sun the Gārhapatya. So her Gārhapatya sun is conjoined with her fifth lord. What is her fifth lord Leo Lagna? Jupiter. So she found Jupiter Lagna person or a Jupiter person to mentor. And look at the relationship 1-9. Perfect student teacher relationship, perfect; Lagna-9th house. And how did these two connect? What is connecting them? Oprah’s moon is having a Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of the sun. Moon is Gārhapatya. And Maya’s sun which is the Gārhapatya is connected to the 5th lord. Gārhapatya tells what we are going to do in our life. Which part of our life is getting energy. Which yogas are getting some energy. Somebody may say I am born in a very, very powerful dhana yoga. Well, unfortunately, there is no energy from Gārhapatya on that. That means hey, the money is not coming. So we just realized that Gārhapatya is the one that is going to activate the mentors, awaken the mentors in your life. And how lucky Oprah is that she had Maya right through. See, Moon is getting (Rāśi) Dṛṣṭi from 9th lord sun. That is a fundamental yoga. 5th lord Mars is with the Moon. So she too is going to mentor. This is telling me. She too is going to mentor and that’s when I started looking. I looked at the web. I mean how will I know I live in India they live in America. So I started searching and I will show you the next one. And Maya’s Gārhapatya sun is with 5th Lord Jupiter. I mean it’s a straight perfect fit. If the 9th Lord associates with Gārhapatya then the native is mentored or tutored well and succeeds in the work or the career. If the 5th lord associates with Gārhapatya, they too mentor other people. So you will mentor somebody if your 5th lord in your horoscope is associated with the Gārhapatya. You have to do it. It is your duty. And if you don’t do it, you are not fulfilling your soul requirement, Agni requirement. Agni is very very important for human society. You are not fulfilling your social need. Okay, so let’s see how Opera passes it further.

audio progression: 30.14

Opera mentors Lindsey. Oprah started mentoring one of the most troubled starlets in Hollywood Lindsey Lohan. You can see that beautiful girl. But outside beauty; inside drugs and what not all. Okay part of the…. They had lots of initial struggles and Oprah has been very tough. Why does Oprah have to be so tough? Because her Gārhapatya is conjoined Mars. If Gārhapatya is conjoined Mars, the 5th lord, then you have to use Mangal technique, police. Mangal is police. You have to behave like a police as far as mentoring is concerned. You have to be a police for the kids. You have to be tough. You got to be a tough mom. So all you got to see is Gārhapatya is moon, you can see that. And it is with Mars. So you have to be very tough because the kids don’t understand you. They will not listen to you. They will play behind your back. They will rebel against you. These things will happen in your life. It will happen. Anybody having Gārhapatya associated with Mars, will see kids rebelling. Okay? Now, when this is happening, so she picks up such a troubled child also. She could have picked up somebody else. No, she will pick up and guess what Mangal will do to ensure that you will pick up somebody who doesn’t understand you. She is Sagittarius Lagna. What is Bādhaka? Bādhaka is the seventh house Gemini. So she picks up Lindsey who is Gemini Lagna. How interesting. And Gemini has Bādhaka for Sagittarius. So Linsey finds a mentor, Oprah, who is her Bādhaka. So basically these two are Bādhaka to each other. They basically don’t understand each other. So they are going to struggle with each other. And she will break, she’s a lot of adjustments were there. You need to go through the tough. Oprah had to be very, very tough, made her sign an agreement. Oh my God. But lucky for Lohan, she’s really lucky, I must say. Because if Oprah was not there, she would not be sober. She would have become a flop-trash. But she has become a grand success. Thanks to Oprah and thanks to Oprah being so tough with her, ensuring that she follows the agreement, comes for the shooting, comes for everything, does her work. So Oprah, she actually mentored her and continues to mentor. But Oprah is very careful. She says that, no, I have to be very careful. Like, you know, think 10 times before what I’m going to tell her. That’s Bādhaka, right? That’s Bādhaka. You got to think 10 times before what you say. So initial misunderstandings will be there, but Oprah has to be strong because Gārhapatya is with Mars. You have to be tough. You gotta toughen up.

Now let’s look at Lindsay. Lindsay was born on Tuesday. Oh my God, she is born on a Tuesday. And where is Mangal? It’s in Bādhaka. Oh. And so what is Gārhapatya? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So Saturn is Gārhapatya and Saturn is it associated with the ninth Lord Saturn is the ninth Lord. So basically Lindsey says so lucky that Saturn is so nice in her horoscope, you know, Saturn in the sixth is one of the best placements of Saturn. I mean you can’t get it better. And lindsey; because it is the sixth house; Lindsey is going to think initially that Oprah is my enemy, she is torturing me. But actually, this is the best thing that you could have had. And she has Jupiter in the ninth house. So her guru comes from mentor, Śreṇī Guru to be more precise. So did you see the connections? Did you see how beautifully the whole mentorship thing is working? It’s a very beautiful thing. You may be teachers, many of you, but you cannot be mentors for all the students. You will be mentor for a few, just a few. Those are the lucky ones. Okay let’s see another chart.

audio progression: 35:27

The world of perfumes: Christian Dior mentored Yves Saint Laurent. Did I say it right? It’s not wives, it’s Yves and it’s not Saint, it’s Saint. It’s not Laurent, it’s Laurent. Something, Laurent, I think I got it right. I’ll call it Ives and Dior. Okay. Let’s look at the teacher first. Teacher is Dior. He was born on a Friday. So Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So Mars is becoming Gārhapatya. I marked it correctly. And what is his fifth lord… Saturn? Fifth lord, there are two lords of the fifth house, because the fifth house is Aquarius. Don’t forget that. And there are two Lords. One is Saturn having graha Dṛṣṭi on Mars. Other is Rahu having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on Mars. So it does tell me that some kind of a mentorship is bound to come in his life. Either he’s going to teach his own kid, which he never married if I’m right. So then he has to find a student or somebody who he’s going to teach this art of making perfumes, right? It’s an art, style, fashion, it’s an art and he has to pass it on. So an 18 year old Yves moved to Paris to study fashion design. The editor of the French Vogue, the French Vogue was Michel de Brunhoff. He quickly noticed similarities in design and set up a meeting between Saint Laurent and Dior. So Yves became Christian’s personal assistant. How lucky! I mean you can’t be luckier than that being a personal assistant to Dior when you want to study design oh my God. How can somebody get so lucky? And he learned the secret of the Haute Couture and how to run the company. So both things, how to run the company, how to run the business, as well as the secrets of the business. How to perfumes, how to make it, how to, the whole thing. It’s a big thing. It’s a very, very big industry. Why was Yves so lucky? What was his lagna? Oh my god, his kumbha lagna. So both Saturn and Rahu are the lords of kumbha. He’s fully satisfying Christian Dior. He’s in the fifth house from Dior. So Dior is looking at him like a son. And he is looking at Dior like a guru, Śreṇī guru. My mentor, my father, my guide is holding my hand and helping me walk through the world. But he needs to have that yoga. Without the yoga, it’s not happening. Okay. Yves’s Gārhapatya is Mercury. Why Mercury? He was born on a Saturday. So you can do the math Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It’s an easy math, right? Fifth one. So Mercury. Now this mercury must be connected with the ninth lord. What is the ninth lord? It’s Aquarius, ninth lord is Venus. Venus and Mercury are beautifully conjoined. So it is a straight-shot yoga. And also Yves will go further and mentor others. It’s a very perfect match, just like we had Maya and Oprah. We have Yves and Dior. It’s perfect. “Dior fascinated me. I don’t speak in front of him”. He could not speak in front of him. He was like so fascinated. “He taught me to the basis of my very art, the very basis of the art. Whatever was to happen next, I never forgot the years I spent at his side.” This is their friendship. Interesting, right? I mean, how many of you would have even dreamt that such a yoga is there and that actually these two people, this is a beautiful, very fulfilling thing. You know, when Dior grows old, every day he feels like going to the office. You know why he feels like going? Because Yves is going to come. Even when you grow old. You grow old very gracefully because you know why? You’re passing on all the wisdom to somebody else. Very gracefully, you will age. So it’s very important that your fifth Lord must have some connection with the Gārhapatya. Then only will you find one person at least whom you will mentor nicely in the world. You will leave beautiful sound. Okay, now we have seen two perfect cases. Three in fact.

