Pañcāṅga – Vāra_03

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(TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO LECTURE “Pañcāṅga – vara_03”)

(note: every word is written exactly in the same manner as and when spoken by Gurudev-Rath)


Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. (12 times)

Okay, I’m going to show you a little video so that you can see how I do this mantra. And Can you see my video? I don’t know whether you can see my video. If you can see my video then… Okay, so this is how we start. You can see the fingers. So, we start normally from here. Okay, in this finger, this point, the middle, the middle part, this is the sign Leo, Simha Rāśi. So you start from here. Okay, one, two, come down to this is Virgo, three, four, five, six, you jump over the middle finger, don’t touch the middle finger, jump over. Seven comes over here. Seven. Okay, then eight is here. Nine is in Sagittarius. This is here and ten is in Pisces. So basically, the finger count gives me ten; then the 11th Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ goes on top of my head and the 12th comes on my Hridchakra. So, this is how we do the Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Thank you. I thought I will talk about that before we start the presentation. Let’s go into the topic for today.


Today we are continuing with the Agni Trikoṇa and today we are studying Kāla. Kāla is time. Okay. How Agni goes into time? Agni goes into time with ka, with ka, he is in lagna. Ka, ā, la. See the word Kāla. Kāla is time. That is a saying you know in Jyotiṣa. There is a saying. A Jyotiṣa Guru who doesn’t give Kāla Dīkṣā to his students is no Guru at all. So today I am giving you Kāla Dīkṣā. That means you should know time and how Agni is going into time. So, with Ka, Agni is going to Mātṛkā or Durgā. And this Ka is Prajāpati. Because of the Mātṛkā Śakti, we have Prajāpatis, the Ṛṣis, you know, and these Ṛṣis are the ones who are creating the body. So, with ka, he is in Bhūloka. Ka, he is in Bhūloka, he is Dakṣiṇāgni. Agni is Dakṣiṇāgni, he is in Bhūloka, right on earth. And here he is with the Mātṛkās. Mātṛkā has a double meaning. Mātṛkā’s first meaning is Akṣara, the sounds, the syllables, the Mātṛkā. From Mātrā we have Mātṛkā. So Mātṛkās are groups, groups of sounds, groups of letters, they form the body of a mother. Like ka, ga….. these are the ka varga, they form the body of Skanda Mātā. Like that there are Mātṛkās. And these Mātṛkās are associated with Bhūloka. The entire Bhūloka is nothing but mother earth. This is Mother Earth and she is the first Guru. We talked about her in the last two webinars we have had on PJCOA on Agni and basically we were talking about Vāreśa.

The Vāreśa is the Mātṛkā. The Mātṛkā Śakti is in Vāreśa and the Ka. That is the first body sound. The body is created by the mother and the mother empowers the Prajāpati to create the body and this is Durgā. So basically because of this we learn language, cleanliness, culture, social customs and everything necessary to live independently in this world. The primary function of this first point of the triangle of Agni is health. So, health is the primary focus. Then you can see there’s a triangle, you know, basically what you are not able to see out here is a triangle.

There is a triangle like this. This is a triangle of Agni. So, this point is the Mātṛkā Śakti. Then this is the second point, which is actually in the fifth house. This is ah, the sound is ah, and it is Vāsudeva, Avatāra. The Avatāra or the Vāsudeva is here, in ah, in the fifth house. As far as Agni is concerned, he’s manifesting the Avatāra in the fifth house. So, our contact with the Avatāra, this is for us how we are contacting who has brought us here, okay, in the fifth house. So, this is called Pitṛ Guru. So, it’s the father. So here we had the mother and here we have the father Pitṛ Guru, Vāsudeva, Avatāra. Here we learn to work, we earn a living, we support a family, community, nation or the universe. See the Vāsudeva Kutumbakaṁ concept is based upon how big, how big is your Agni. How big is this fifth house? If the fifth house is huge, then what you are doing is supporting the whole universe. And if the fifth house is slightly smaller than that, then it could be the nation. Here you can say universe, world as far as we are concerned. Nation, slightly smaller than that your community and smaller than that your family. So, the smallest unit is a family. Okay. and that is decided by the fifth house. So, fifth house will tell us how much Agni is there in the fifth house. If there is Agni in the fifth house, then definitely you are going to grow from supporting a family, looking after a family to looking after the community to looking after a nation or you are going to go global. Okay. And this is all about….. and the one associated over there is the Avatāra.

Now the last part, the ninth house, this is the last leg of Agni. It’s a tripod. You see the tripod. The last leg of Agni is in the ninth house and there we have the Dīkṣā Guru over here or we call Acharya. Matṛ, Pitṛ and Ācārya. The Ācārya is your Dīkṣā Guru. This Guru gives you mantras. This Guru talks about God. That’s how you know about God, you know about spirituality, the difference between spirituality and religion. You accept a master, you have to accept unless you accept somebody as a master and you take some religious vows, you undertake some spiritual duties and you do some serious practice and you gradually, gradually renounce worldly attachments. you are not moving towards Sannyāsa. The objective of the ninth house is Sannyāsa. The objective of the fifth house is Saṅsāra. So that’s how Agni is sitting. So when you are born out here, we don’t know which way you will go, whether you will go to Saṅsāra or you will go to Sannyāsa.

We are assuming everybody is going naturally towards Saṅsāra because that’s how your father and mother bring you up. You see, your father is sitting in the fifth house and is pulling you towards Saṅsāra. And your mother is here, she’s okay. You go here or you go here, she’s okay. So long as you’re happy, mama is happy. Mama wants that you should have good food, stay healthy. And whatever you are doing, be happy. That’s what mama wants. So that’s Dakṣṇāgni. It can go either way. A father normally wants to see a son who’s very successful, who’s doing something good for the world, making a name for himself, you know, becoming bigger and bigger. All fathers, a father energy is normally like that. It’s called Gārhapatya Agni. Gārhapatya Agni is very, very father energy. The typical father wants to see the child grow up, be successful, do what you are doing, be an important member of the community, make a name in the community, at least not just family. Everybody has a family. Do something bigger than that. Make a name in the community. Maybe, maybe if you are really that good, you can make a name in the nation. Your country will be proud of you. And if you are really for the world, the whole world will be proud of the work that you are doing. So that’s what is Pitṛ energy and that’s what we are going to study today. We are going to study and focus on this vital fifth house, prime of Agni. This is the Pitṛ guru or Vāsudeva, the Avatāra. We are not going to be studying this part of Agni. Now this is Sannyāsa agni. This is not a part of our PJCOA series.


Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. So, in house number 1, I have healthy. House number 5: wealthy. And house number 9: wise. So healthy, wealthy and wise are the three points of agni. Remember this. Fifth house: wealthy. Ninth house: wise. So, whether you have wisdom or you don’t have wisdom is decided by the ninth house, but whether you are going to be wealthy or not going to be wealthy is actually decided by the fifth house and not by the second house. If you look at Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra and go into the chapter on Dhanayogas. He, Parāśara, even without wasting time, he doesn’t even waste time; he rattles off a series of yogas where you have Aries lagna with the sun in the 5th house and Saturn in the 11th house. Or you have a Taurus lagna with Mercury in the 5th in own house and Jupiter in the 11th in own house. So basically, the series of Dhanayogas that Parāśara is teaching us, requires: “the first requirement of the yoga is about fifth Lord in fifth house that is the agni and then it goes into the 11th Lord in 11th house. That is the vāyu. Remember, wherever there is agni vāyu has to be in the opposite sign We have we have done that. Right? And, we have done that. So, if agni is here: if we are studying the agni in the fifth house, then we have to simultaneously check whether there is a vāyu in the eleventh house to keep this flame burning. Otherwise, this little lamp will blow out. For this little lamp to keep burning, the vāyu must be steady and be a very benevolent vāyu. So that’s why the best situation is fifth lord in fifth house, 11th lord in 11th house or a parivartana out here. Then the learning; you see the wealth that Parāśara is talking about, the dhanam he’s talking about is wealth that is earned because of your knowledge. You learn something and that learning is being put to good use and it’s also sustaining you. The flame inside you is burning. It is sustaining you as an important member of the society. So that is all coming from the fifth house. That is how it so car is in Lagna.

Ā is in the fifth house. La or laya: death; laya has to do with death. Okay, and that is why you know Sannyāsa is associated with death. So normally, you know in india when a sadhu says i am a sannyāsi, the first requirement is that you should have performed your last rites? So, if you have performed your last rites, you are a sannyāsi. Now we have done this that the sunrise is happening or your awakening is happening in the lagna and your sleeping is happening in the seventh house. That is why the long sleep of death is associated with the seventh house and the seventh house is called a Māraka. It’s a killer, a Māraka Bhāva, because it is the house where we sleep. So, the important Upadeśa of the sun god is: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. So, basically you should be rising before the sun does. Don’t rise after the sun. Respect the sun, rise before the sun. And automatically you will see the rest of the cycle will fall in place. Okay, let’s go ahead. into the next slide. In the last lesson we learnt,

Pitā vaī Gārhapatyoagnirmata’agnirdakṣinaḥ smṛtaḥ

gururāhavanīyastu sa’ngnitretā garīyasī

The father has been declared to be Gārhapatya fire, Gārhapatya fire, the mother the dakṣiṇa fire, and the preceptor the āhavanīya fire. And this triad of fires is highly important _Manu Smṛti. It’s highly important. Now Manu, Manu normally won’t give importance. I mean, for him, you know, he is writing Smṛti. He’s just, it’s like a flow of everything that he is observing in the world as it was at some point of time. Okay, and there’s a lot to it, which is very barbaric, which we don’t like. And anyway, but for me the knowledge is important. So, wherever I find the knowledge that’s what I take, you know! Like a haṅsa, you filter out pick up the milk, leave the water. The fire energy is the lord of bhūloka. He is symbolized by mars, agni tatva; seated in aries, mūlatrikoṇa office. He favors manuṣya to lord earth on his behalf. We have done this earlier.


