Pañcāṅga – Vāra_01

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Read Time:97 Minute, 36 Second

(TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO LECTURE “Pañcāṅga – vara_01”)

(note: every word is written exactly in the same manner as and when spoken by Gurudev-Rath)

Om Gurave Namaḥ.

So, uh, Basically, you will observe that there is a beautiful topic today.  We are talking of Agni and particularly the form of Agni called Dakṣiṇāgni which is the one responsible for creating us. Our soul has come down through light and light is called Agni in Jyotiṣa. Not just heat, not just fire. See when you say fire, there is heat and there is light. So two things definitely are known to man. The two things known are there is heat and there is light. And from that light, we have a form. Because of light, we can see forms, we can see things. And from that ability to see things is connected the ability to knowledge. So the third thing, which normally we don’t attribute to Agni is knowledge. And that is what is hidden part of Agni and in this PJC of America, we will be going through the various parts of the pañcāṅga and step by step we will be going through everything in some detail. So first thing is fire or energy is the lord of bhūloka, is symbolized by Mars. Mars is the controlling planet for Agni tattva, not the source. See there are two things when we say Kāraka we are talking about one who is controlling; from the word Kāraka, is from the Sanskrit word Kara which means hand. He is the hand of God but he is not God. So Mars is the Kāraka or the controller or the hand of God, as far as Agni Tattva is concerned. But then who is going to be the source? Because the source is representing God. The source for Agni Tattva is the Sun. As far as we are concerned, we know all light and heat is coming from the Sun. There is no life on earth possible without the Sun. So therefore the Sun must be the representative of God. So these two factors are very clear as far as Agni is concerned.


Now as far as Mars the controller is concerned. He is sitting in Agni and is controlling the fire controlling the light. That is his Mūlatrikoṇa. That is his office. He functions from there. He doesn’t sleep over there. He functions from there. He sleeps in Scorpio, which is his Svakṣetra. He favors Manuṣya to “Lord” over Earth on his behalf. We must realize that we are able to lord over earth because we have the maximum benefit of Agni. No other creature on this planet has as much access to Agni as Manuṣya or the human beings do.


The arrangement or disposition of the three sacred fires. Now you see the three sacred fires called:

  1. Dakṣiṇāgni is normally in Aries. Then we have,
  2. Gārhapatya Agni, which is in Leo, and we have
  3. āhavanīya Agni, which is in Sagittarius.

But in your horoscope, in your chart, this:

  1. dakṣiṇāgni is in your first house.
  2. gārhapati is in your fifth house, and the
  3. āhavanīya is in your ninth house.

So this three form the famous triangle of Agni. You see that triangle, put that in your mind. But that triangle is pointed upwards and is the tendency of fire to always burn upwards. So the Agni triangle has the three koṇa, three heads. Each koṇa, each pointed part of the triangle is called a head. So there are three heads of Agni. Agni is always represented as having three heads and three legs. So this is one leg which goes from Aries to Leo. The other leg is from Leo to Sagittarius and the third leg is from Sagittarius to Aries. So any movement along this is called the jump of the lion. It is called Siṁha Avalokana. So if you’re traveling from Aries to Leo, it is called the jump of the lion, Siṁha Avalokana. He is the sva, the self. How do you know yourself? You stand in front of the mirror, of course there should be light in the room. Because of the light, you can see yourself in the mirror. And the first cognition of yourself, your body, your face, your features; is your external features. So the self is first identified as the lagna. And then you have a name. Your name is also sva, your identity. So sva simply means your identity, yourself and we have multiple things to identify us from each other, to identify our abilities, all that is sva, the self and Dakṣiṇāgni is the one that is manifesting and this Dakṣiṇāgni actually manifests through the weekday Lord in which we are born.