audio progression: 41:20

Okay, now we come to Audrey. Audrey mentored Liz Taylor. Audrey Hepburn, beautiful ladies, two very, very beautiful ladies. Let’s look at Liz Taylor. Liz Taylor was a little kid when she started, is it not? I mean, she was born on a Friday. She was considered the Venus of Hollywood. And naturally the Gārhapatya becomes Mars. And this Mars Gārhapatya needs a connection with the ninth lord or the ninth house, is it? Was it ninth house or the ninth lord? Ninth lord. Remember the rule.

The ninth lord must associate with Gārhapatya for you to get a mentor. The fifth lord must associate with Gārhapatya for you to mentor somebody in turn. 

So the whole crux lies around Gārhapatya, around this particular planet who is only carrying the orders of Lord Kṛṣṇa. How interesting. Om Kṛṣṇa Guru. So Liz, even as a kid when she started off, Audrey Hepburn was there to hold her little finger. Mars is having straight Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on the moon. Now I have told you earlier that it is Rāśi Dṛṣṭi that I’m looking for. Why? Because I want permanent connections. I don’t want something to come for some time. I don’t want to mentor for a few years a teacher for you, but then that’s there in many destinies also I’ve also had many students who come to me and learn for some time. Then they move on it’s perfectly fine. Absolutely fine as far as I’m concerned. It’s natural. I cannot be mentor to everybody, but maybe I’m destined to be mentored to a few at least. That is aging gracefully. So look at Liz Taylor, there is the Rāśi Dṛṣṭi between Mars and the fifth, ninth Lord Moon. So this moon, this moon in the 12th house is going to find a mentor for her. Who is gonna find it? The moon, the ninth Lord. And let’s look at Audrey Hepburn. Oh my God, the moon is in her lagna. Wow. Perfect connection. Moon is in the lagna. Okay, now Audrey Hepburn has to mentor Elizabeth Taylor. She’s also born on a Friday. Oh my God, she before Liz Taylor, Audrey was perhaps the Venus of Hollywood. Now this Venus of Hollywood has also got Gārhapatya Mars. And these two are having the same Gārhapatya. Same Gārhapatya energy. They make the same sound. Inside, they are making the same noises. And this one’s; liz’s Gārhapatya is in Aquarius. You can see that and Audrey’s is in cancer and these are actually having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi Aquarius and cancer are having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi. You see that? but for Audrey to actually mentor Liz, her fifth lord has to be connected. Without a fifth lord connection, she’s not going to mentor somebody for so long. Mercury is her fifth lord, mercury is having straight Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on mars. Wow, fifth lord mercury having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on mars. Mercury will indicate a small child between four and twelve years of age. Liz Taylor was between four and twelve years of age. When she started acting, she was a kid. She was doing her schooling part-time and then going and acting. Coming back and doing her schooling and acting. What a hard life. I can’t; schooling itself is so difficult. Imagine if somebody were to tell you, you got to go back and sit in the first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade. And then you are wondering, oh my God, when will the 10th grade finish? Oh my God, it’s not finishing. So you can see that, right? It’s all, but she got it as a kid. So the relationship between these two has to be like a mother and child, right? Look at the Lagnas. Liz is looking at her fourth house, mother’s house, Aquarius, and this is the mother at work. Ah. So it is a mother daughter relationship. How nice. Now they remained friends until Hepburn’s passing in 1993. Till she died, Liz was by her side, is true love. This is love, totally different kind of love. It is not a love of blood. It is a relationship like what I call Bhakti. That is why I said the one who is teaching this to you is Kṛṣṇa. Because how is Kṛṣṇa going to teach you Bhakti? In this manner, the Lord teaches you Bhakti. Now, one thing we noticed in many charts when Gārhapatya is also the lagna lord; look at this, lagna lord is Mars, it is in the fourth house and it is the Gārhapatya; the person start working at a very young age. After four years, that means for five, six years of age, Liz Taylor was working in movies. All of you may think, oh wow, I’ll say no, that’s not a good thing. That’s child labor. Okay, because you know what, she loses her childhood. She doesn’t have, she doesn’t go to a play school. She’s not playing on the swing. I mean, the whole childhood is gone. So lagna lord becoming Gārhapatya means that something is missing in your life, your childhood is missing. Both have the same Gārhapatya. Okay. I guess. we need to take a I’m just repeating it for the recording. The Pañcāṅga is always on the side. So whenever you’re in doubt, I mean, how did Sanjay get to know that opera is born on a Thursday? Is he a magician? No, there’s a Pañcāṅga over here. It’s calculated. Yeah, Jupiter: Daylord. Okay, just follow that.