Dakṣiṇāgni’s Upadeśa is the first sound of the name. Dakṣiṇa. Dakṣiṇa’s first sound is “Da”. So, we call it Brahmā Upadeśa. The Brahmā Upadeśa is “Da”. Why do we use the word Brahmā? Creator. So, the creator is here in Lagna. In Lagna, we have a creator, we are young, we are very, the whole thing is about creating the body, about growing up quickly, growing up to a full size. And that takes about 20 years, that takes about 20 years, which is called a Yugariṣṭa period, which is the 20-year period for human beings. One fifth of…. So, it takes us 20 years to grow up. And Dakṣiṇāgni is the one which is working very hard to make us grow up and giving us bone structure. Growth is everything at this point of time. And mother is the most important guru. Our guru at this point of time, is Mother. Whatever mother……. we need mom’s permission to do anything. So, she completely guides our lives. And this is very important to have a mother. Then at some point of life, we actually break away from home and we basically are following father because father did the same thing. This comes to Sthiti or Saṅsāra. And just as we have Brahma over here, we have Viṣṇu over here.

Viṣṇu is the Pitṛgaṇa, he is the Pitṛguru and the Avatāra is guiding us of how we are going to live in this world. And why we have come here, to fulfill our karmas. And this is Gārhapatya Agni over there. Now you see the name Gārhapatya, Ga. Gārhapatya Ga. And so the Upadeśa is Ga. What is the Upadeśa? Ga. What is Ga bīja? Ga bīja is called Gītā. The Gītā bīja is Ga. Ga is also Gāyatrī. Ga. Prouḍha: adult. This is the adult stage where you see you are there by now. You got a wife and there are kids hanging around There’s somebody else out there maybe a sister and that’s your dad. Basically, you can see your dad with the mustache, he is sort of guiding you is you’re consulting with him at this stage. Mom is no longer important. Right now, its dad who matters. And at some point of time you find a guru, Ācārya Guru. And with the old, basically 50 plus, is what is the advice of ShankarĀcārya; It is saṁhāra, saṅnyāsa. It’s all about dissolving, Mokṣa. It is called Āhavanīya and the Upadeśa is A. Upadeśa is A, Āhavanīya. So, all you got to remember is the first sound in the names. Dakṣiṇāgni, first sound Da. Gārhapatya, Ga. And Vriddha, old, it is called Āhavanīya, A. So, if you know the names of the agni at the three stages, then you know the sounds, which is the Upadeśa.

Dakṣiṇāgni is Matṛ guru, you are young, it’s about sva and Vāreśa is controlling your health. So, everything about your health, your longevity, we have done this earlier, is seen from Vāreśa, is extremely important. But at the fifth house is the Pitṛ guru, you are an adult, your mundane world, your protections, your Saṅsāra, your status, your success, your power, positions, your authority, your Rājayoga, your Dhana yoga, everything is actually coming from Gārhapatya Agni. So, you see, today when you ask an astrologer a bunch of questions like do you think I’ll get a promotion in my job? That is Gārhapatya Agni. “I am suffering from some health problems”, that is Dakṣiṇāgni. The moment you talk about health, is Dakṣiṇāgni. The moment you talk of anything else other than the health and you know, “brains” and growing up and learning, that’s all young. That’s all Dakṣiṇāgni. Learning it’s all Mātṛkā, the mothers, the letters. But as here is applying all that you have learned. Learning engineering is a part of Dakṣiṇāgni. Whereas once you have completed your engineering and you got a degree, now you got to start working, you got to start applying that knowledge and the application of the knowledge is coming over Gārhapatya agni. You come to learn Jyotiṣa from me, then I am here at this point. Matṛ Guru, I am teaching you a subject but so long as the subject is mundane. It is here (1H). The moment it veers off into spirituality and like right now I’m talking about Agni, this part (5H) is getting involved. So basically, it is functioning between Matṛ Guru and Ācārya Guru. Whether you can earn some money out of this subject will depend upon Prouḍha Guru. You see that? So many Jyotiṣa Gurus prepare their students to become Jyotiṣis and earn a living out of that. So then they also have to be Prouḍha Gurus. So a Jyotiṣa guru sometimes has to play triple role. One role is when they are teaching Jyotiṣa. The second role is when they are preparing the young people to become Jyotiṣais and practice Jyotiṣa. And the third part is when they are teaching them spirituality, which is not linked to the other two. So it’s a very tough role. And a lot will depend upon how much the student himself is evolving and in which direction they are evolving, isn’t it? So Dīkṣā Guru is normally old spiritual esoteric mystical otherworld. See this knowledge is not for this world. You wouldn’t get anything in this world out of this knowledge. This Vriddha, saṁhāra, that knowledge will help you after you die. It will. It will ensure that you live a good life. So that you don’t do bad karmas to ensure that your post life existence is going to be good. That is the objective of this knowledge.

Okay. So today we focus on this prouḍha: adult. Agni for an adult. Agni for somebody who is 30 plus at least 24 starting 24. But I’m generally looking at somebody who’s 30 plus. The fifth weekday Lord is Gārhapatya Agni. Now that is the first important lesson. The fifth weekday Lord is Gārhapatya Agni. With reverence when men bow to him, great fortune and success is bestowed on them. Now, with reverence, you have to bow to Gārhapatya Agni. Remember I used the word Avatāra. Go through these videos again. Remember, very carefully, I use the word Avatāra over here. With reverence, when you shall bow to the Gārhapatya agni, great fortunes and success is bestowed on them. Brahmā and the four mahaṚṣi who dropped semen produced deva Pitṛ. They are the highest class of Pitṛ, who in turn produced devas and dānavas. So, when you say devatā, when you use the word devatā, they are not that high. Above them are the Deva-Pitṛ. And above the Deva-Pitṛ, is brahmā. And above brahmā, are the Avatāras. So, therefore Avatāras are actually very high. And these devas have produced the world and everything in it. Prajāpati Matṛ produced the Manuṣya. And Manuṣya worshiped Gārhapatya, Pitṛ associated with the devatās. So, Deva-Pitṛ; but Saṅsāra-fruits. Manuṣya worshiped Āhavanīya devatās for Sannyāsa: swarga. So, depending on the stage of your life, you will decide either to focus on A or to focus on B. Today we are focusing on A which is Gārhapatya Pitṛ, Gārhapatya Agni.

The Rājayoga: you can’t have Rājayoga without Gārhapatya. You see, you have been doing Jyotiṣa, many of you, and have been studying all kinds of Rājayoga in a chart. But without Gārhapatya Agni, it’s not happening. It is such an important thing. You see, Agni is what is manifesting everything, right? Without Agni, it’s all darkness. It’s not happening because it’s not visible. There is a bank balance, but there’s no money in the bank. It’s not visible. For that money to become visible in your bank, you need Gārhapatya, the visibility. You may have all the Rājayoga, all the competencies. Extremely competent, ninth lord tenth lord Rājayoga. Absolutely duty bound. Seventh Lord in 10th house, dispositor in a Kendra Koṇa, superb. You can charm the world, the whole world will run after you. So what? You will be sitting in a room and just be looking at the mirror and what? Nothing is going to happen unless Gārhapatya awakens. Awaken the Avatāra. Awaken the guardian. Jai Śri Rāma.

audio progression: 27:10

Today we see the chart of Narendra Modi. Okay, personal status, I mean, how is he personally that we have seen, right? How is your personal status? See, health is important. It is very, very vital. So whatever studies we do, the guy has to be healthy and alive. He should be able to get out of his bed. He should have energy to do everything, right? So, the Vāreśa is always important, Dakṣiṇāgni. Learning is Agni Lord, Saṅsāra is Gārhapatya Agni. Sustainer is Gārhapatya, Dispositor. Okay. Again personal status. What is my personal status? What is my personality; is Dakṣiṇāgni. That is the Vāreśa. Learning. How much learning am I going to have? Am I going to learn something in this world? The Dispositor of that remember Matṛ Guru learning. So, the Dispositor of that Agni of the Vāreśa. We have done the one and two earlier.

Saṅsāra, how successful am I going to be in this world? Will I have a wife? I mean, is there some lady who will accept me as a husband? Or a lady will be thinking, do you think I’ll have a husband, somebody to share this world with? Saṅsāra, do you think we’ll have kids? Or who knows, maybe we’ll have lots of students. Or who knows, we’ll have a huge community of students. That’s Gārhapatya. And who is going to sustain this? Will this sustain or will it just happen for a short while and finish? That is the dispositor of the Gārhapatya. Interesting, huh?