So we are now going to see how this Dakṣiṇāgni which is in the first house is going to manifest through the lagna, through the Vāreśa, the weekday Lord. Now Agni as a Devatā is said to have two Śaktis because you will observe in this diagram next to us, there is a time roughly from 6 a.m. the sun is rising and 8 a.m. 10 a.m. it’s all sunlight till sunset at 6 p.m. and then there is the night. So we have a day half, the sun is ruling the day half and when the sun is shining, none of the stars are visible. Nothing is visible out here. And in the night, it is the moon that is ruling the half. And over here, you can see the stars, the nakṣatra mandala, the other planets, they are touring over there. Somebody is going to some nakṣatra. Somebody is coming from some nakṣatra. You can see all that in the night sky. But in the day, there’s absolutely nothing. There’s just one Sūrya. So we say in the daytime, Agni is Sva. The Agni that I’m talking about right now is Sva or self, okay? He is with “ha, ha”. So when you say ha, you breathe out. It is like given away, to abnegate, sacrificed. So you are giving away something. you are giving away the Agni, you are sacrificing your Agni and you are doing that for the welfare of the world and that is what the Sun God is, Sūrya is doing, right? He is constantly giving away his energy. In the daytime you can see the Sun, he is giving away his energy completely. So think about the daytime, this Agni is with Ha because Sva is with Ha. Sva is the self, Sūrya is the self. He’s with ha, it becomes Svāhā. So did you see the derivation of the first mantra of Agni? The first mantra of Agni is Svāhā. And this sound Svāhā, it means I am sacrificing some energy for the greater good, for doing something good, for doing some karma. Just like Sūrya, I am going to go ahead and do some work. Right now, I am doing Svāhā, because I am the one who’s talking. I am the one who’s sacrificing the energy. Okay? And this whole half is Aho, daytime, Aho. See from Ha, Aho. It’s an exclamation, Aho. So you have sacrificed. So when the day is over, we say, Aho, we have sacrificed, sacrificed his energy like Sūrya. And that’s Dakṣiṇāgni.


He is called Dakṣiṇāgni because in the daytime, during the daytime, whether it is morning 6 o’clock, 7, 10, midday, afternoon, the whole focus was on midday. The whole focus was on midday. The whole concept of time in our head is about AM and PM, anti-meridian, post-meridian. This AM and PM has really got into the head of human beings and all other creatures. They become aware that, oh it’s morning time, I have energy, I have time to do things, but the moment it’s PM, you realize not much time is left. The day is going to finish very soon. So the whole focus was on the 10th house, which is the midday sun. So midday sun symbolizes the meridian, the sky, the sun in the 10th house, the sun right on top of our heads in the sky. That’s called the 10th house. And that is called Dakṣiṇa because the 10th house is called Dakṣiṇa, the south. Agni is in the south because Agni is our focus. Agni is the focus of not just our eyes, it is the focus of our mind, it is the focus of our entire consciousness. our whole being gets focused because of Agni. I want you to appreciate the importance of this Agni. That, if you are in the daytime, it’s in the south, Dakṣiṇāgni. But what about the night?


In the night, it is different. Dhā. The whole focus is about conserving because the sun has gone to sleep. The sun is no longer visible in the sky at night. The sun has gone under the horizon. We say he’s gone to conserve his energy. He’s gone to rest. He’s saving energy. He’s gone to set himself up again, reset himself, reboot himself, to bestow new energies to himself, to fix whatever losses he’s made or whatever errors that were made, to restore himself. So the night is all about restoration. So in the day, the energy is going out. In the night, the energy is coming back, it is restoring. But in the night, let us say the sun has set at 6 p.m. So whether it is 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m., midnight, 2 a.m., there is only one focus. What time is the sun going to rise? See, the focus in the daytime was the midday sun. whereas the focus in the night time is the sunrise and the sunrise is nothing but sva. And to Sva I add dhā, the restoration power to Sva. So Sva is getting restored. Sva or the self is getting restored. Svadhā. So that is the Śakti of Agni at night. In the daytime the Śakti is Svāhā, in the nighttime the Śakti is Svadhā. So that is the second mantra. these two Śaktis are very beautiful Śaktis. They say Svāhā is like Gauri, the wife of Śiva, whereas Svadhā is like Lakṣmī, the wife of Viṣṇu. So these are the wives. So if Svāhā is like Gauri, the wife, and we say the energies of husband and wife must be opposite. Now that is basic Jyotiṣa, most of you know basic Jyotiṣa, that the husband and wife have to be opposite polarities. So if Gauri is daytime, Svāhā, Śiva must be night time. Śiva must be associated with the night, with the moon. And so if Svadhā or Lakṣmī is night time, is associated with the night energy, then Viṣṇu must be associated with the day energy. So I have beautifully derived for you the very foundation of Hinduism, of Vedic learning. The principal deities and the principal deities, the twofold are coming from these two streams of day and night. So the day is Viṣṇu and Gauri because of Svāhā. The night is Śiva and Lakṣmī because of Svadhā. So Lakṣmī is like a sister of Śiva and Gauri, Pārvati is like a sister of Viṣṇu. Did you understand that? Very interesting.