audio progression: 49:18

Now, Madonna meets Britney. Very interesting. Now this is a very interesting case of Madonna. Madonna is; Gārhapatya is Mercury. You can see she is born on a Saturday. So the fifth weekday is Mercury. Gārhapatya is Mercury and this Mercury is in first house. Wow!  And it is with the moon: famous. Gārhapatya with the moon will give you fame. “That” it can give, you know and a close association with the lagna and things like that and so we see that over here also. This mercury is with the moon: singer. She’s basically a singer. It’s in Digbala. Now which is the fifth lord over here? Fifth lord is Jupiter and this Jupiter is in Guru Cāndāla. Oh, but Gārhapatya is aspecting the fifth lord. Now if Gārhapatya is having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on the fifth lord, she will find a suitable student to guide. Who will? Because this yoga is there, right? 5th lord Jupiter aspecting Mercury. But something new we learnt over here now. Number one Jupiter is in Guru Cāndāla. Guru Cāndāla means dead. Two, Jupiter is Maraṇa Kāraka sthāna, dead. So this Jupiter is like very very bad position. She found Britney Spears. Look at Britney Spears. Britney Spears was born on Tuesday. Her Gārhapatya is Saturn. And Saturn is in Lagna. Again Lagna. See both of them are having Gārhapatya in Lagna. But this Saturn is in Maraṇa kāraka sthāna. It is dead. See, this Saturn is in Maraṇa kāraka sthāna. Maraṇakārakas means it is dead. It is like as good as dead. So what do we do? What do we do in this case? The lord of this sign, that is what I told you last time, when the Gārhapatya is weak, it can be revived by the lord of that sign. So, who is the lord of this sign? It is Mercury. Now the lord of this sign which is Mercury, is it connected with the ninth lord? The ninth lord is Venus for Britney. Venus has gone to the fifth house and is having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on Mercury. You can see that. That is the clear Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of Venus and Mercury. It is easy to see that in East Indian and South Indian charts. North Indian is complicated. So a clear case of Rāśi Dṛṣṭi between Venus and Mercury indicating that Britney Spears will have to get out of Saturn, come into Mercury and when this Mercury; she will simply have to copy Madonna. You have to totally copy: Mercury, same Gārhapatya. This Mercury, Madonna is not changing. Mercury is her Gārhapatya, original. For her, originally Saturn, but she is changing because this Saturn is dying. This, whatever formula she has got for success, it is failure. She has to change and copy Madonna because 9th Lord is having Dṛṣṭi on Mercury, who is the dispositor of Gārhapatya. So the mercury is a strong connect, very strong connect. So Brittany followed the Madonna brand of young female empowerment. She followed the brand, completely copied it and was propelled forward by a record label starting with “baby one more time”. Okay, this is some song I think. Okay, just like Madonna she transformed from a face on Coles-candies to “Britney Spears-limited edition candies”. Everything, her whole marketing, her strategy, her step by step that she is going to follow, absolutely, just copying Madonna. Whatever Madonna has done, she did the same. Ditto! And Madonna guided her. First get a record label, become the face in the label and then, marketing. Britney Spears limited edition candies. Can you imagine? Anyway, that’s marketing. So you can see that here Gārhapatya is not coming naturally. You can say that, okay, ninth Lord Venus is in the house of Saturn. So there is some destiny over here. But no, she has to change. It is the mercury which is making the permanent bond. The Saturn system will not work. So always remember, if the… Gārhapatya himself is not directly connected to the 9th lord, maybe the dispositor of Gārhapatya is connected and that can give you a mentor.

audio progression: 55:04

Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus. Dolly Parton says if she needs my opinion on something, I will surely give it and there have been times we have talked, but I would never dream of calling her and saying, well, why are you doing this? Or you shouldn’t do this or that. That means there is a relationship, but it is a sort of, there is a boundary, a very strong boundary over there. Okay, let us see why there is such a boundary. Firstly, how is the relationship? Dolly Parton is Leo Lagna, Miley is Taurus. So, Miley can look at Dolly like a mother figure. In fact, she was the godmother; Dolly was her Godmother. What is Miley’s Gārhapatya? It is Jupiter. You can see that. Her moon is Vāreśa. Gārhapatya is Jupiter. And Jupiter is having only graha dṛṣṭi on 9th lord Saturn. Look at that. Graha dṛṣṭi only. There is no Rāśi dṛṣṭi. What about the dispositor? Dispositor of Jupiter is Mercury. Again, dispositor of Jupiter is Mercury. That is having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on Saturn. So this is somebody else. This is not Dolly Parton. Do you see what I am trying to say? This Graha Dṛṣṭi is giving Dolly Parton. The Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of Mercury may give somebody else. Because the dispositor of Jupiter is Mercury; see that? And Mercury is the one who is telling that you have to change and you have to do this and you have to do this. That is Mercury who is telling. But here Dolly Parton has made it very clear. She is not telling her to change. She is just giving some advice once in a while. So really Dolly Parton is not the main mentor for Miley. She is not the main mentor. There is some other mentor over here. Now how do I see that she has chosen Miley; For her, Saturn is her Vāreśa, dolly’s, Mercury is her Gārhapatya. Mercury is in 5th house. Mercury is in 5th house, so automatically it is connected to the 5th lord. So the 5th lord becomes Jupiter and that is how she has chosen. I mean when the Gārhapatya is in 5th house? You have a need to give that knowledge that is you will have to share you will have to sort of carefully mentor somebody at least okay. Though you can see that Jupiter is in MKS in third house so she is extra careful over here so it’s a weak link indicated as Miley does not need like much mentoring and Dolly has a graha Dṛṣṭi: desire-based. So it’s a desire based, when she needs my advice I will give it is not as if it is very deep. It is not very personal. Miley won’t buy a dress for her. She won’t buy chocolates for Miley. Do you see that point?

audio progression: 58:16

Gokhale mentored Gandhi. This is another level of mentoring, political mentoring. Gandhi’s Gārhapatya is Mercury. Why? He was born on a Saturday so Mercury is the Gārhapatya. And Mercury is the 9th lord. So the greatest good luck that he has got is Mercury is really going to help him. Really really going to help him. And where is Mercury? Mercury is in Libra, it is with Venus and Mars. So he finds a Guru, Gokhale. who is Tula Lagna exactly like him. See that? Both are exactly Tula Lagna. So Gokhale’s Gārhapatya, Gokhale’s Gārhapatya is Surya. This is very interesting. Very interesting. Surya is the Gārhapatya. Okay? And he is also Bādhakeśa. Keep that in mind. He is also Bādhakeśa. Be very careful with the Bādhakeśa. When Gārhapatya is also Bādhakeśa and has an association with the fifth lord. Is there an association with the fifth lord? Rahu is not having a direct connection with the sun. No, there is no direct connection. Saturn, yes, that is graha Dṛṣṭi. So there is a desire based. When you need my advice, you will ask me and I will give you. Okay. When you need my advice, you ask me, I will give you. So basically, Gokhale was a very important figure in the Indian subcontinent. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was responsible for mentoring two very, very important people. Two very, very important people. And don’t underestimate the exalted Gārhapatya. This exalted Gārhapatya is Surya. Surya means father, no? Surya means father? Now he mentored Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi became father of India. How interesting. He also mentored Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was also the mentor of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Jinnah became father of Pakistan. Very strange. Gandhi received mentoring on issues such as knowledge, understanding India, issues facing common Indians. Ultimately Gandhi changed his stance from Gokhale. See Pitṛ dosha. Fifth lord is Śani and Gārhapatya is surya. So surya Śani yoga is Pitṛ dosha. Pitṛ dosha means your child will not listen to you. He will do exactly opposite of what you tell him to do. So therefore, Gandhi ultimately left Gokhale. He did not join Servants of India. The connection is weak because it’s a graha Dṛṣṭi. So Gokhale also mentored Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Anyway, so much for political mentoring. But this is how we see whether political mentoring is there, what is your destiny. There is a Pitṛ dosha, keep that in mind, it is a problem. Now we are going to learn something very interesting.