So, let’s start with this. Narendra Bhai was born on a Sunday. So Gārhapatya is the fifth from that. He is born on a Sunday. Gārhapatya is the fifth day from Sunday. So, let’s count Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, right. I got it right. It’s Jupiter, it’s Thursday, Jupiter is the Gārhapatya. So, two planets are very critical in this chart. One is the sun and one is Jupiter. The sun will tell me all about his childhood, all about his learning, all about how healthy or whatever it is, right? Whereas Jupiter will tell me what Rājayoga he’s going to have. From Lagn, I am going to study the… whereas from the fifth house I am going to study the Gārhapatya. Okay so that’s why I have put symbols differently so you understand. Actually, this should have been with the sun. This is what symbol I have been using anyway. Now Jupiter is the Gārhapatya and examine Gārhapatya from the fifth house. The Gārhapatya is in the fifth house. Wow! Examine the yogas associated with Gārhapatya Rāśi. What Rāśi is this? This is the fifth house and Gārhapatya is in the fifth house. That is very good. So what yogas are associated over here? Is Saturn, one of the Lords, associated with a yoga? Saturn is the fifth Lord, (yuti with) Venus is the lagna Lord. Oh my God. This is a Mahārāja yoga. Lagna Lord fifth Lord combination is a Mahārāja yoga; of Saturn and Venus. And this is fully activated by the Gārhapatya Agni coming from Jupiter, from the Lotus. Okay. Now, is there any other yoga? Jupiter and the others, another co-lord of this: Rāhu. Jupiter and Rāhu are in some exchange of the fifth and the sixth houses forming a yoga called Śaṅkha Yoga. So, all these lords, Rāhu and Saturn are getting involved into powerful yogas. One is Śaṅkha Yoga. Śaṅkha Yoga is very good as a startup to do something new, to bring about, I mean, a totally new thing, something very new. Do you think something like that is happening in India? Maybe it is. Maybe there’s a new India which we are not fully willing to accept. There is a whole new India happening. Completely new setup is happening. Everything is changing. There is talk of a totally new country. There is a new thinking a new way people are looking at the whole country. Something is happening. We don’t fully understand this. But this is very political because this is Rāhu. The real politics that is happening is in the Śaṅkha Yoga. And, this is not visible to most people because the six house has got involved. Where is this: Mahārāja yoga, is absolutely visible. He has complete and total control. So, the Lords of Gārhapatya are Saturn and Rāhu. A sixth house is also a little bit of celibacy kind of thing and spirituality focus. So once in a while he runs away to the RamaKṛṣṇa mission. You see that Rāhu-Jupiter exchange. Ṭhākur RamaKṛṣṇa was Aquarius Lagna and he runs away to the Rāma Kṛṣṇa mission and he spends a night over there and sort of recharges his battery. I mean, I don’t know how many of you know. I told you this gārhapatya is like a fire, is like a battery. It needs recharging. So, every time he feels a bit down, he sort of runs off into one of those caves. Sometimes he’s meditating in a cave. Sometimes he’s there in this RamaKṛṣṇa mission and he just recharges himself and comes back. So you see the yogas are all working. It’s like perfectly working. And yes, he has achieved that. And it has worked extremely well in his chart because of one reason: “the Gārhapatya is Jupiter and this Jupiter is retrograde”. Jupiter is retrograde. Wow. I don’t know why some people write some things on the websites about Jupiter-retrograde being bad. I don’t know what kind of Jyotiṣa they do.

“Look, there can be nothing better in horoscope than to have a retrograde Jupiter. Nothing, nothing in the chart is better than that. Okay, I’m going on record to say this, but that Jupiter should be in a Kendra or a Koṇa. I don’t want a retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house afflicted by two or more malefics.”

Because the problem with the retrograde Jupiter is: it’s an unflinching elephant. This elephant is not going to give up. He will not retire. He will not say “NO”. He will keep trampling and trampling and trampling. This Jupiter is not going to sit down. Now, such a Jupiter should be in a Kendra or a Koṇa. In the 6th house, 8th house, Duḥsthāna; afflicted by two or more malefics; then it is an angry elephant who is going to trample your village and break your whole town. Your city will break down. See, I don’t want an angry elephant. Such a determined, unflinching elephant. Think of retrograde Jupiter like this. Okay, interesting. So, from the star we saw Jupiter is superb and we learned the dispositor of Gārhapatya. Gārhapatya is in 5th house. His dispositors are both excellent. Rāhu in the 6th house will absolutely destroy his enemies and Saturn in the 11th will give him everything that he wants. Good.

audio progression: 35:38

Now we try Queen Victoria. Same. Remember this little box. Varasha is the moon. Okay, count from the moon. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Friday is the fifth. So, I have to look at moon for health and Venus for wealth. Okay. the Gārhapatya is in the 12th house. Is that good? That doesn’t seem to be good. That seems to be bad. But let’s see, is the Gārhapatya in any yoga? Let’s see. The Gārhapatya is Venus. Venus is the lord of Lagna. It is with Mercury who is the lord of the second house. So Lagna lord and second lord have conjoined. Huge family. Huge family. Very focused on family. Gārhapatya is guaranteeing you a huge family. And what kind of a Rāśi is this? This is Aries, the only royal Rāśi. So, it is guaranteeing a very powerful royal family. Okay, that’s good. What else does Mercury rule? The fifth house. And he is more inclined to give this fifth house result. So, fifth lord and the lagna lord again are in this yoga. Oh my God, Mahārāja yoga again. In fact, this is Mahārānī yoga, not Mahārāja. So, you can see this Gārhapatya is guaranteeing that, hey, you are going to become Mahārānī. Okay, this is Mahārāja Yoga.

Now, let’s see the dispositor because the dispositor has to sustain it. Where is the dispositor? 11th house again, just like the previous case, the dispositor of Jupiter is Saturn in the 11th house and here the dispositor of Venus is Mangal in the 11th house. And not only that, this mangal is with Rāhu and with Shani sitting in the watery sign of Pisces. And Shani and Guru are having parivartana. So, there is no limit to the amount of wealth that is coming in from this. Absolutely no limit. I don’t think England has ever seen in its history before Victoria, the Queen and after the Queen Victoria, so much wealth. Do you see the kind of wealth that this yoga is generating? Because “it is the dispositor of Gārhapatya”. So, these are multiple sources. From all these sources money came. And there is Parivartana with the ninth house. So, Jupiter, Saturn, you see this ninth house getting involved. The kingdom expands around the globe from the far east to the Americas. Imagine! From the far east right to America. What a kingdom and that was possible not because the Gārhapatya is in the 12th house. Gārhapatya in the 12th house shows that Queen Victoria herself may not be doing much. She is not doing much. She is just being the queen and she is being a strong queen. That’s what she has to do because that is the Mahārāja Yoga. You have to be the queen and you have to be a strong queen. She was a very strong queen: Taurus with moon. Come on! And what is important is the dispositors, oh wow. It is being sustained right through her life.

So, Queen Victoria succeeded her uncle. See Mercury! Mercury; this part of the yoga, lagna lord and fifth lord. So, the fifth lord who is a part of this Mahārāja yoga or Mahārānī yoga, the planet giving the power is Mercury, right? So, it’s an uncle. King William IV on 20th June, 87, trying Gārhapatya. Yeah, Mercury is of course, strains to Gārhapatya. So, she got it in her 19th year. 19th year isn’t Sagittarius. It strains to Gārhapatya. That’s what I was talking about. So which years are the Gārhapatya very strong? These years are very important. If Venus is in the 12th house, I can say 12th year is important. Then 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; 19th year is important. 20, 21, 22, 23 is important. 24 is not, then 25; 26 is important like that. You can find out the years in which this Gārhapatya will flash. And then:

And then we have these Daśās of Rāhu Daśā – Jupiter. Why would Rāhu Daśā Jupiter help her? Because Jupiter is exchanging with Saturn. So, it’s like Rāhu Daśā, Saturn Antardaśā. And both are 10th lords. And both are associated with the dispositor of Gārhapatya in the 11th house, you, see? Now look at the moon is Vāreśa. The seventh lord is Mars and he is the Ātmakāraka. Oh my god! So, this is Vāreśa. We have done this last time we did this Vāreśa. Seventh lord from Vāreśa? Seventh lord from Vāreśa is the spiritual Gati. But the seventh lord from Vāreśa is Ātmakāraka. You will become queen. She became the queen. Seventh Lord from Vāreśa is the Ātmakāraka: Mangal in 11th house. A queen with a very powerful army: Mangal. So, remember, if the seventh lord from Vāreśa is becoming Ātmakāraka, you will not get Mokṣa. Why? Because you have to be the queen. Or queen or some…. you are destined to enjoy this world a lot. So, the main yoga activated by the Gārhapatya, is the Mahārāja Yoga of Lagna and 5th. With this I will take a little break, 5 minutes break.

In a very short time; I have given away a lot. A lot. You need to go through the slides again. Every line I said has deep meaning. I have also used some things I taught last time. Seven from Vāreśa: remember is Ātmakāraka. The new thing. Right? Atma Kāraka is king so that is the gati your life’s is depending upon the seventh lord. So, if the seventh lord is Ātmakāraka, you are a king in the heart. That is your connection with royalty. You are automatically connected with royalty. This connects you with royalty. So, you need Agni’s connection. Without Agni, things are not happening.

audio progression: 43:21

Now let us check this in a horoscope of Krishnaraja Wadiyar. Krishnaraja Wadiyar was born on a Wednesday, okay? And Gārhapatya will be the Sun because Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the fifth is Sun. So, the combination is of Mercury is the Vāreśa and the Sun is Gārhapatya. Gārhapatya Sun is in the 11th house. and his dispositor is Venus who is in Lagn with exalted Jupiter. Oh my god. So, firstly, you have Gārhapatya in the 11th house and this Gārhapatya is conjoined Saturn which is the 8th lord guaranteeing inheritance. And it is conjoined Mercury which is the Vāreśa. So, the Vāreśa and the Gārhapatya are in a yoga. Is the Gārhapatya in any other yoga? He is the lord of the 2nd house and the 7th house. The lord of the 2nd house, 7th house and the 8th house are all conjoining out here. What sort of a yoga is this? What is the meaning of second and eighth Lord conjoining? Is it a money yoga? A huge inheritance yoga? Huge inheritance? Okay. So then that can work over here, right? Normally we say Sun, Saturn is an inheritance combination and the Agni is supporting it. Most important, this is supported by Agni because Gārhapatya Agni is here and the Vāreśa Dakṣiṇa Agni is here; and eight lord. So, the dispositor Venus is coming to Lagna. Okay? And, is the ninth lord in Lagna so it is a lineage; a lineage of kings.