So when Pārvati or Gauri was getting married, Viṣṇu was acting as the brother-in-law of Śiva. So he was receiving Śiva and he was doing all the rights necessary. When Lakṣmī is ever in trouble, she goes rushing to Śiva to help her. So you see the connection of Śrī, that is Lakṣmī, with Śiva and Hrīṁ, that is Gauri, with Viṣṇu. So the two principal sounds, the bejas, the two principal bejas, also came from here. Viṣṇu side is the Svāhā is like Gauri. So, Hreem. This Svadhā is like Lakṣmī. So, Shreem. So, Hreem and Shreem. Hreem in the day, Shreem at night. Hreem in the day, Shreem at night. Did you get it? Two sounds, two bejas. and all this came out from Sva, the Self. and even the breath is called Śvāsa. It is from Sva that the word for the breath, Śvāsa, to take the breath.


The night is called Rātra. Now I broke this word into two parts. Ra, Ra is Agni. We know Ra is Agni. Ra in mystical Jyotiṣa. In Kundalini Shastra, Raṁ is Agni-Bija. Ra is the manifested Agni. Aa is manifestation because of Vasudeva. So Agni that is Raṁ is added to Aa (Vasudeva) so Agni is manifested and Tra is to protect like Man’tra’ like you have the sound Mantra. What is the meaning of the sound Mantra? Mantra is from Mana that is mind, Tra to protect. So protection of the mind. Okay, it’s a simple breakup of the sound. There is of course a whole shloka to that about Manas-trayate. But I am not going into that. I just want to do a simple straight breakup. Ra is Agni, Tra is Protect. So in Ratra, means protect the Agni. Protect the energy. Go to sleep, restore yourself. That is what Ratra energy is about. And from here, we took the last part of Aho. So Ho is over here. “A” starts over here at 6 am and Ho finishes at 6 pm. So we took Ho. And from Ra starts at 6 pm, Tra finishes at 6 am. So we took Ho over here at 6 pm and Ra around 6 pm to get Hora Shastra. So what is Hora Shastra? It is the science of Agni. It is the science of energy. And it is not just science as a physical science, it is a metaphysical science. It is of Agni and Agni is not just light. So I cannot just call it science of light. It is also science of heat and there is something more to Agni that I talked about: “sound”. So it is the science of sound also. There is a soul that is transported by agni. My soul has come from Śiva or from Omkara through the light-process. Because my soul, all the books say that, that the soul or the Atman is a spark of light. So it is also the science of the soul. So therefore, Hora Shastra is the science of Agni. The word Agni covers everything. I hope you appreciated this two-fold division and you are very clear that Gauri is on Śukla Pakṣa with Viṣṇu and Lakṣmī is in Krishna Pakṣa with Svadhā with Śiva or Rudra Pakṣa to be more precise, technically more right.


Now we are going to study the relationship between Agni and Vāyu. Okay. Wherever Agni is, the wind blows from the opposite direction. It’s a simple physics, simple physics. Wherever you create heat, the air on top of that gets heated and starts rising and from the colder regions around, the air has to come rushing. So if the heat is in Aries at 6 a.m., the coldest region is opposite. So therefore, all the wind must rush from there to here. So basically in the daytime, there is more agni. You can see it is heating and heating and heating and heating and heating until maximum heat point is around 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Now, if I were to time the heat around the natural zodiac and say that the sun is rising at 6 a.m. in Aries every day, then the maximum heat will be in Leo. And who can stay over there other than the sun himself? This, in the zodiac, the hottest burning region is Leo. So therefore, only the sun can have that as his home because naturally the sun will live in a place which is hot, not in a place which is cold. Since Leo is the hottest region in the zodiac, opposite that, Aquarius must be the coldest region. So that is why Aquarius is associated with the tall cold mountains, ice clad mountains of the Himalayas and other regions. Now we have derived that the sun must live in Leo. This must be his home. He has to make his palace over here. And because he is the sun, he will work from his palace. He decides as he’s the boss. The daytime has more agni and people go to work because of that. See, they are giving, they are sacrificing energy, right? They are burning their energy, right? And energy is wealth. Energy is wealth. Don’t forget this equation. And all energy is converted to wealth. So if energy is being sacrificed by the sun, all of us in the daytime are going out to work. We are working in the daytime. We are working when there is light. And that is how wealth is created in the world because of the sun. So if for some reason the total solar activity starts dying, then we know that the planet Earth has started dying, that at least we are going to lose wealth, that financially we will be going down. Those of you who have been following sunspots, please make a Google search and see what is happening in the world from 2019. the total solar activity is going down very, very drastically from last year. So it is but natural that the wealth of the world will go down. So keep, it’s very obvious there is a connection between the sun, the heating, breathing out, ha, what we call ha, and giving their energy. So therefore the sun is the giver of all wealth of every kind, to every creature. What you value, only the sun can give it to you. Nobody else can. None of the grahas have any capacity whatsoever to give you anything. They only do when the sun approves it. The boss has to approve. If he doesn’t approve, none of the grahas can actually give anything to you. It is very interesting that in this time the Guru is Bṛhaspati. Jupiter is the Guru. We will come to the derivation of this later. But remember that in the daytime of the Sun, the Guru is Bṛhaspati. And the stars are not visible. So the Rāśi are said to be Adṛṣya. So from the first house, as an analogy, to the sixth house we say is like daytime. From the seventh house, that’s the sunset, to the twelfth house is like nighttime. So in the daytime, it’s heating. In the nighttime, it’s cooling. The fifth house has maximum heat, maximum burning and the sun lives over there. The stars are not visible. So this is Adṛṣya and in invisible half. The stars are visible. So it is drishya. So the word drishya or Adṛṣya is based upon visibility of the stars visibility of the sky Whether the sky is visible or not. The real I mean the sky beyond because all that we see in the daytime is the reflected light from the water vapors showing us a blue sky. The sky is actually not blue. Those are water vapors that are reflecting the blue light.