We did that, Pitṛs inhabit Pitṛ loka, moon, blood and all those things we have done. Now governance of the family, the fifth weekday, we have done. Now we have seen karma, one part of karma we have seen. What is the part of karma? Mentors. Whether I will find somebody like a good boss, a good friend, a good this thing, who will help me. I am using the word mentoring, it need not be a word mentoring, mentoring is an English word. I don’t know how to translate Gārhapatya. Arjuna said Kṛṣṇa, you are my God. Kṛṣṇa said no no, I am your friend. What Arjuna is trying to tell Kṛṣṇa is you are my Gārhapatya. You are guiding me, you are telling me how to fight. I am a Kṣatriya, I don’t want to fight but I am going to fight because of your great teaching “yada dharmasya glanir bhavati bharatah” because of that I got up and fought so who taught you to do what you are supposed to do? Why are you getting emotional about father, mother, brother, sister? nobody matters, you have a karma to do, do your karma that is exactly what Kṛṣṇa taught. So Kṛṣṇa was a mentor I am just using a mentor, the correct word is Śreṇī Guru. If you are going to learn Jyotiṣa, Jyotiṣa Guru. But now we understood the 10th Nakṣatra, the karma Nakṣatra. But now we are going to go one step ahead, which is very important. The 11th Nakṣatra, that is also there in the fifth house. And this is where we are getting Bhaga aditya; and the Prema, Bhakti, Love, Aryaman is giving us family. So Bhakti, Love, that part of Love which is Bhakti, I love God, that is Bhakti. That is coming in the 11th Nakṣatra, but that’s also in the 5th house. And I love my wife, that is also coming in the 5th house, but that’s the 12th Nakṣatra. So basically the fifth house has got multiple things. We are now going to study the next part, the 11th Nakṣatra’s energy, which is finding love through Gārhapatya.

audio 1:04:20

Now let us see the chart of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Now I am focused on one thing, on finding love in her chart. Queen Victoria, her Gārhapatya is Venus. So I look at Venus. Venus is the Lagna Lord. How lucky. Because it is the Lagna Lord and it is in the 12th house. What do you mean by 12th house? So, your love will come from a foreign country? Okay, so if Gārhapatya is also going to give love, that love will come from a foreign country. Now the fifth lord Mercury is also conjoined over there. You will make babies. And his lagna: now where is this? Where is this Gārhapatya? In the 12th house. Where in the 12th house? In Aries. Please make a note. Please make a note. It is in Aries in mesha Rāśi, agni Rāśi. Okay, where is his lagna? It is simha Rāśi. See trine. You see the trine? So this Gārhapatya is going to find love in one of the fire signs. And this was Leo. Wow. Interesting, huh? So she found true love in Prince Albert. Because this is what she can see. And they had nine children, all the Navagrahas came over here. And she married a younger first cousin, younger Mercury, younger first cousin Mercury, Gārhapatya with Mercury, fifth lord is with Mercury. So it was her choice. She made the choice. Let’s look at Prince Albert now. His Gārhapatya is moon. Why have I written two places? He is born on a Thursday so the Gārhapatya is the moon. Is there some exchange? Oh moon and Venus are exchanging. So therefore Venus is becoming the Gārhapatya. Now because of this Parivartana, He will not marry moon; he will marry Venus or maybe moon and Venus both will be influencing the person he marries because there is a parivartana right? She is Taurus lagna with an exalted moon and the Gārhapatya is Venus. Ok so basically we find that she is more in love with him than he with her. But I can definitely say that her, his Venus and his moon are both looking at her lagna: Rāśi Dṛṣṭi. Because I have got two planets, I can’t take a trine. That is a parivartana. If I take cancer and I get trines to cancer, moon is not going to agree. If I take Libra and trines to Libra, Venus will not agree. So the only thing I can do is to look at the Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of both planets and the common factor is either Taurus or Aquarius. And I find Taurus over here. So therefore this is very very true love. Now today I will tell you something very interesting. If a man has Gārhapatya in the third house, original Gārhapatya, not Parivartana, not Dispositor, he will die before his wife. So who will die first over here by this rule? It is Prince Albert who will die first and his death will cause a breakage of this love. In fact she will go into the other side of love called sorrow. Because you see Saturn exalts in Libra. You see the exaltation of Saturn is in Libra. So when that love comes and then when it goes away and you sit in pain over that, the pain it causes, the pain, then you realize how much you love somebody. And it ended very early. She became a widow at 43 years of age. Her Sansāra ends over there at the death of her husband. So she was married in 21 years. and she became a widow in 43 years. Anyway, his Gārhapatya Moon, ok, rules taurus, Venus 12th house.

Now there is something I will just show you a glance of today which works sometimes and doesn’t work sometimes when we go into tithi we will learn this in more detail. We are not doing tithis but I was just trying to show you because I was not doing Nakṣatras but I had to show you a little bit about Nakṣatras. Similarly, look at her tithi. She is born on Shukla Pratipat. It is ruled by the Sun. His lagna is Leo. His tithi is Ṣaṣṭhi ruled by Venus. Her lagna is Taurus. I mean, you don’t find this kind of a connection all the time. It’s a fabulous connection. After his death, Queen Victoria felt into deep despair. Queen Victoria continued to mourn her beloved husband by wearing black for the remaining 40 years of her life. Think about it. She was married for 21 years and she was widowed for 40 years, double the time. And she remained true to her love because she mourned him. There are some points you know I went through very carefully to be very sure that actually she really felt pain but then he has Gārhapatya in third house so he is going to go die before her.

audio progression: 1:11:27

Okay, Pierre and Mary Curie. See I am talking about love at a deeper level. I’m not just talking, there’s nothing physical really about the fifth house. What I’m talking about is more at the soul connect, where you are sharing the journey of life. There is more meaning, there is advising. Prince Albert was a serious advisor, very, very important advisor for her royal highness. Pierre and Mary Curie, they were both in love because of the subject. They bonded so well because of a subject. Look at… Here is Gārhapatya. He was born on a Saturday, so his Gārhapatya is Mercury in the third house. Marie Curie is born on a Thursday and her Gārhapatya is Moon in the third house. Both of them have Gārhapatya in the same house, in the third house. And where are they going? Where is the Vayu? In the seventh house. So the common factor, binding this couple. The common factor binding this couple is the ninth house of higher knowledge. You see that? The same, see how are these two people connecting with each other? They are looking at the ninth house. The Gārhapatya is Agni, light. Where is he looking? At the ninth house of knowledge. So both of them are looking at the ninth house of research, higher learning knowledge. and they are in the same subject also if I’m right. They were very passionate about radio and X-rays and all those things, dangerous stuff. It is interesting that this Gārhapatya, where is his Gārhapatya? His Gārhapatya is in Aries. So ideally he should find a girl from a fire sign. So that his Agni, his Gārhapatya, Agni will really shine. Okay? And he found. Dhanu Lagna. Marie Curie: and where is her Gārhapatya? Her Gārhapatya is in Aquarius. So she also found one from the Vayu Trine. So perfect here. Wow! You can say her Upapada is in Aquarius but Upapada is more about the physical thing. It’s about the bed. I’m not interested in that. I am more interested in the soul connect. Because when they sit together, do you have something to talk? They are both talking over tea. What are they discussing: “Oh my God, did you know that this is a radio isotope?” Wow, this is that look there is that conversation you and I may get bored, but it’s that they have a conversation. Vayu, she is married to Vayu, you see that? And because she is married to Vayu, her Gārhapatya is rising. He is married to Agni, see, Sagittarius. His Gārhapatya is rising. And what was the rule I told you? If a man has Gārhapatya in the third house, he will die before his wife. So, Pierre died before Marie. Rest of the things you can study about them. I wanted to teach you something very important about Gārhapatya and how it connects husband and wife, how it connects couples. Now these two people need not be husband wife. They may not have a physical connect. It may be, it’s not necessary. This is a bhakti. They both have bhakti for science. And that bhakti for science is the bhakti talked about in the Bhagavad Gita. So, pierre loved his subject, he loved physics, she loved physics, both of them loved physics. So physics became Kṛṣṇa. For them, physics was Kṛṣṇa. And therefore, both of them shared that love and that is Bhakti. They got married because that’s Upapada’s story. You can do that.