This lineage of kings had been disrupted by the East India Company. Very interesting story! The East India Company had disrupted and usurped the kingdom. but the local public, the people of Bangalore area, Karnataka area did not leave their king. They still respected him and this is something that Queen Victoria understood. So, she ensured that this lineage was reinstated. So, after he was born, his father was reinstated as the king of Bangalore, of Karnataka. And this reinstatement was done by the British under the Queen, not the East India Company. It’s very interesting, you see? The difference between the Queen and the Company. Because the Queen has to be righteous and she did that. And you can see that this reinstatement of the father was happening largely because his Agni was very strong and his father died very early. His father died when he was 11 years old. See the previous case. She got the throne when she was 19 years old. And we did Sudarśana chakra to find, it is Sagittarius. And Sagittarius is in trines to the Gārhapatya in Aries, the trine, Agni trine, always look at Agni trine. And here, it is right on the Gārhapatya in the 11th year. Father went to Calcutta and Calcutta is very famous for a very rare Calcutta bacteria, I do not know what that is, you can check up with Sarbani. Anybody who drinks Calcutta water will have that bacteria living in your body till you die. You can’t do anything about it. So, you jolly well drink bottled water in Calcutta. So, he drank the water of Calcutta and died over there. I think he died because he had dysentery and all that. So, his mother was the regent for some time because you can see the moon and Venus having exchanged. Venus is the dispositor of the Gārhapatya. He is to become king. You see that? The dispositor of the Gārhapatya is in Lagna. He will reignite the lineage. Mother was for some time and then he later on became the king. So, the main yoga activated by Gārhapatya is Viprīta Rājayoga of the 8th lord and the 12th lord. The 8th lord and the 12th lord, a Viprīta yoga in which father is dying and he is getting the throne and he has to look after the whole kingdom. Interestingly, he was the first person to bring “lighting” to Bangalore. The first city to have city light in India was Bangalore and he was the king. The great guy. Okay, so we agree. What about his gati? His seventh lord is Mangal and Mangal is showing the gati out here. Mangal is Matṛ Kāraka, tenth lord in second house in Siṁhāsana yoga. Mangal is also in Siṁhāsana yoga. So, his gati is about the Siṁhāsana but not as royal, not as absolutely royal like Queen Victoria. He was very royal. Don’t get me wrong. There are so many yogas in this chart. But you see the seventh lord from the Vāreśa is not Ātmakāraka. But it is interesting that the Gārhapatya himself is the Ātmakāraka. We can say that the seventh lord’s dispositor is Gārhapatya, but that is too far, stretching it too far. The other seventh lord is Ketu. He was a very spiritual man, Ketu. He would go and make trips to visit great Sādhus and spiritual people: like Ramana Maharshi. There is a famous story of him and Ramana Maharshi. Read that.

audio progression: 49:46

Now we see a normal person, a person who has achieved a lot in his lifetime, who has ignited the flame of Jyotiṣa in the world. He is a world figure. (Dr. B. V. Raman). So, his Gārhapatya must be very strong. That is the first thing. Let us see, he was born on a Thursday, you can see that, born on a Thursday. So, Dakṣiṇāgni is Jupiter. So, Jupiter has got the Raṁ bīja, correctly. and Gārhapatya will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 5. So Gārhapatya is with the moon and the moon is exalted. Wow. That is Dr. Raman you see the moon is exalted Gārhapatya. So, the one who is protecting him, is moon. The one who is giving him his work, is the moon. The one who is spreading him all around, is the Gārhapatya moon. And who is the dispositor of this moon? Is Venus. And where’s Venus? He’s in Leo. Interesting. Now the question is. The fifth Lord Mercury does it have a direct connection to the Gārhapatya. Mercury does not have a direct connection to the moon. So of course he does not have that power, position, authority. Where is the power, position, authority? I mean, he never took up any government service. He didn’t take up any position or anything like that. See, authority is to rule over other people. But he never did that. That was not his path anyway. His Gārhapatya is in the fourth house and fourth house at best, is education. It’s with the lagna lord Saturn. So, he is very devoted to traditions and old things. So, we can say that an exalted moon plus the lagna lord gives a very high personal achievement and a very high status in the world of Jyotiṣa; world of Jyotiṣa, right? But for the world of Jyotiṣa, I need a sun. Without either Sun, how can I say he’s going to be successful in the world of Jyotiṣa? Ah, the sun is in cancer. So, the moon is influenced by the sun and the Sūrya is having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on Chandra. And I told you, Rāśi Dṛṣṭi is very permanent. Any other planets having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi? Nobody else. Nobody else is having Rāśi Dṛṣṭi. There is no disturbance. This Gārhapatya is fully in focus. You see the moon and the sun? The moon and the sun; and the sun is in Cancer, Varuna, the ropes of Varuna. Why are people tied? What is the karma that binds them? So, you can see his Sun’s Rāśi Dṛṣṭi on the Gārhapatya moon, gave him this huge knowledge of Jyotiṣa. An exalted moon; he spread it all over the (world). See this is important. But the dispositor of that, how long will this flame burn? This Venus; is conjoined with Mercury. So, the problem is Venus, you see? So long as Venus is supporting the Gārhapatya, the Gārhapatya will rise and rise and rise and rise. And Venus did support him for a long, long time. Guess which Venus I’m talking about. Ever heard of a name K.N. Rao? He was Tulā Lagna, you see that? So, this Tulā Lagna person and he, were a perfect pair. And they are the ones who really built up Jyotiṣa. And then, at some point of time, Venus got in this MKS Mercury and this Venus Mars, I mean…. this part was a sad part. So, you see it was very important, very important; for this work to continue, Venus should have been favorable. You don’t want Venus becoming unfavorable. And you don’t want Venus, conjoining a maraṇa Kāraka planet. Because if it is conjoined a maraṇa Kāraka planet at some point of time, this Venus will turn around and bite you. And this Venus is combust also. Anyway, huge achievements; in Mercury-Venus-moon: honorary doctor of letters. United Nations, he is the relevance of astrology in modern times. Speech in the United Nations in Saturn daśā Jupiter antardaśā. Jupiter is agni, personal achievement. Yeah, he really…. he really did a lot. Raman restarted the astrological magazine of his grandfather. Jupiter is the kāraka for grandfather. So, his agni is coming from there, grandfather. His grandfather was his real agni. His gati, his gati came from whom? His gati also came from Venus. See? Seventh from here, is Taurus. The Lord of that, is Venus. His grandfather was Taurus Lagna. His grandfather was Taurus Lagna, Venus. His entire Jyotiṣa knowledge, the entire fountain was from his grandfather from the Jupiter, paternal grandfather. You see that. The Jupiter really ignited his journey. And the Jupiter, seventh Lord from that Jupiter, that Venus, that Taurus to be more precise, gave him that knowledge. Okay? You can study all that.

So, it’s very interesting. You suddenly realize the importance of this moon. You suddenly woke up to the fact that everything, everything in the middle age, everything from 30 to 70 or maybe more, who knows how long the Gārhapatya will burn. Basically, Gārhapatya starts burning from about 30 and continues until “you” say retire. When “you” say retire, then Gārhapatya is off and Āvahanīya starts burning. So basically, Gārhapatya will burn so long as you are willing to work. So he worked, why should he retire? He is a true Jyotiṣi.

audio progression: 56:42

Now I am going to show you four very similar charts, very similar. And three of them are so similar, as Jyotiṣis, you will have problems trying to predict the Daśā of one and the Daśā of the other. Okay, the first chart is that of Richard Nixon. The second chart is that of Donna Summers. The third chart is that of George Foreman. The fourth chart is that of Edmund Kemper. Four charts. What is the similarity? All of them are having Leo Lagna. Second, what is the other similarity? Three of them are having Shani in Maraṇa Kāraka in Lagna. If you look at these charts, these charts are almost same. Look at this. Look at the chart of Donna Summer and George Foreman. Are they not similar? Excepting for the moon position. George Foreman has the moon in Taurus, Donald Summer has it in Capricorn. Exactly similar charts, born a few days apart. Edmund Kemper, similar chart, born again a few days apart, a few days even before Donald Summer. You can see that the moon has gone to the 12th house, that’s all. But, but as far as I am concerned, the sun is in the fifth house in all charts. Leo Lagna’s sun in the fifth house, all of them. Lagna, Leo Lagna, Lagna Lord in fifth. Most of them, Lagna Lord in fifth, Jupiter in fifth, Mercury in fifth. Lagna Lord Sun in fifth, Jupiter, Mercury. Sun, Jupiter, Venus, not Mercury. Here, Venus is here. So more or less, more or less, you can see the similarities in the charts. I’ve given the degrees out here for you to study.

Now, how do you know that one will be the president of a country? The other is going to be such a top singer. The third one is going to be a boxer. I mean look at Donna Summer and George Foreman. George Foreman is a famous boxer and the fourth one is going to be a serial killer. Now you see I got you foxed. Just by the Rāśi chart you have to tell me. I know D charts. D charts you guys can go in and I know you can show me the difference very clearly. That’s easy. But in the village I don’t think people had those kind of computers and all that. They had to rely on one Rāśi and one Navāṁśa. Sort of, managed to make a Navāṁśa. That’s a big thing if they can make the Navāṁśa. Drekkāṇa? Of course they would make it. Now you think of the difference.

Nixon is born on a Thursday. So, you see Jupiter is having Agni. So, his Agni is in the fifth house. You see that? Just like so many… tremendous energy. Politicians require tremendous energy. Agni has to be good for them. Okay, so Jupiter is in the fifth house in Sagittarius. So, Nixon has huge amount of energy. Huge. His Gārhapatya will be the moon. You can count five. Gārhapatya is the moon and it is Ātmakāraka. So, the Gārhapatya is becoming Ātmakāraka. You are becoming king. Your energy is to become King. Gārhapatya is the drive inside you. You, see? It’s the “engine” inside you. It is the engine in your middle age. 30 plus: Gārhapatya engine is running. And that engine is Ātmakāraka engine. Oh my God. It’s gonna make you the president. And he became the president.