So in the night time, there is more Vāyu, there is more wind. So if there is fire over here, there was wind over here. Fire is heating, the wind is cooling. Have you seen when you burn your fingers, you start blowing on that to cool it. The wind is rushing to cool things down. The wind is cooling. Once the wind blows, the place cools down. It carries the heat away. The wind carries the heat away. So the moon shines and the Vāyu cools. The moon is shining and the Vāyu is cooling. So the more the moon will shine, the more the Vāyu will cool down. So Vāyu and the moon get interlinked? Agni and the Sun get interlinked. I want you to remember the linkages. The Sun is associated with Agni, heating, fire. And cooling is because of the wind. The cooling is happening because of the wind. It is not some kind of air conditioner out there in the sky. The wind is blowing and that’s how things are cooling down. And that cooling is happening and that’s connected to the moon and the stars. At that point of time what is there in the mind? Love, home is in the mind. Now see in the daytime wealth and work is in the mind. In the night time love and home is in the mind. So the Guru becomes Śukra. The Guru is Śukra. He is telling: “come home”. Whereas here the Guru is Bṛhaspati: “generate wealth”, “have more income” “go to work”  “don’t sleep”. See the difference?. The Guru Bṛhaspati is very work focused, is very is very important that you must generate enough wealth for everybody. There should be food and everything that is required available. That is Bṛhaspati objective. whereas Śukra  objective is there should be a lot of love and affection. People should live together, they should come home. So the mind, the consciousness of the night is about home,and of the day is about work. Therefore, in a zodiac, every graha must have a home and an office. This home is called Svakṣetra. Sva, we started with sva. The whole word was sva. Kṣetra means home. Whereas here, it is Mūla Trikoṇa. Actually the exact word is Koṇa. It is Koṇa because it is coming from the first trine that was created by the maximum heat of the sun. The word Koṇa was picked up from the sun. He was the one whose palace has to be made first. Unless his palace is made, nobody else can have a home. So Koṇa, from Koṇa it became TriKoṇa because there are three of them and then work. So any planet’s Mula TriKoṇa is where he is working from, where Svakṣetra is his home, where he is relaxing. Mula TriKoṇa is solar energy, Svakṣetra is lunar energy, Mula TriKoṇa Guru is Jupiter, Svakṣetra Guru is Śukra. These fundamentals of hora shastra are derived from Agni. And the two most important turning point, these are turning points of energy, turning points of time. At sunrise, agni is exalting: now it’s my time has come. And Vāyu: oh, my time is over. I can’t cool anymore. See, Vāyu is constantly trying to cool? After the sun rises, why you cannot cool anymore? The heat is increasing. So who is exalting? Who is becoming strong? Agni is becoming strong from sunrise. Why you is going down from sunrise? At sunset, Vāyu is exalting? My time has come. I am now going to show how I will cool the planet. I will chill it. Agni is struggling. He can’t, the sun has gone to restore himself. He says, hang on, I’m getting charged. My battery is down. You see, that’s the difference. And that happens every day, day and night. And that happens with human beings, with all creatures.