His Upapada is in Libra, 7th house is stronger which is Aries, trine to that is her lagna, fine. Her Upapada is Aquarius which is having Jupiter, she married Aquarius. It’s a perfect Upapada match but that is not the main part of marriage. The main part of their marriage was the Gārhapatya. Very often what happens in a marriage is the Gārhapatya match is not there. It happens many times. In such cases, it becomes necessary for the persons to find somebody they can mentor or to find a Śreṇī Guru with whom they can share that part of their life which is their work life. The day life because marriage is more really about night life; Life is about day and night; horā śāstra. So the day life is basically being shared because of Gārhapatya. Remember Gārhapatya is the other one outside. And this couple when the Gārhapatyas are so well geared, they supported each other so well. They both got the Nobel Prize. One got it in 1903 and the other 1911 and for the same subject radioactivity and interestingly both of them died. Okay, I’m not getting into that. Are we done with this topic? No, I’m not getting into this topic right now. Learn it through examples. Okay. Because that’s how it goes inside you.


And serial killers, rapists, what makes a man do such things? Why do people become like that? So what we are looking for right now, the part that we are going to study now is affliction to the Gārhapatya. Combustion of the Gārhapatya, Gandanta position of the Gārhapatya, bad things with the Gārhapatya. When the Gārhapatya is in a very bad position, remember I use the word Kṛṣṇa. So Kṛṣṇa… is not very happy with you. There is a graha yuddha, planetary war associated with the Gārhapatya. Oh, the seventh lord is weak, afflicted, Maraṇakāraka etc. Dual lordship can give a double life. Have you ever thought of that? If the seventh house is having two lords, you can have a double life. They say the kings always have a double life. You know why? Because when Leo is the lagna, which is the sign of the king, Leo is the sign of the king, the seventh house is Aquarius, Rahu and Saturn. Rahu is the hidden wife and Saturn is the known wife. You will always blame your wife for giving you sorrow and then go looking for the hidden wife, which is Rahu. And Rahu is poison. There you go. So basically we will be looking at a few things and let us get started.


audio 1:20:00

Patrice Allegre. Now he is a French serial killer sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002 for 5 murders, an attempted murder and 6 rapes. His first victim Valerie, a co-worker he killed on 21st February 1989 in Mercury, Jupiter, Moon. Then in 1997 in Rahu-Moon-Moon; he raped and strangled. In September 1997 he raped, strangled and burned Isabelle in the same Rahu moon moon, and then he got arrested. I didn’t go into all the cases. Basically, we agree that without an iota of doubt that this guy, something is seriously wrong out here. If you look at the chart, what we need to look at is the Gārhapatya. The Gārhapatya is the Sun. He is born on a Wednesday, the Gārhapatya is the Sun. And you can see what the Sun is doing. The Sun is burning the Lagna Lord Mercury. Now that is not good. So, you are getting into conflict with the Gārhapatya, Surya, because he’s burning you. You are feeling burned by the Sun, and the Sun is Gārhapatya. It has got the power of Agni. The real power of Agni to burn is coming over here and he is burning you. So what else is getting burnt? Venus is getting burnt, your fifth and twelfth house. Your lagna fourth is burnt, your fifth and twelfth is burnt. What else is burnt? Mars is burnt. Your sixth and… I mean look at it, how many houses are burnt. And then on top of it, Mars and Venus are in Graha Yudha, in a battle. So fifth and sixth are in a Graha Yudha. There is a battle over here. Okay? This battle is also afflicting the Gārhapatya because it’s a bad thing. The Gārhapatya is forced to get involved in this battle and in anger, is burning all of them. And this Gārhapatya is also burning him. So basically everything is quite combusted and there is a battle which is also combusted. Now that is not nice. Lagna Lord? No, I don’t like that. That means your brain is gonna fail. You will choose the wrong path. Now Venus is defeated. Now let’s look at the seventh lord on top of that. So, Mars is winning. Who is winning? The sixth lord is winning. The Shadripus are winning. The evil guys are winning. And fifth is losing defeated; Venus is defeated; there is no future. Your seventh Lord shows your respect for the opposite sex; is in maraṇa kāraka sthāna. Not only that, it is Dṛṣṭi, a debilitated Saturn. And Saturn is with the moon. When Saturn is with the moon and aspects the seventh lord, the person will be in the clutches of a very cruel woman, his mind will turn to evil. See the shubhapati is mars, it is his mind, is mars. And, mars is fighting with venus, grappling with Venus, defeating Venus and killing Venus. What was his name Akṣara? So, no doubt that he is the rapist, he is the murderer, he is burning and destroying. Absolutely devilish guy. His moon is in Aries and his name is Patrice, Pa Akṣara. This Pa Akṣara which is his name is with Ketu, the headless planet. Anger gets the better of him. This pa, with which his name starts is activating Ketu and it is in the sixth house from the moon which is a very very bad spot. So, bear in mind to choose a nama akṣara in a bad house from the moon, is really stupid. Okay? So, his job was to recruit and train women to prostitute themselves for network, some BDSM soirees, also S&M soiree for some elite club. Some sessions turned badly and people died basically. I mean this is a horrible thing that happens. This is a French thing, you know, where all the French top politicians and top people, they were all involved in this rubbish. This is what happens when the Gārhapatya loses very badly in a society. Dharma is lost. Anyway, you saw Graha Yuddha, you saw Combustions, you saw how angry this Gārhapatya is. And this Gārhapatya Surya is the dispositor of the 7th Lord which is in Maraṇa Kāraka. I don’t want to. Really. Sad.