Donna Summer: she was born on a Friday. So, let’s count Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So, her Agni is with Venus. Venus is in the fourth house that’s in Digbala. She is having a different kind of energy. This is a Venus in Scorpio energy. It’s a “woman who is very tormented”, energy. Okay, and the Gārhapatya is Mars and Mars is exalted. Oh my God, this is an exalted position she is going to have. And Mars is sitting with the moon. So, when two planets conjoin, the entire exaltation is going to moon. She is a singer because of the moon. And I don’t care what the moon is. Because Mars has conjoined the moon, the moon-natural things will cause her to have grand success. If she follows the moon, let us say that some astrologer had seen the chart, would have said, look at 10th lord Venus is in the fourth house, maybe you can go into interior decoration. Flop show, flop! Believe me, she would have been a flop. Because from Gārhapatyaya Mangal, Venus is not welcome. It’s in the 11th house. It will be Hara Bhāva. You don’t want 6th and 11th from Gārhapatya. The engine, the engine is with Gārhapatya. You have to align with the engine. Then only your rail is gonna run. Okay? So, her moon aligned with this Mars and she become a top, top singer.

Okay, now what about George Foreman? His Agni is, with his…. born on a Monday. So, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Jupiter is the Gārhapatya. And Jupiter can either go into Venus or he can go into the sun. So let us see his options. He can go into Venus. Venus in the fifth house normally shows somebody who loves his country. Okay, and Jupiter with the sun, sun is a fighter is a lagna lord. Okay. And sun is Ātmakāraka. Oh my god, this sun is going to totally dominate over here. Sun will say: forget that Venus, I am the king, I get to decide what happens with your life. And Jupiter is combusted. So, Jupiter has no say. He follows the sun. Venus wants to show some other rule but it’s not happening. So therefore… Oh sorry!! Gārhapatya is Venus, is it? Gārhapatya is Venus, it’s in Mūla Gaṇḍānta. Ok, this Venus is with Jupiter. Venus would have normally given it to Jupiter, but Jupiter is combusted. So, Sun takes over. Sun is Ātmakāraka, anyway., he is going to take over. So, Sun takes over, he becomes the best boxer. Why does he become the best boxer? The sun could have made him anything. Why boxing? Why will Sun, give boxing to somebody? Think about it. Let’s look at the 7th house. Because if Gārhapatya is here, the Vāyu for Gārhapatya is coming from Mercury, right? Mercury is with Mars. Okay, this is boxing, fighting. All right. But the Sun is the dispositor of Saturn. But in any case, it was Venus Gārhapatya in the 5th house. Love for country. I don’t know. Olympic champion in 68, world heavyweight champion in 73-74. Look at this combination in a little more detail. Jupiter is combust, alright, why would the sun give him boxing? It is in Uttarashada in its own Nakṣatra. Does the sun have anything to do with boxing? We need to find out. Why is the sun so angry and fighting? Is it because Saturn is in sun’s house and he is pushing the Saturn out? Or is it because Rāhu is aspecting the sun? Find out. We need to figure out why the sun is giving him boxing. But the sun is definitely going to push him to be a king. The sun is going to make him a king. Whether it is boxing or whatever he does.

Now we come to the fourth case of Edmund Kemper. He is born on a Saturday. So, let’s try. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. His Gārhapatya is Mercury. And what is the sign? Whenever you look at a sign like this, it means Gārhapatya is combust. Hello, we just got a first case where the Gārhapatya Mercury is combust. Firstly, his Vāreśa is Saturn in maraṇa kāraka sthāna. Number one Vāreśa is in maraṇa kāraka sthāna. Last two lessons, I have been telling you I don’t like Vāreśa in maraṇa Kāraka sthāna. This world is hell for you. You jolly well do something about this. It is retrograde so he is trying and trying and trying but then he loses it at some point of time. Moon is in the 12th house, so it completely loses. And then on top of that, the Gārhapatya, what happens in the future? Is Mercury in Sagittarius? And he is also the 7th lord from there and he has been combusted in Mūla Gaṇḍānta. Mūla, I don’t like Mūla, you know. I don’t like planets in Mūla. I just don’t like them in Mūla. This Gārhapatya is in Mūla, just like this. So, both of them are fighting, okay. Both of them are fighting but this guy makes it a profession and goes on to become a king of boxers. Whereas this guy is fighting his destiny. And then what does he do? Serial killer, necrophile, sadistic psychopath. He loses it. Completely loses it. The 11th lord. The 11th lord is combust and is the Gārhapatya. So similar charts, the Gārhapatya got combusted. Now Vāreśa in Maraṇa Kāraka and Gārhapatya combusted? That’s trouble. That’s real trouble. We have done one hour. You guys need a break. and I’m going to give you a break.


This question was about counting years. Look, the first Daśā system! The first Daśā system that we teach in Jyotiṣa is called the Sudarśana Chakra. Okay I’m a very traditional Jyotiṣai so I don’t teach Viṁśottarī and all, and confuse the students. I first teach Sudarśana Chakra. Unfortunately, nowadays since I have to teach on the way, they already have confused themselves and then they come to me. See what we do in Sudarśana chakra, this whole chart is called Sudarśana. This chakra is Sudarśana. In fact, the East Indian chart is actually Sudarśana. If you see the description of drawing Sudarśana chakra in Brihat Parāśara, it is “this” chart, the East Indian chart. So, this is Cancer, which is the Lagna. So, first year will come to Lagna. Let’s put “1” over here. First, I’m putting first Daśā. So, I’m putting “1” over here, you see that? And in this first, “1” is here, “2” is here, “3” is here, “4” is here, and so on, till “10” will come over here, and “11” will come over here. You see that? Then “12” will come over here. Then this first is finished. Then we go to “2”. And we start counting. We finished at “12”. So, “13” will come over here. “14” will come over here. “15” will come in the fourth house. “16” will come in the fifth house. “17” will come in the sixth house. “18” will come in the seventh house and so on. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. “23” will come in this house, 12th house. And “24” will come over here. So, this is what we call the Gāyatrī year. The 24th year is the Gāyatrī year when the lagna is maturing. The bones will not grow after this. “24” is when the bones stop growing. So, the second house is finished. Now we move to the third house. And then where did they stop? They stopped at “24”, right? So “25” will start in the third house, 25th year is in third house, 26th year is here, 27th year is here, 28th year is here and like this, Jessie! You can easily do this Paul! In fact, in fact Shri Jyoti star you can choose Sudarśana Chakra Daśā and he will give you house numbers very easily. Okay?


So, let’s go to the, we have done this chart and this is something we will be discussing more and we have to figure out why Venus gave boxing to our friend George Foreman. Because Venus is with Jupiter and the Sun and Jupiter is combust and Venus. First, we have to look at how Venus is, how is Venus feeling? Where is he? Venus is in Sagittarius, not so friendly sign. He is in Mūla; Rākṣasa, protection. Mūla Gaṇḍānta. Mūla Gaṇḍānta is not good. Any planet in Mūla Nakṣatra, is not good. Period; and, particularly jala planets like moon and Venus are very sensitive. So now you put Venus out there, so somebody is going to ruin his happiness and Sun is Ātmakāraka, is telling him Stand Up! So, he is standing up and fighting. Often the choices we make can be from a planet conjoining the sun, the yogas that are happening with the Gārhapatya or the wind; either from the Agni or from the Vāyu we are going to choose. In his case, he I think chose his profession from Vāyu. If Gārhapatya is in Sagittarius, the Vāyu is in Gemini. So, the Lord of Gemini, Mercury has come and conjoined exalted Mars. This is sports. Mars and Mercury is sport. And Mangal is absolutely dominating in exaltation; thats boxing.

So, we are choosing, so either you make a choice from Gārhapatya and too many combustions and all that then you can go from the Vāyu. You can make a choice either from Gārhapatya or from Vāyu. One of the things I have seen, one of the things I have seen, is Vāreśa. Vāreśa must have a link, you know, I need a Vāreśa link. You see, for example, here Gārhapatya, the moon itself is Ātmakāraka. How is Vāreśa linked to this? If you look at the Vāreśa, Vāreśa in the case of Nixon is Jupiter. Jupiter is in own sign and when a planet is in own sign, he gives results of the exaltation lord. So, Jupiter is going to the moon. So, there is a direct connection between Vāreśa Jupiter in Sagittarius and the moon, which is Gārhapatya. So, the connection is complete.

Now look at this: Venus in the case of Donna Summers. Donna Summers Venus is in Digbala, okay? Very strong. And it’s in Scorpio. The Lord of this sign is Mangal. The Lord of this sign is Mangal who is becoming the Gārhapatya. So, did you see the connection between these two? And fabulous, this is in Digbala and this is in exaltation. Absolutely fabulous from a career point of view. And the career she chose was Gārhapatya conjoining the moon. In any case, we can also argue, we can also argue that look, from Gārhapatya, the seventh lord, the Vāyu is coming from the moon. So maybe she flowed with the wind rather than pushing with the fire. See you have two ways. Something moves when you push it or you pull it. Right? The wind: either you are… either the wind is pushing it through or the agni is pulling it. Now either Mangal is going to pull moon or the seventh Lord from Mangal is going to push. So, moon is getting the pull and the push both it’s getting. Same with Nixon.


Now when we look at George Foreman, Venus is in Sagittarius, but the career that he has chosen is based upon the seventh Lord Mercury with exalted Mars. So, it is the wind that is giving him his career. Where is the connection between Venus and Mars? There is no direct connection between Venus and Mars. I mean, do you see it in the Rāśi chart? No. But it will still be supported. You know why? Because the moon is in Taurus in trines to Mars because he is born on a Monday. You see. His health, his health is Dakṣiṇāgni is supporting Mars career. Whereas his Dakṣiṇāgni moon, if moon is…. If you’re born on a Monday, I don’t think you will choose anything on the 8th house from the moon. So, you will not….. when moon is the day you are born. Let’s say somebody is born on a Monday; if the carrier is showing in the 8th house from it, then it’s not going to be good career. Maybe it’s better to make a choice from the trine. So, he made a choice in the trine he is quite very successful: see olympic champ and all that stuff.