In this manner, Agni is actually lording Bhūloka by heating and cooling, heating and cooling. This goes on and on and on. And if I were to say the sun is the hottest planet, right? If I look at the planets that we use in Jyotiṣa from the sun to Saturn, we use planets from sun to Saturn. These are the seven right? Sun, then we have Mercury, we have Venus, Earth, actually Earth is replaced by the sun because we are using a geocentric model. We have the moon as the satellite of the earth, we are concerned with the moon, we are not concerned with the satellites of the other planets. Then there is Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, so that’s seven of them. Among the seven, who is the hottest? The sun is the hottest. So therefore the sun will make his home in Leo and he says, I will also work from here. Why? Why are you going to work from there? Because that is the hottest region. To balance him, the coldest planet, who is the coldest planet? The coldest planet is Saturn. Saturn has to work from the opposite sign, from Aquarius. So therefore, Saturn has to make his office, his Mūla Trikoṇa in Aquarius. Did you see the derivation of the Mūla Trikoṇa of the sun and Saturn based upon? Agni and Vāyu! So therefore Saturn must rule Vāyu Tattva, because he is the coldest one, he is the coolest one. He understands, he controls. He must symbolize. So that’s how the Mulatrikoṇa were derived.


So what is sunrise? Sunrise is like an exaltation of the Sūrya. And what is sunset? It is debility of Sūrya. What is sunset? Exaltation of Saturn. He feels, wow, my time has come. And what is sunrise? From now, I am entering defeat. I’m just going to struggle and struggle and struggle and I can’t cool the planet anymore. You see, so exaltations and debilitations are turning points and these turning points give us the opportunity to turn our own life around. You have a certain kind of lifestyle, you want to turn it around, the best option that you have is to link your spiritual practices with the sunrise and the sunset. Because these are the turning points. Because then you are using the natural energy of the whole system. By using this natural energy, you are using the turning points and you can turn your life around. So what you do at sunrise and sunset becomes a controller for the day and the night. What you do at sunrise controls the day. What you do at sunset controls the night and the Śiva Mahāpurāṇa tells a very fantastic thing. If you worship at sunrise, exactly at sunrise, you will have a lot of money. You will be an extremely wealthy person. If you worship exactly at sunset, you will have 100 years of longevity like Brahma, because here Vāyu will support you. You are able to catch the Vāyu at his exaltation point. Here you are able to catch the agni at the exaltation point. All you got to do is to catch it at sunrise and sunset. Ah, what a secret. Now we understand why they say that these are called the Sandhyā. That is why the Sandhyā is so important. It is so critical that you must wake up before sunrise and get ready for catching the Sandhyā. You will have your wealth. Whatever wealth you want, whatever you want, what is wealth? Wealth is what you value. If I don’t value a Rolex, you give me a Rolex, I am going to try to chew it like a chocolate. It won’t work. I’ll throw it away. The point is if I value a chocolate then the sun god will give me a chocolate. If I value knowledge he will give me knowledge. Wealth is what you value and here you get longevity, long life. Beautiful long breath! Very cool, very healthy. Your diseases start going away. If you pray at sunset. Do you know what I tell cancer patients? No, your morning walk is not important. Go for a walk at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. At 5 p.m. go out of the house, go for a walk. And as you walk, keep doing your mritunjaya mantra. Keep doing the mritunjaya mantra as you walk. So what happens is they are going out, they are walking. They are with the plants, they are breathing that breath. They’re enjoying the Vāyu when you walk it is Vāyu. Walking is Vāyu activation We are walking because of Vāyu. Every movement is happening because of Vāyu. When you sit at a place, Agni is activated. Look at the sun. His home and palace are in the same place. He doesn’t like to walk. He just sits in his house and gives orders. Whereas Vāyu rushes from here to there, it’s the wind. So go for a walk and do the Mrityunjaya mantra (to cancer patients). That’s how I fight cancer. Because I know I have to catch the exaltation of Saturn. If I do that, they’ll get longevity. It is very important. So the sun rises, exalts, it rises. Exaltation is rising. That’s why I always put an arrow up. You observe the sun with the arrow up. I always put that there to remind myself it is rising now.