audio progression: 1:25:58

Another pierre, this is Pierre Pallardy. He is a very famous guy. He has written many books. Many people buy his books for physical good health. Interesting chap. His Gārhapatya is the moon. Where is this Gārhapatya? It is in the 6th house. Where is the nama akṣara? Pa. Again peer, pa. It is in Kanya Rāśi. Any planet conjoining it? Rahu is with… I mean, why do people pick up names which are associated with Rahu and Ketu instead of Chandra? You cannot have a name with Rahu and Ketu. They are the deadliest enemies of the Moon. And this moon, the Gārhapatya is in the 6th house, it is Dṛṣṭi…., where is the 7th lord? the 7th lord mercury is in the 12th house, ok? how is mercury? ok, it’s fine It’s in Kendra to Gārhapatya. Jupiter and Saturn are in some kind of a war. You see that Jupiter cross Saturn. Let’s look carefully. Yes, there is a war between Jupiter and Saturn. I am not bothered about who is winning now. Who is winning right now? Jupiter is winning. Who is losing? Saturn is losing. Fine. Who is losing? 12th lord is losing. Just like the previous case. and these two planets, this Graha Yuddha is afflicting Gārhapatya. You see that? Full Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of this war on Gārhapatya. Who is the dispositor of Gārhapatya? He is Surya. He is in Maraṇakāraka in the 12th house. And he is conjoining 7th lord Mercury who is also in 12th house. There is a Sarpa Yoga with 3 malefics in kendras. Sarpa Yoga, you understand Sarpa Yoga? Unbroken. 3 malefics are in kendras and it is not broken. Jupiter is in Siṁhāsana yoga, 10th lord is in 2nd house in Siṁhāsana and defeats Saturn also. So basically, there is a Rāja yoga created by Jupiter, guaranteed Rāja yoga by Jupiter and guaranteed Rāja Bhanga yoga by Saturn. Means he will rise to a very high position because of Jupiter and he will fall down because of Śani. So, during Jupiter Daśā he was a very big guy, very big guy. His client list included Pablo Picasso, Rudolf Nureyev, those were his clients, he was an osteopath. In Jupiter Daśā Venus Antara, there were some charges of sexual assault but the case was dismissed. In Guru-Mangala another patient put charges of inappropriate gestures, attempted penetration, dismissed. But you can always not….; you see that Jupiter Daśā will finish and Śani will come. And when Śani comes, you will pay for your crimes. Why? Because Śani is debilitated. It is defeated. So, in Saturn Dasa, you will be defeated. So, the case came up and 19 women got together and pressed charges against him. He was sentenced on Friday in Saturn-Mercury-moon to 10 years in prison for rape and sexual assault. What is the Pratyantara? moon; Oh my God; it is Gārhapatya who has sent him to Jail. Gārhapatya has sent him to Jail. Oh my God! That means it was Kṛṣṇa. How sad. And where is Kṛṣṇa? In the sixth house. Now his wife Lauren states charges of baseness as her husband had been impotent since 2003 because of a prostrate problem. Business is lost. Okay, so now we know it is a true case. We know that he did those nasty things to those ladies and they have every right to challenge. Okay, this part we have seen two cases, we are not going to do more of that. I think we have studied enough of those Sansāra and gurus. We have seen people with good gurus, we have seen bad yogas. So bad yogas get activated with Gārhapatya. If Gārhapatya is conjoined with bad yogas, bad things will happen. If Gārhapatya is conjoined with good yogas, good things will happen. How does one get over the Gārhapatya? By worshipping Kṛṣṇa. To strengthen faith and devotion in the nature of a beloved Gārhapatya Agni supported by Vayu. Vayu is Yam.

yo yo yāṁ yāṁ tanu bhaktaḥ śraddhayārcitumicchati.

tasya tasyāchalāṁ śraddhāṁ tāmeva vidadhāmyaham.

यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति ।

तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम् ॥

Basically this shloka from the Bhagavad Gita has been translated by three great ones. I will read the translations to you. Swami Gambhiraananda, whichever form of a deity any devotee wants to worship with that faith, that very firm faith of his, I strengthen. Who is this I? Kṛṣṇa. We call him Kṛṣṇa. You can call him what you want. You can call him radiology. You can call him Jyotiṣa. For me, my Kṛṣṇa is Jyotiṣa. What is your Kṛṣṇa for you? Find your Gārhapatya. Your Gārhapatya is your Kṛṣṇa. And all you have to do is to have firm faith on the Gārhapatya and proceed in his direction and nothing to lose. He will guide you. That’s what he says in the Bhagavad Gita. Let’s see what Swami Sivananda says, the great one. “Whatsoever form any devotee desires to worship, with faith; that same faith of his I make firm and unflinching”. Why are we talking about worship out here? Fifth house, mantra bhava. So, mantra bhava is getting energy from Gārhapatya. Gārhapatya is energizing the mantra bhava. Very interesting. So, it’s Kṛṣṇa who’s energizing the fifth house. Prabhupada: “I am in everyone’s heart as the Super Soul. As soon as one desires to worship the demigods, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to some particular deity”. Okay. Demi demo. I mean, I’m not getting into that radiology. I don’t know if you can call it a demigod. but I think all of them are great ones. Let me tell you all of them are right. Idea is, trying to understand them what they’re trying to say because problem is all of them originally learned it in Sanskrit and in their own language and then they had the tough job of translating it into another language called English where they didn’t have words to express themselves. So that’s why each person’s translation will be English you know. Learn Sanskrit; this will become easier for you.


Yam bija, Jyotiṣa notes. Yam bija vayu movement of life. Yaḥ is a devotee, a goer, a mover, somebody who is moving, all movement is caused by Yam. So: yo yo yāṁ yāṁ. Okay. So tanu, body, roopa, body has a form, agni Gārhapatya, you get the point? Tanu, the word tanu has to do with the Gārhapatya. bhakti, shraddha, archa, modes of devotion, itchha, desire, the rest of it is easy to understand. The Jyotiṣa notes are required for yo yo yāṁ yāṁ. Now see the word yo yo yam yam. It is using a certain format called repetition. When you repeat something twice it is called unlocking. We are unlocking something. Okay? It is called Utkīlana. Utkīlana to unlock by repeating it twice. Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Jagat Guru. When you say Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Jagat Guru, when you repeat Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, whatever is locked will get unlocked. Ram Ram. In olden days, you know, in North India, when people would meet each other, they will greet each other. They will fold their hands in Namaste and say Ram Ram. Because the moment you say it two times, the moment you say it two times, the Utkilan, it breaks the lock. That means the relationship is not closed. It is open. The energy can flow. There is no… the veil, the curtain is broken. So, the relationship becomes very deep, very meaningful. So, a lot of people in olden days have very, very deep, they would not meet so often, but yet they had so much respect for each other. So much respect. I don’t see that respect nowadays. People don’t respect each other. Because you know why? They don’t unlock. And you know, you go to Bengal even today. When my brother-in-law says bye bye to me, he doesn’t say bye bye. He’ll say Durga Durga. Its nice because the moment you repeat it twice you are unlocking it is called Utkīlana. So, what is Kṛṣṇa doing out here? Yo yo yam yam. So in “O”kara he is doing unlocking, “Aa”kara he is doing unlocking. So, there are two personalities over here and Tanu is the Rupa. This is the Jyotiṣa part. The rest you have to get from these great teachers.