Here it’s a it’s a straight case of misfortune. Maraṇa kāraka of Vāreśa; his dispositor is the Sun. Vāreśa’s dispositor is the Sun.  He has gone and combusted everybody out there; combusted Jupiter, combusted Mercury. Mercury is the Gārhapatya. Really, sir! The seventh lord from….. Mercury… Seventh lord from Gārhapatya is again Mercury and he is again combust. Absolutely negative Gārhapatya. And negative Gārhapatya means the Avatāra is angry with you. The Avatāra is angry with you and why should the Avatāra be angry with you? That means there is something wrong with you. You have to jolly well correct what is wrong. You have to change. And how do we change? By worshipping the Avatāra. That’s how. The debate is there! Worship the Avatāra; you will change.

audio progression: 1:17:38

Now we come to another chapter and adoption. Very interesting chapter adoption. Saṅsāra starts with parents father mother. These are the two most important mama in childhood, and once we grew up whatever we saw our dad doing how we behaved either father or a father figure. There may not be a father. There may be a father figure. Okay, but that father figure is gārhapatya. Keep that in mind. So Saṅsāra is childhood home. If Gārhapatya agni is weak or maraṇa, then adoption may happen. You see! I don’t want Gārhapatya to be weak. Gārhapatya is what is looking… is your Saṅsāra. Even as a kid, even as a baby, it is Gārhapatya who’s actually feeding you. The mother puts the food in your mouth, but who gave mother the food? Who gave the money to buy the food? It is the father who went and worked and got the money. Look at the traditional rules. The father went and worked and got the money. He brought it home. he brought the food home. He gave it to mother. Mother cooked the food and gave it to the baby to eat. Okay? So therefore, it is Gārhapatya or a father, Pitṛguru, who got the food in the first place. So, every morsel of grain that you get, thank Viṣṇu for that. You cannot… Viṣṇu feeds the whole world because he is coming through the Gārhapatya.

Viṣṇu is coming as an Avatāra through the Gārhapatya to feed the whole world and you are no exception. So, therefore your father should have that Guṇa of Viṣṇu to be able to feed you. If he does not have the Viṣṇu Guṇa, then he’s not going to feed you. He cannot feed you. Because the problem is not with the father, the problem is in your horoscope. The problem is in the Gārhapatya Agni in your chart. And particularly I don’t like Maraṇa Kāraka. I don’t want this Agni to be weak in any form or manner. Then adoption may happen; simply because parents are either not there or incapable of handling it. I have observed that if the Gārhapatya Agni is very weak, like in a Sandhi. or you know there are weaknesses. In PJC, I teach weaknesses of planets, sandhi positions, maraṇa kāraka positions, saṅkrānti, the whole concept of sandhi came from saṅkrānti. What is saṅkrānti? It is a sandhi position, junction of signs. So, when planets are so weak, so long as the parents are there, you don’t have a problem. They deal with the problem. They don’t pass it on to you. But one parent dies, one parent goes away; then the problem starts.

Gārhapatya placed in Dusthāna from the fifth house shows some problems in the family. See: The fifth house is the house through which the Avatāra is to come as far as your horoscope is concerned. He comes in through the fifth house and goes to settle down in the tenth house. It’s like, you know! coming in through Leo and settling down in Capricorn in your Anāhata chakra. Your Anāhata chakra is in the tenth house, the swarga, the heaven. Okay, so when you are…… he comes in from the fifth and settles in the 10th. But the fifth house is where we are going to see how the Gārhapatya came in. Now, if the Gārhapatya is badly placed from the fifth house, then there should be some problems in the family. Check carefully, it will be there. It will be there. There will be problems in the family. No matter what stories people give. “No, I have a beautiful childhood. I have the ideal family, the most loving father and mother”. You don’t know what they were doing in the bedroom. So, look at Gārhapatya from the fifth house, right? The yellow star. And let us say it is Gārhapatya is in the fourth house. Normally you will say, “it Is fantastic in the fourth house in a Kendra”. No. But from the fifth house, it is in the 12th. What about the 12th house? From the fifth house, it is the eighth. These are not good positions. You see, I’ve given two examples of Gārhapatya.

The dispositor of Gārhapatya: Let us say the Gārhapatya is in Leo in the fifth house. Let us say it was here or here or wherever it is. The disp, and it is weak, it is very weak over there. Then the dispositor of Gārhapatya is the adopting home. So Gārhapatya could not do the job, so his dispositor is the new father. So, the Avatāra has changed form. The Gārhapatya is no longer the Avatāra. He is changing form by conjunctions and dispositions. He can change, he’s an Avatāra. He can go into anything. If this is also weak, if the Gārhapatya is weak and the dispositor is also weak, then a homeless case happens. You are homeless. You don’t have a home. You become homeless. You will have to live. You will have to live in other people’s houses. It’s not a very happy situation. Funny thing is, sometimes you may have the money but still you are forced to live like this because of Gārhapatya. So, it is Gārhapatya who decides about adoption and how you are living in Saṅsāra. So Gārhapatya.

Shilpa Śāstra defines Gārhapatya as one of the three faces of Agni, which is right. It is the sacrificial fire; Dharmavrata performed austerities standing in this fire. So basically, this Dharmavrata was performing austerities standing in this fire according to Vāyu Purāṇa. It is a face of the Veda, it is the Vāyu. Vāyu Purāṇa says it is a face of the Veda. is Nirmathya Agni, his father of two sons, Saṁśaya and Śukra, Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa. Anyway, these are forms, you don’t need to bother much about them now. And I’ve given references for those of you who would like to go and study them further.

Sacred fires: Gārhapatya is a very sacred fire. It is maintained by a householder. That means Gārhapatya is what makes you a householder. You can be a householder if you have Gārhapatya fire. If you don’t have Gārhapatya Agni, you will not be a householder. This Agni is coming through the father. Interesting. So, this is the linkage with your father. It is transmitted to the descendants. So, it is something you are getting from your father and you’re transmitting it to your children. It is some kind of a genetic code. So Gārhapatya is a genetic code that you are transmitting across. Interesting. So, it must have some link with gotra, very advanced. Sacrificial fires, purposes are lit, okay.

Family governance, its fundamental focus is on kula. So Gārhapatya is the Avatāra and he is linking you to your kula devatā also. You see fundamentally, if you look at the picture, Gārhapatya is in the fifth house. You see? And the kendra to this. The first Kendra is the 10th from the fifth, which is the second house. Second house is Kula, family, Kula Devatā: family deity. So, he is the one who is telling you who your family deity is. Based upon that, he has chosen that you will be born in so and so family. He chooses your Purāṇa, which Purāṇa you must read. Who decides? He decides. How interesting. Your gotra, your dharma, all that family governance, your position and dignity as a householder; whether you are gonna have some dignity in the house or people are going to treat you like a doormat in your house, will be decided by Gārhapatya Agni. Its position is very important. Its dignity is even more important. Don’t hurt the Gārhapatya agni. A class of mains; according to Mahābhārata, it is a class of mains.

Now here I have given you a very very detailed list out here: table. I’m not going to go into this table right now. I don’t have the time to go into this. But you can see: mother, the grahas, Sandhyā. With Pitṛs; in the Sandhyā, you have Agni. So, Śiva Purāṇa gives this list of Sṛṣṭi. Mahābhārata gives sthiti. Saraswati gives the saptarṣi. Okay. This is way too complicated for our thing right now. Right now, all we see is: the Jupiter is Haviṣmanta. You see that? Jupiter; according to Sandhyā, it is Haviṣmanta. And Haviṣmanta is Gārhapatya according to Mahābhārata. The Ṛṣi is Angiras, Jupiter. And Aditi says it’s Viḍyauja. Viḍyauja means Indradeva. The more popular name is Indradeva. But Viḍyauja is a very old name. Viḍyauja. Very very old name. More popular name is Indra. People know him more as Indra. So, at the lower level he is Indra, he is the king. And kings don’t get Mokṣa, they are too stuck up in the fifth house. And it’s all about: “how I am going to get power, position, authority, status, okay he is the big king, I can be a smaller king” and things like that, relative positioning.