Animals in the Tattva : many of you know this that look God created plants and animals Okay all the Atman the jīva, the living The living kingdom, the life on planet Earth is distributed as plants and animals The plants are generally said to be fixed and the animals are said to be mobile. They can move around birds can fly, cows can walk, fishes can swim and man can do all that. So basically this box zodiac gives a better idea of directions. You see Bhūloka, if you read about Bhūloka, Bhūloka maps onto your Mūlādhāra chakra and there; that Mūlādhāra has got four petals and these four petals are perfectly aligned to the cardinal directions. So you are thinking that the GPS in your system, you know your system has a built-in GPS. This built-in GPS you thought was on top of your head. No, it’s at the bottom of your spine. You see your GPS is at the bottom of your spine. All creatures have this GPS. This tells us the cardinal directions. Okay now the east is where the Agni is and east in this is actually Aries and Taurus. These two are in the east, Aries and Taurus are in the east. So life when it comes to Bhūloka if it travels to the east then it is in Aries or in Taurus. If the life goes over here: it’s in cancer to the north it’s in cancer or in Leo. In the west, it is in Libra or in Scorpio. And in the south, in Capricorn or Aquarius. Okay now the Tattvas, you see Agni is in the east, Jala is in the north in the sky. Okay I don’t know why it is in the sky. Is the sky blue in color because of water vapor? interesting! Okay. and we have the wind in the west that is undisputed because it has to balance the agni and then the only thing left is Pṛthvī so we put it on the remaining direction which is south. Then we put all the animals, all the terrestrial animals came on Pṛthvī so basically capricorn and aquarius are showing all terrestrial but the animals are movable mobile so they can’t go to aquarius. They must be connected to Capricorn. Very interesting. There is a Capricorn connection to all animals who are terrestrial. There is a cancer connection to all fishes, aquatic creatures. There is a Libra connection to all birds and human beings are different from all three of them. We have Agni. We have Pṛthvī, we have Jala, we have Vāyu, all right. But our dominant, our dominance is of Agni. We have very powerful brain. And that is our processing power. Our brain, our Agni is supreme. So with the maximum of Agni, God created human beings. Okay, so keep that in mind that human beings for us, Agni is very, very important. For fishes. Jala is important. For birds. the wind is important. And for this terrestrial creatures, the earth is very important.


The plant kingdom is fixed. It is sthira. So, because plants don’t walk around, right? They are fixed, they are fixed. And these plants are all over, so I am not going into what type of plants were. But you observe that these are the four cardinal directions and the living creatures can only come into the cardinal directions, not the dual signs. The dual signs are left out over here. They are called the Koṇa. So basically these are the Kendra and these are the Koṇa of the Mūlādhāra, of the Mūlādhāra. Protection for all creatures is coming from the ninth house. So man is protected by the bow, by Sagittarius. So Sagittarius is the protection of man and Aries is controlling the development of man. Man as a creature has come a long way from the Stone Age to the Computer Age today. and all this rapid development we are having is all because of Aries. You just have to look at Aries, see what planets are coming, what planets are going, what planets are transiting and you will know what is happening in the world of men. You have to look at Sagittarius, see what planets are coming, what planets are going and to check whether the heavens are protecting mankind or not. So we have protection from nature, when Sagittarius is well occupied, well placed. We have, we are growing, we are living well if Aries is well. For example, when did World War Two start? World War Two started when Saturn and Ketu were transiting over Aries. Now when Saturn and Ketu transit together, these two planets don’t get along at all. So a battle is going to start. and man is going to kill man and that’s what happened. Now sometime back last year Saturn and Ketu were transiting over Sagittarius. So what will happen? The protection of man will go. Our protection is gone. Nature is no longer willing to protect us. So something got triggered and our protection is gone. We are all hiding inside our houses and waiting for better days to come when nature will afford protection to us. (the lecture was recorded in COVID lockdown times). It is very important to understand the nature. Unless we understand nature, how are you going to study transits? Okay, with this, I’d like to take a few minutes break and let’s take a five minute break. space.