audio 1:37:03

Okay, Avatāra Agni. It is very interesting that Shri Ram had the Sun in Aświnī Nakṣatra. It was in fact in the first degrees. Try to do the calculations for the tithi. And Aświnī Nakṣatra is like the first Nakṣatra of the zodiac. It is like a lagna Nakṣatra. Okay. So, we can say that Sri Ram embodies the energy of the Vāreśa. So, the name RāmaRāmaRāṁ, energizes my Vāreśa. Śiva Śiva Śiva purifies my Vāreśa. RāmaRāmaRāmaenergizes my Vāreśa. Śiva, Śiva, Śiva purifies my Vāreśa. Okay, now come to Kṛṣṇa. Lord Kṛṣṇa, where is his Sun? Oh, his Sun is in the natural fifth house. Look, natural first house, Śrī Rāṁ. Natural fifth house, Śrī Kṛṣṇa. And where is it? In Purva Fālgunī Nakṣatra. Śrī Ram, so I can say this is the first sign of the natural zodiac. So, it is the first Nakṣatra in the first sign. Aświnī is the first Nakṣatra in the first sign. Ok, so this is Śiva Śiva Śiva for purification and RāmaRāmaRāmafor enlivening. And then here we say Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa for which Nakṣatra? The second Nakṣatra, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. People who are seeing the South Indian chart, Aries is one. Leo is two. Sagittarius is three. Remember this one is the first Nakṣatra; two, second Nakṣatra in Leo; three, third Nakṣatra in Sagittarius. So the lagna Nakṣatra is through your brain. It’s your brain that is energized by Agni not your moon sign, not your janma Nakṣatra. It is lagna Nakṣatra, Agni energises your brain and that is Rāṁ. Okay? The fifth house, the second Nakṣatra is naisargika Gārhapatya is the eleventh Nakṣatra. So, through the eleventh Nakṣatra, if you count 10 plus 1 = 11, see that is the second Nakṣatra of the fifth house and that is Kṛṣṇa. Āhavanīya is the ninth house and it maps into the third Nakṣatra of the ninth, of Sagittarius; and what is the third Nakṣatra of Sagittarius? It is Uttarāṣāḍhā. But if you see Uttarāṣāḍhā very carefully, you will see that it is a Khaṇḍita Nakṣatra. One part is here and the other part goes into aquarius. You see that? So, it maps into Abhijīta where hari is there. So, if I take the three agnis, if I take the three agnis and I start with the ninth, I will get Hare Rāma Kṛṣṇa. Hare Rāma Kṛṣṇa. I can do it in the reverse Hare Kṛṣṇa Rāma but normally I do direct Hare Rāma Kṛṣṇa. Hare Kṛṣṇa Rāma. Depends what you want to do. Just wanted to show you that the Avatāra is right here in Agni and Śiva is right here in Agni. Is right there. The beauty is: Śiva transforms into Hara, to feed the Agni. He transforms into Rudra, to protect the Agni. See Śiva is fabulous. Anyway, I don’t want to confuse much out here. I just want you to keep this in mind. First Nakṣatra of the first house, the second Nakṣatra of the fifth house, and the third Nakṣatra of the ninth house. But the count has to be from the lagna Nakṣatra. Okay that’s getting into Nakṣatras and complications 1-5-9; three Agnis.


Gārhapatya mantra: Gārhapatya is the householder’s fire. A householder, one who is in Sansāra, one who is planning to live in life. Most of them plan to have a wife, have children, transmit knowledge, pass on their wealth. You know, that is the normal Gārhapatya. And these normal Gārhapatya people, are people who are in the world, most of the people in the world. And there are some of them who will not marry, that’s okay but they are still in part of Sansāra. Now the question is: can these people also be religious, god fearing and good human beings? Because if they are not god fearing, they are not good human beings. It is very important to be God fearing to be a good human being. That means somewhere you have to fear that if I do wrong, I will be punished for it. Something must stop you from doing bad things. That is called God fearing. Being religious, dharmic. Look at this picture of the Sun God. What you are seeing is the Sun God. But at the center… What you are seeing is Nārāyaṇa and right at the center is the Sun. So, you see he that is the Nārāyaṇa or Kṛṣṇa is at the center of the bright solar orb of the midday Sun. Gārhapatya, midday Sun roughly 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock: Gārhapatya, 5th house, Leo, too hot for anybody. And he is guiding all men, as Nārāyaṇa. He is of dark color, you see the color? He is of dark color, embodying the Akash, Akash Sattva is dark, black. The color of Akash Sattva is black color, so therefore his color has to be black. If his color is not black color, he is really not Akash. And yet appears golden hued, what is appearing is golden hued due to the bright sun. So outside what you are seeing is the sun. Behind the sun is that Nārāyaṇa, that Kṛṣṇa.

Dhyeyaḥ sadaa savitṛmaṇḍala madhyavartī

nārāyaṇaḥ sarasijāsanasanniviṣṭa

ध्येयः सदा सवितृमण्डलमध्यवर्ती

नारायणः सरसिजासनसन्निविष्ट

Then you can know that sloka. So normally what we do, depending on Gārhapatya graha, if it is the sun, Or if it is associated with the Sun,

Sūrya, Śiva, father, they are the guiding light.

Moon, Durgā, mother,

Mars, Skanda or Ganeśa.

Mercury, Avatāra or a book.

Jupiter, Oṁ, Jupiter and Guru.

Venus, Lakṣmī and the angels.

Saturn, Ka. Who is the guiding spirit when it is Saturn? Ka. Why? Because you are a baby, you need Śakti to guide you.

So basically, the strong feminine energy is coming through Saturn and through moon. You see that these two are feminine energies. Venus is also feminine. So moon, Venus and Saturn are feminine energies. Okay, so Venus is Lakṣmī, angels and all that. This is Durgā, mother. This is Ka: Śakti, basically Kālī, if I use the word Kālī. So, you understood this broadly, right? So, these are the forms people tend to pick up. But remember, whatever be the form, this energy is called Kṛṣṇa. The energy is called Kṛṣṇa, the form may be anything in front.


audio 1:45:25

Lawrence, Jennifer: Vāra is Wednesday, Gārhapatya is the Sun. Now the fifth Lord Jupiter is conjoined the Sun in the ninth house. You see that? Fifth Lord in the ninth house plus ninth Lord. Pray before sleeping. You see that? Ninth house is when we go to sleep. We are dreaming, right? Ninth house is the house of dreams. After you go to sleep, you dream. So, it is the house of sleeping. What does she say? American actress; the films she has acted in have grossed over six billion dollars. That means Gārhapatya is very happy with her. Whatever she is doing must be right. What does she do? She says… Look at this guy in the south, it’s very normal, “it would be weird for me to go to sleep without praying”. How interesting. So this praying at the time of sleeping is ninth house. Right, praying at the time of waking up is lagna. Praying in the middle of the day is fifth house. So 9th house is before sleeping, lagna is at the time of waking up, 5th house is midday. And she does pray to the holy father, Sun, before she sleeps. Nobody can stop her success. Gārhapatya is happy, Kṛṣṇa is happy. For all I care, see, you may say anything, Kṛṣṇa is happy, he gets to decide, you don’t decide. Her prayer is sincere. And that is all that he sees, whether you are sincere or not. The energy is called Kṛṣṇa. We call the energy Kṛṣṇa. Maybe you’ll find another English name for it.