All Pitṛs are born when the five arrows of Kāmadeva causes disturbance in their indriya and they got transferred on the beauty of Sandhyā. Sandhyā is the original name of Saraswati. Her original name was Sandhyā or Śatarūpā, a hundred forms. She has a hundred forms to match each year of Brahmā. She has a hundred forms to match every year of Brahmā. That is why she is called Śatarūpā. And that is Saraswati’s original form. His five arrows are respectively: harṣaṇa means you become harṣa, you are happy, extremely happy and then what happens? What happens when you become extremely happy? You fall in love! You see that? That is one of his arrows, of Kāmadeva. So, don’t become too happy. Rochana: that is: “appealing”. Like you know, you’re putting perfumes and you’re wearing a nice Gucci shirt, Gucci shoes, (appealing!); you know, that kind of an appeal that is Pṛthvī Tattva. That means its Rochana. So, when men and women start dressing up and using all the stuff you know that Rochana arrow has hit them. The Pṛthvī element is highly disturbed in their body. Then comes Mohana: “Deluding”. So, morning you wake up, you watch a serial, Amitabh Bachchan is so handsome, oh my god I’m in love with Amitabh Bachchan. So, by the time you finish your 10th movie of Amitabh Bachchan, you are madly in love with Amitabh Bachchan. That’s mohana, it’s all in the mind. You’re deluded in the mind. I mean why, and how can you marry Amitabh Bachchan? Why delude yourself with all that? If you think you’re getting deluded by watching. Oh, he’s so handsome. He’s so handsome. So why do you find the film star handsome? Why didn’t you find your husband handsome? That’s all deluding, you know: “Mohana”. That’s a Venus arrow. And Śoṣaṇa: Vāyu; withering away. You know! You are so much in love that the food has become distasteful. The bread is tasting like rice which is tasting like dāl which is tasting like sabjī. All of them taste the same. I don’t feel like eating food. I just don’t want to eat. See that? That is the vāyu arrow. That is absolutely a disaster arrow. And then comes the worst of them, Mars. Now Kāmadeva should not be firing that arrow at all. That means either you marry me or I will die. Oh my God, that’s the worst kind of EB. You see what happens when you get an arrow like that? You become like that sister of Rāvaṇa. What was her name? And this sister of Rāvaṇa, she went and she was madly lustful of Rāma. She told him, “just marry me for two hours”. And then Rāma said, no, that’s a wrong number. “Why don’t you try my younger brother? He is without his wife. My wife is here. You can see she is beautiful”. Rāma is very smart. So, then she went to Laxmaṇa, and wrong number! And that’s how she lost her nose. Her nose was chopped off. You see. Māraṇa! When you fall in love and actually get hurt very, very badly, then you know it was the Māraṇa arrow of Kāmadeva. You know, there are many women who fall in love, get married. and then everyday they get thrashed by the husband. That is māraṇa. Okay. The Kāmadeva’s arrow was Mangal arrow. It’s a fire arrow.

So Kāmadeva has five very powerful and don’t underestimate Kāmadeva. Don’t think that you were not hit by the arrow. Don’t even think not even by mistake. Even sages could be deluded by these arrows. So, all these Ṛṣis all of them and they were tormented by them. Śiva Mahāpurāṇa is very clear. All the Ṛṣis also got tormented. Look about the Ṛṣis out here. Sapta Ṛṣis; who got tormented. Marīci Pula did not drop sweat. So, two of them, two of them are extremely powerful. One is this Marīci, Dadhīci: Sūrya. Mighty Sūrya! Kāmadeva try your luck, I am Sūrya! So Marīci, Dadhīci, he has full energy of Sūrya. His bones are so powerful they became Vajra (weapon that is tough like diamond) for Indra. You can see that, basically, Marīci is the Sūrya. By the time the arrow reaches the Sun, it will burn. And then the other one was Pulaha. And who is Pulaha? I thought Pulaha is associated with Venus. So Kāmadeva fires an arrow, he says, hey, “I am Venus. I belong to that gotra of Venus. Your arrows are not going to work on me”. The Ṛṣi of a certain energy of a planet indicates that he is not deluded by what is indicated by that planet. And interestingly, Marīci is Sun and Pulaha is Venus as far as Jyotiṣa is concerned. So, he is Sun Ṛṣi (rishi = sage) and Venus Ṛṣi. And Sun and Venus are called Sthira Pitṛ Kāraka. Sthira Pitṛ Kāraka, fifth house. So, the Sun and Venus did not drop sweat. Now come on, it was semen, not sweat. And hence, were substituted by kaśyapa and Śukra. You see this things out here. So, sun is substituted by kaśyapa as a saptarṣi why is Marīci not here? We know because Marīci will not drop sweat. Okay they call it sweat in the vedic literature. Okay. I don’t know why they call it sweat but they call it sweat. Like hanuman, when he was flying from, uh, from India to Śrī Kṛṣṇa Lanka, you know, he made that jump midway, he was burning, he was burning like, so he sweated and then he dropped sweat. And there was someone who collected that sweat. So anyway, so dropping sweat. So that is why in this list of saptarṣi, we don’t really use Pulaha, we use Śukra instead. Because Pulaha will not produce babies. Marīci will not produce babies. So, remember, in the saptarṣi for producing babies, as Gārhapatya is concerned, these planets are chosen. Even atri, moon, come on, moon: immediately, huge family. Okay, so you got an idea even about the Ṛṣi. Now let’s look at adoption.

audio progression: 1:37:33

The first famous adoption is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was born on Thursday. So, we are going to waste time with the Vāreśa. Look at Gārhapatya. Gārhapatya is the moon. Okay, Vāreśa Jupiter, Gārhapatya moon. Where is the moon? 8th house. Candra aṣṭama. Ah, Gārhapatya is in Maraṇa Kāraka sthāna. See, I told you I don’t like it. So, there’s a problem out here. His parents will not be able to look after him; MKS, eight house. So, let’s look at the dispositors. One dispositor is Jupiter, he’s in the 11th house of stepfather. The other dispositor is Ketu, which is also in the 11th house. Excellent dispositor position. Absolutely fantastic position. In the second from Aruḍha Lagna; very good. Shows close link to the adoptive father, jupiter! Steve’s biological father was Abdul Fatah Jandali who was a syrian muslim and had an affair with his biological mother joanne. Okay whatever. Their relationship was not accepted due to their cultural differences, interesting. Resulting in Steve being set up for adoption, Steve Jobs. Paul Jobs, a Coast Guard veteran, Coast Guard is water, Coast Guard they go on boats, see Ketu? Coast Guard veteran: Ketu, okay. Worked as a machinist: Ketu. For a company that manufactured lasers: definitely Ketu. And is largely responsible for his son’s interest in electronics: pure Ketu. And working with his hands. Clara was an accountant, which is Mercury. So definitely his whole Ketu thing has come from… see when Jupiter and Ketu have conjoined, Ketu is debilitated over here. But so, all the retrograde power of Jupiter, remember I told you about retrograde Jupiter? Fifth Lord in the 11th Dhanayoga, fifth Lord in the 11th Dhanayoga, Gārhapatya Agni is Moon. Well play. It shows he will get a home and the dispositor is Jupiter is also the fifth Lord. So, Jupiter is giving him very powerful Gārhapatya. And all this “Jupiter+Ketu” is going inside Ketu. So, Ketu is although debilitated he has conjured his exaltation lord. You see that? So, Ketu is feeling very happy. Oh my God, this is such a powerful yoga: “Apple”. Interesting, huh? So, you saw Gārhapatya in 8th house, but the dispositor was good. So, he got a good adoptive parents. And not only that, the adoptive parent also showed him the way of success. Ketu: electronics, computers.

audio progression: 1:40:44

Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Oh, you didn’t expect to see the chart of Śrī Kṛṣṇa over here, did you? Vāreśa is Saturn. Lord Kṛṣṇa was born on a Saturday. Saturn is in Digbala. But I’m not going into that. His Gārhapatya is Mercury. See Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. So Gārhapatya is Mercury. Mercury is exalted. Wow. So then what’s the problem? When you look at it very carefully, Mercury has gone into a battle with Jupiter and is defeated by Jupiter. Look at the Gārhapatya planet very carefully. Here, Mercury has been defeated by Jupiter and because of this defeat, his parents will not be able to bring him up. So, we have to look at the dispositor. This is the sign Virgo and Virgo dispositor, first, is always Mercury. But Mercury is the one which is the problem. So, we are forced to take the other lord. the planet who has a Mūla Trikoṇa in Virgo, that is Rāhu. So that dispositor is Rāhu. So Rāhu is going to be his adoptive parents. So dispositor Rāhu is in cancer. Cancer is a river. So that means his father will have to cross a river and meet his adoptive parents. See Rāhu is in cancer. Now look at this map over here. This point which you see the first point is Mathurā. This point is Mathurā, okay? This is Mathurā. And from here, his father carried him all the way. You see this river? He crossed the river and he went to a place called Gokula. The name of the place, “Go”, Go is animal, Rāhu is animal husbandry. And what sort of animal? Rāhu is in cancer: Cow. Rāhu is animal husbandry, see that? So, basically his adoptive father is indicated by Rāhu in cancer. So, cowherds are there. But basically, Venus and Moon are in exchange. So, it is his adoptive mother who is very, very important for him. So, moon becomes ultimate controller of Gārhapatya. So, this Mercury has been defeated in a battle. Rāhu takes over. But because of Parivartana, Rāhu cannot hold on. Moon has become the ultimate controller of Gārhapatya. It is a very interesting chart and you observe here, to cross the river and go over there. I know many of you who are seeing this today will be shocked that everything that we have been told about the birth of the blessed Lord Kṛṣṇa and his conditions and circumstances and the river crossing of the river exactly and you see the direction in which he traveled. If you look at the direction from here to here, it is the southeast direction. This is south, this is east, this is southeast direction: direction of Venus. See that? The dispositor who has conjoined Venus and Mars. He could have gone south or southeast. He chose southeast. Why? Because Venus is stronger than Mars, Mars is debilitated, Venus is stronger than Mars. So, therefore the father chose southeast direction to go and give it to the adoptive father in Gokula. And there, because of Parivartana, he grew up. How interesting can this be everything that has been taught to us about the birth circumstances of Lord Kṛṣṇa is perfectly fitting. Do you realize the importance of Gārhapatya? Gārhapatya is the Avatāra. So, you see the Gārhapatya is going here, by parivartana it had….. Had the Parivartana not been here, I would have kept the Gārhapatya with Venus by conjunction. Because from here, it has moved. It has moved from here and goes over here, dispositor takes care. Because this (virgo) is fully destroyed. Whenever… Mercury is also combusted by the way. Mercury is also combusted. See it is combusted. Mercury is also combusted and defeated. It is a horrible Gārhapatya. But remember, this Gārhapatya is still exalted. Somebody should learn how to live life with even a destroyed Gārhapatya.