So Agni is three headed. Okay, we talked about the three heads. They are the first fifth and the ninth houses of the natural zodiac and any horoscope, Lagna, Pañcama and Navama. That’s where the Agni is. Lagna or the first house is said to be Bhūloka, natural Aries Bhūloka. The name of the Agni over there is Pavamāna or terrestrial. Why? Terrestrial, is on Earth. That’s called Dakṣiṇāgnī because we have seen that Agni is actually in the midday sun, the consciousness is in the midday so we call it Dakṣiṇāgnī but the energy over here is of the mother, Mātṛ, mother. So it is called Pavamāna Agni or the terrestrial Agni. The other Agni in the fifth house is called Śuchi and it is in Arka. Arka is another name for the sun. Śuchi is in Arka. and the fifth house sun is normally called Arka and that is the celestial sun, Garhapati Agni, it’s with the Pitṛ. And Pavamāna, atmospheric lightning that is Ahavani Agni that is with the Guru. So you observe first house the Agni is focused on mother, in the fifth house he is focused on the father. and in the ninth house he is focused on the Guru. We say in the first house the Agni is focused on mother and the symbol of the mother is the moon. In the fifth house he is focused on Pitṛ, fathers, forefathers, that is the sun and in the Svarga Loka he is with the Guru. He is called avahani agni. And, he is with the stars. So this same Agni or light, heat is with the moon at sunrise because all the time he was with mama. He was with the moon. It’s the moment of sunrise only he assumes that he has gone off to the sun. But the moon has not fully left him. The cooling has not fully left him. It’s only in the fifth house that it is maximum heat. This is the Śuchi. These were represented by three forms, Dakṣiṇāgnī, Garhapatya Agni in the fifth house, and Avahani Agni in the ninth house. Now, this is Manusmṛti. Pitṛ, father or progenitor is Garhapati Agni. Mātṛ, mother Dakṣiṇāgnī and Guru is Ahavani Agni. This triad of fires is most venerable. So the lagna should be treated as a blessing of the mother. The fifth knowledge is the blessing or wealth shall I say Sun, more wealth, is a blessing of the father and ninth, knowledge, is the blessing of the guru. These are the three blessings of Agni. That’s why they are venerable. That’s why they must be respected and prayed to. You have good health because of Dakṣiṇāgnī. You have good wealth because of Garhapati Agni. And you have good knowledge because of Avahani Agni, because of the Guru. He who not neglects these three, that means you should not neglect these three. He who does not neglect three of them will conquer the three worlds. Bhūloka, Bhuvaloka and Svargaloka you will conquer. All these three Lokas you will conquer. You will actually be a successful person. Your life will be meaningful. But for that, the whole focus must be very clear. I have to conquer the three agnis because I have been given a human body. You are not a bird. You are not a cow. You are not an alligator. You are not a fish. Your focus is not on the other tattvas. Your focus is absolutely on Agni Tattva. Because you are a human being. One, five and nine are your topmost priorities. And from “one” you will get health by the grace of the mother. She is very concerned about your health. It’s the father who’s more concerned about what you are doing. What’s my son going to do? Is he studying something or is going to be a loafer? Is the father is the Pitṛ. They want you to have wealth. If your father is wealthy, you will be wealthy. He will give you a portion of the wealth. Hopefully. And same way with the guru. The guru gives knowledge. He gives the spiritual path. He teaches you how you have to walk that path, with what values, with what strength you have to walk that path. Without the Guru, you cannot walk this spiritual path. The Avāhaniya path is, the door does not open without a Guru. So we are very clear without a mother, there is no health. Without the father, there is no wealth. And without guru, there is no knowledge. There is no spirituality. And radiant in body like a god, he will enjoy bliss in heaven. Because you will conquer, you will conquer Bhu, you will cross Bhu, then you will cross Bhuvah and then you will go to Svarga. And who knows you will cross this. If you are strong enough, you will cross this and go to higher levels. But that can only happen with Agni. Going up is only possible with Agni because Agni is only Tattva which goes up. None of the other Tattvas go up.


Three headed Agni, for this world, the Garhapatya fire is piled up. Now this world, that means this world where we are, this Saṁsāra where you and I are living and we are doing jobs and we are doing something and getting some money so that we can live our lives. This whole Garhapatya fire is centered around the fifth, around Leo, natural Leo. The palace of the king, the home of the king, the sun, the whole world, Saṁsāra is focused on him. All the wealth! This agni. When this agni will really jump and burn very high when this heats up the body then this world you will enjoy like anything. You will get a lot of wealth, you will have a lot of status. See fifth house, power, position, authority. From where does it come? It comes from the fifth house. Status, fifth house. How can you have wealth if you have no status? Wealth comes with status. Or one comes first, the other comes later. It’s all together. That’s Garhapatya Agni, Ga. So three sounds are there, Da. Remember the three sounds, Da, Ga, Aa. Da for Dakṣiṇāgnī, first house. Ga for fifth house, Garhapatya. And ninth house, Aa, Avahaniya. So Garhapatya fire begets riches in this world. Sūrya gives wealth in Bhūloka. Paṇaphara, you see, a lot of wealth will come in this world. You will be wealthy. Avahaniya agni is different. He begets riches in the yonder world, in the other world. That wealth which Bṛhaspati, who is the natural Lord of the ninth house, Sagittarius, he gives wealth in Svargaloka. Āpoklima. It is afterlife that you will actually enjoy that. Even even a dollar of that money you cannot enjoy in this life. That is why very spiritual people die like beggars. Why do they die like beggars because in reality they have ignored the Garhapatya completely and shifted the entire focus to Avahaniya When you shift the whole focus to Avahaniya this, all the energy, all the agony, you have X amount of agony, X amount of energy. If you put all the energy in the ninth house, then you are going to get riches after death. That is what manusmṛti clearly spells out. But for this world, you want to have a lot of reserves for this world, then focus on the fifth house. With reverence, prayers. pujas, mantra, fifth house is mantra. to Garhapatya, he rests on this world. That means in this world, in Bhūloka, you will rest. That means you will die and you will come back again. You will die and you will come back again. You will die and you will come back again. You will rest in this world and makes amends to life here. Every time you come back, you make the life better. You make it even better and better and better and better. Until maybe one day, what? Become the president? Prime Minister, or God knows the richest guy in the world, you will keep resting on Garhapatya, the fifth house. So this is the earth wealth. Whereas with reverence to Avahaniya, the life path is reversed from Sva. If you see, I am here, my head, my brain is in “da”. My brain, my intelligence is in “da”. That is the Upadesha. That is the. So if I go to Āhavanīya directly I am going in a reverse fashion. I am going from 1 to 9. I am going retrograde. Whereas if I am going from “da” to “ga”, I am going direct. I am going zodiacal. I am traveling forward. You see life path is direct from Sva to Garhapatya, fifth house. Family, children, Saṁsāra. Here the life path is reversed from Sva, Āhavanīya. Dharma, Ashrama, Saṁnyāsa. So this is the fifth house. When the 5th house Agni is stronger, I go to Saṁsāra. When the 9th house Agni is very, very strong, I will go to Saṁnyāsa. But depends how I am going there. Okay?