audio progression: 1:47:27

Mahatma Gandhi, he was born on a Saturday, his Gārhapatya is Wednesday is Mercury. Mercury normally I would indicate some form of Viṣṇu, some Avatāra of Viṣṇu, right? See Mercury, Avatāra of Viṣṇu or a book, some book. Well he worshipped the Avatāra which is Rāma. Śrī Rāma, Viṣṇu Avatāra, Mercury is in Digbala and is there a yoga with the 5th lord? No, there is no direct yoga with the 5th lord. You see that? There is no direct yoga but Mercury is aspecting the 5th house. Mercury is expecting the 5th house. He did pray to Rāma. In fact when he died, actually the name Rāma was on his lips. That’s all that matters. That is all that matters. Nothing else matters. What you think, what I think, nothing matters. What matters is… did he worship the Gārhapatya? I don’t care. See Gārhapatya is with Mangal. Okay maybe he liked Hanumān. Gārhapatya is with Venus. Maybe, maybe he also liked Lakṣmī maybe but what is important is did he take the name of an Avatāra. If he did, success is his. Because fundamentally that is the form which is radiating the light that energy of Kṛṣṇa. Belief in one God is the corner… “all the stuff that he talked about”. Look, everybody has their own philosophies, okay? Mercury is the ninth lord in lagna, he is going to give us a lot of gyan about God. So find the ninth lord, listen… some people will listen to him and they’ll write big books about it. “The one religion is beyond all speech.” Then why are you giving us a speech when you say you can’t speak about it? “Imperfect men put it into such language as the command and their words are interpreted by other. men equally imperfect”. So basically he is criticizing religion. He says that all religion is imperfect and interpreters are imperfect. Everything is imperfect. So then why are we praying in the first place? You see there’s a problem with this, this mercury mars combination. He thinks it’s a game. Look, go play soccer. Don’t play soccer with religion. Hence the necessity for tolerance. How can you tolerate when you don’t know what the other guy is doing? You have no knowledge of what he’s doing. So, you know what is the way of tolerance of Ramakrishna Paramhansa? The best way of tolerance is to actually study the religion. So, I follow Thakur Ramakrishna. I study religions. I don’t just tolerate them. I study them. Because the more I study, the more I will respect. That is real. A tolerance is a very negative word. I can tolerate you sort of. Imagine you meet somebody and say, hey, I tolerate you. Sounds so bad. I don’t want tolerance for each other. I want love towards one another. I don’t want tolerance. I don’t want you to tolerate anybody. I want you to love everybody. That is Thakur Ramakrishna. So, this was a big flaw in his religious teaching. Okay? Stay, stick to politics, stay out of religion.

audio progression: 1:51:18

Pope John Paul II, I love this man. Really great one. Okay, look at him, his Gārhapatya is Saturn. Saturn Gārhapatya: Śakti. Look at my list. I worked very hard to make this list. And this idea is to give you a broad, broad idea. You have to go to the Gārhapatya if you want success in your life. Today I’m giving you the biggest secret of success and that is the Gārhapatya. That is the energy of Kṛṣṇa. He is the Avatāra of Kali Yuga and that is the meaning. The meaning is go to the Gārhapatya. I don’t care what form is for you to find out. So here Saturn is fifth Lord. First thing I see from my little list is “ka” Śakti. Views mother as the mighty one. See mighty one, powerful, Śakti. Okay, you go look at his emblems and the symbols. It was all Śakti; leading the path to God. I mean we don’t know where God is. There’s our road. Okay, I want to walk the path and the one leading that path is Śakti, the mighty one, the Mary, Mother Mary. Highest position in the church, he went, he reached the highest position with that faith, with that faith he reached. You need to have faith on the Gārhapatya. You cannot afford to lose faith on the Gārhapatya and his fifth Lord is Gārhapatya. Great achiever, a very loved Pope. There is no doubt on that, he’s a great one. The theological virtues are so named because their object is the divine being, Theos. These are three Piscean virtues are faith…. Now there are three Piscean virtues, they are faith, hope and charity. Three virtues that he talks about. What are the three virtues he talks about? Faith, hope and charity. Look at the trines to Saturn. Look at the trines to Saturn. We have three planets here, but he chose Pisces because Pisces is the house of faith. But he found three planets over here. Maybe Ketu connected him to Pisces, is it? On the three virtues of faith, hope and love. He talks of love, not charity. I thought it should be charity. You observed how each is brought to full fruitation in the life, an example of Mother Mary. Truly a Virgo Fortis. See that? His faith. Idea is, he always talked and always focused on Mother Mary. He always prayed to Mother Mary so that he is on the path. That is important. That is all that matters.

audio progression: 1:54:22

Angelina Jolie, come on, she can’t be religious, can she? Maybe she is, let’s find out. She is born on a wednesday, her Gārhapatya is the sun. Now the sun is not the 5th lord, the sun is not the 9th lord. The 5th lord mars is in the 9th house, it has nothing to do with the Gārhapatya. Yeah, that’s what would be expected of movie stars. The ninth Lord Jupiter is in the ninth house. It has nothing to do but we can say the co-lord Ketu has conjoined Gārhapatya in the 11th house of philosophy. 11th house is philosophy, thinking, giving Gyan to others. “I don’t know if there’s a name for that, religion of faith, just that there’s something greater than all of us. And it’s uniting and beautiful”. I don’t know what that means. Honestly, I have read this statement about 10 times to understand what the hell does this mean? I don’t know if there’s a name for that”. Okay, there’s no name for that. Like Gandhi, religion of faith “to call it a religion or to call it a faith”. Yeah, religion is 9th house faith is 12th house. Thank God I have Jyotiṣa. Otherwise, I’ll get totally confused. “Just that there’s something greater than all of us”. That’s very true. and it’s uniting and beautiful. That’s Kṛṣṇa. That’s beautiful. Gārhapatya is the sun. Sun is greater than everybody. He is the father of all. He is the big guy. And he’s uniting everybody. Sarvātmā ca Diwākara. All the souls are connecting because of the sun. Hey, she is connected with Surya. You see, that is what I’m trying to tell you. All you need to do is to have faith on your Gārhapatya. You have to find your Gārhapatya. So do some serious inward looking to find out. Firstly, take the planet and then start looking inside. See Śiva, sun is Śiva or the father or maybe the Gayatri mantra, Surya. I don’t know. Now if you really have this faith, then the dispositor Venus comes to Lagna and gives her the fame and success, acting and all that. So you saw Angelina Jolie.


So you see what do you mean by mantra? What will I do with a mantra if it is not going to give me the Gārhapatya? If I cannot connect with that energy. No, I think I’ll call it a day today. We have done enough of this.


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