Okay. So the direction in which the father will have to go, the child will have to go, will be actually the direction of the… because he will have to go from this Gārhapatya to the dispositor, the adoptive father. So, similarly I can say that we need to check whether Steve Jobs went from this, his birth parents, to this direction. You see, either it will be the northeast direction or maybe in the same place. The adoptive parents were in the same place where he was born, San Francisco. Because Ketu. Ketu does not show movement. It is just there. It’s vertically upwards. Nobody lives in the sky. So, he (Śrī Kṛṣṇa) was born to Vāsudeva and Devakī. Parents were imprisoned in Mathurā. See? Defeated. What do you mean by a defeated planet? Parents are imprisoned. That was the birth circumstances. And who was creating all this havoc? Mercury: Uncle. The entire havoc of his birth was being created by his own uncle, his mother’s brother. That’s Mercury, right? And transferred overnight to Vrindavan or rather Gokula, not Vrindavan. Actually this: across the river Yamuna by foot. It takes about two hours to walk the distance. Actually, I was checking Google maps to see how long does it take to walk. It takes about two hours to Yashomati and Nanda. So, this is Nanda, Rāhu with Venus is Nanda and this is Yashomathi. Okay, that was very interesting and emotional for me. And yes, My Lord.

audio progression: 1:48:04

Marilyn Monroe. Interesting. Let’s see her chart. The Vāreśa is Mangal. So let’s see. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. This is a bad combo. To be born on a Tuesday and to have Gārhapatya Saturn. Where is Saturn? Saturn is in the fourth house. It is exalted. Now don’t get I told you to check the position of Gārhapatya Saturn from the fifth house. From the fifth house it is in the twelfth. So, you will be given away by your mom. Saturn seems to be exalted but retrograde, so it is behaving as if he’s debilitated; and the 12th house from the star. See that’s all that is there. So, fourth house maybe support mother but surely damages Gārhapatya support from father. So, there is no food coming. Mom can’t feed you. So, the dispositor Venus is your adoptive parent. So, who is going to adopt you? Who is going to adopt you? So, this was… so Venus is this Lord and where is Venus? Venus is in aries. That’s one of the horrible positions of Venus. Please correct this, it’s not Aśleṣā, it’s in Aświnī Gaṇḍānta. Look at Venus very carefully. Venus may be in Aries. Venus is in Aries alright. But is in Aświnī Gaṇḍānta. You see that? In the second Pada. So not only is the Gārhapatya badly placed in the beginning, Venus is also badly placed. So, Merilyn was raised in several foster homes. and stayed in an orphanage for a short period of time. Her struggle for survival continued until she was adopted by her mother’s best friend. Okay, so therefore she married off early. You see, seventh Lord is Gārhapatya. Seventh Lord is Gārhapatya. So, she married early. Because of this early marriage, she was able to find some kind of sustenance, support to live. Otherwise, how would she have lived? So, before we go judging Merilyn for having love affairs with this, that, and all that multiple things. Think about what she went through because of such a bad position of the Gārhapatya. This is bad and this is Gaṇḍānta. Venus is in Aświnī Gaṇḍāntaa. Not aṣleśā. Aświnī Gaṇḍāntaa. It’s not starting. You go to a new place, you’re tested, again you run away. Go to another place, again you are exploited, run away. And a beautiful girl like her.

audio progression: 1:51:40

Okay my superstar, my favorite Rajesh Khanna. Who doesn’t know this guy? Wow. He was born Jatin Khanna. That was his name at birth, Jatin Khanna. So, he changed his name. He was raised by foster parents, his own uncle. He was raised by his own uncle. Now let’s see this. His Vāreśa is again Mars. I told you that this combination is tough. If you are born on a Tuesday, your Vāreśa is Mars and your Gārhapatya is Saturn. So Mangal and Shani are going to decide your life. Okay. How is Mangal? 6th house. It’s well placed out here. Agni is good. But it’s 6th house. From the lagna, it is 6th house. Okay, that’s not good. Remember we did this right? We did this. Vāreśa should not be in the 6th and 8th. I don’t like Vāreśa in the 6th and 8th. Dispositor, let’s take Ketu. Ketu in the 9th house. This is good. There are two lords of this sign. One lord is here, so I’ll take the other lord. Ketu. So dispositor is Ketu. Wow, that makes him very, very handsome. Very handsome. Ketu, Kandarpapari Sundara, as beautiful as Kāmadeva himself. And the Gārhapatya is Saturn, his retrograde. Which house is this? 12th house. So, from the star, one two three four five six seven eight. Oh my god, no no. I don’t like Gārhapatya in the fourth house or 12th house and I don’t want it weak. Again Saturn retrograde. Here it was Saturn retrograde, here it is Saturn retrograde in Taurus. And by retrogradation where is Saturn going? He’s and who is waiting for him over there? Mangal. Oh my God. This is… but Saturn isn’t Taurus. It’s Taurus. And Taurus is very very wealthy very rich. It’s Taurus. Come on. He is the natural richie rich. Okay. Do you see this car in the picture? So, he wanted to be a movie star and his adoptive parents who are basically his uncle, because Saturn would indicate elder brother or something. Yeah, his father’s elder brother. But wealthy, they were quite wealthy to say the least. So, he approached filmmakers in his own MG sports car during his struggling days. So, this poor little MG sports car was with him and he would go driving in this looking for jobs. I mean, why was he looking for a job? You don’t have to work. But then he’s Rajesh Khanna, he wanted to be a film star, right? And he had to be a film star. Saturn, it’s all about body, right? Gārhapatya, Saturn. When Saturn becomes Gārhapatya, it’s about body. It’s about body. Keep that in mind. Look at Marilyn Monroe, go to the previous one. Born on a Tuesday, Saturn exalted: Gārhapatya. And Saturn is alone, and Saturn is reducted. You got a body-beautiful, you got a beautiful body. Vāreśa Mangal, Gārhapatya Saturn, beautiful person. Oh my God, women would go mad. Read about it, go Google it and read about superstar, the first and only real superstar was Rajesh Khanna. Nobody has come close to him. Women would take blood out from their body, fill the ink pen with their own blood and write love letters to him. What sort of madness? Absolute Ketu headlessness. See that is Kandarpapari Sundara. He causes that headlessness. His Agni is not Mangal. His Agni has become Ketu and he causes that madness globally wherever he goes: 9H. Such a guy should not marry, you know.

audio progression: 1:55:58

Anyway. How about Bill Clinton? Okay, we’ll do this fast. You seem to be running out of time. Let me check with the… Okay, Clinton, same rules, Vāreśa is Sun. See, he is born on a Sunday, okay? So Gārhapatya is Jupiter. Where is Jupiter? Fourth house, see? See, I taught you, if the Gārhapatya is in the fourth house or the 12th house, from the fifth house, it is the 12th and the eighth. I don’t like him in there. It means you will feel that you were adopted. Even sometimes…… you know sometimes….. it is….. you could sometimes it is not. Because these two houses can get connected. If these two houses: if the fourth and fifth can get connected you are not adopted, but you “feel”; you feel like an adopted child in the house as if you have been adopted. You feel like that if the Gārhapatya is in the fourth. So, you don’t want the Gārhapatya in the fourth house or in the twelfth house. Jupiter protects the mother. That is Jupiter, he will protect the mother no matter what. He is Jupiter. Come on Where he sits Śiva will come and where Śiva comes that house will get protected. So what has got protected fourth house has got protected. Okay now from the ninth house, Jupiter is in the eighth Jupiter is in the eighth from the ninth. So, father will die before….. So, before his birth, before he’s born, before the star, delivery, star of delivery, before he becomes a man appearing in the world, before he appears in the world, his father is GONE. Okay, father died three months before birth by accident; childhood with grandparents: maternal grandparents. So, we have to check who is the Gārhapatya? Jupiter. Okay, where is Jupiter? Jupiter is in Libra. Remember the rules. Don’t… absolute! You have to take the dispositor only. If Gārhapatya Jupiter is failing, that means father is not there, the dispositor Venus will do. And who is Venus? Dispositor Venus shows maternal grandparents. If the dispositor is Jupiter, it would indicate paternal grandparents. So, the first; remember in adoption, Venus is a guru. He will pull the maternal grandparents, maternal side. Jupiter will pull the paternal grandparents: paternal side. Here, the dispositor is Venus and it is showing maternal grandparents. They brought him. Initially. And the first stepfather, the first stepfather was Roger Clinton. This is Roger Clinton. You see the 11th lord? Stepfather is seen from the 11th lord. So, first Libra, Venus as the lord of Libra is his maternal grandparents. First Śukra. The second Śukra is 3rd from 9th, Taurus. This (9H) is father, this (11H) is stepfather. So, the first stepfather was Roger Clinton, that is Taurus. So he took the name from Roger Clinton senior and became Bill Clinton. Roger was a car salesman. See? Car salesman: Śukra. Car salesman you how to find out who the adoptive father is? Śukra: car, vehicles, something; it has to be a Śukra related. (The profession) It has to be a Śukra related. It has to be a Śukra related profession. We are talking of Gārhapatya here. Gārhapatya is agni. It has to be a Śukra-related profession. Roger, unfortunately, was an alcoholic. Oh, how sad. Why was Roger alcoholic? Is Venus debilitated? Yes, Venus is debilitated. Debilitated planets in male horoscope are all alcoholics. If a planet is debilitated, alcoholic is okay. “Not okay” is drug addictions because when a planet gets debilitated, alcoholism, drug addiction, all these things come. Debilitated planets are bad not because they are debilitated, because “you” become a drug addict, alcoholic and all this nice satsang will happen with you. And this alcoholic…. and Bill intervened with physical force. So basically, Bill had an excellent relationship with this father, the stepfather Śukra who is in third house with Mangal. So, with physical force he intervened with this Roger Clinton. I am not sure: Physical force means he probably beat him up. Each time resulting in stepfather’s arrest. So first he will beat him up and then get the stepfather arrested. Bill Clinton was very interesting. Anyway, I will leave it there for you to study it, okay? Okay. I have another chapter and I’m not getting into this now. This is a very, very…….

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