So now we come to the next chapter, the weekday Lord placement. Agni is Saptajihvā, he has seven tongue. These are the seven colors of the seven days. So it is called Vāra. As far as we are concerned in Bhūloka, Agni is in the Vāra. We did some philosophy related to Agni. Now we are going to study some Jyotiṣa. at a more rudimentary level and maybe in the next class we will go into much more philosophy and then we will do some charts. We will do it together, you know, we learn some philosophy, we got some ideas, now we do this and you will need to listen to that philosophy again so that you get your foundation very strong. So let’s go into the weekdays, the Vāraisha “eśa” is lord. So there are planetary lords for the weekdays, you know the seven weekdays we have and there are these planetary lords and Agni is actually going and residing inside that or in other words that planet is lit up. See there are seven bulbs in the sky. In a room there are seven bulbs and on one day, on Sunday the red bulb lights up. On Monday, the orange bulb lights up. On Tuesday, the yellow bulb lights up. On Wednesday, the green bulb lights up. On Thursday, the blue bulb lights up. On Friday, the indigo bulb lights up. And on Saturday, the violet bulb lights up. Okay? It’s all about what day. That bulb is lighting up. They take turns. So the other bulbs get rest. This is the shloka for the saptavāra.


Ādityaścandramā bhaumo budhaśchātha bṛhaspatiḥ

Śukraḥ Śanaiścaraścaiva vārāḥ sapta prakīrtitāḥ

आदित्यश्चन्द्रमा भौमो बुधश्चाथ बृहस्पति:
शुक्रः शनैश्चरैव वाराः सप्त प्रकीर्तिताः


That is the Sanskrit. So it basically tells that the seven days are Aditya, that is the Sun or Ravivāra, Sunday, Chandrama, Moon, Soma. You see the names I am using. Ravi, I use Ravi. Ra Agni, Va Water. He who lifts the water up. If he does not lift the water, I won’t have rainfall. If I don’t have rainfall, I will die. Planet, life on earth will die without rainfall. I’m an animal, right? So Ravi Vāra, Sunday. Soma, Soma is the Amṛta, my blood. My blood is carrying the nectar to every little molecule in my body. Soma, Soma Vāra, so Agni is going to the Soma. Mangal Vāra, auspicious protector, fighting for me, fighting for my needs, fighting for my property, struggling to keep me on top of things. Tuesday, Buddha Vāra, tired of all this struggle. is buddhaVāra, Mimāṁsā, I will not fight anymore. This is himsa, this is Ahiṁsā. First himsa, first there has to be a fight. Then you say, okay, I will not fight anymore, I am tired; BuddhaVāra. Then Bṛhaspati Vāra, when you take that decision, you start reading something. Bṛhaspati, the knowledge of the gurus will come. Or guruVāra, that is why it is called guruVāra. Then you go to a guru, I am tired of this fighting and all. I have decided not to fight. Now I am at peace. Guru please give me some knowledge. Then Śukra Vāra, Śukra that is having children, having got the knowledge of peace, now I will marry. Because without peace you can’t marry, no? In agitation you don’t get married. So with peace you get married. Śukra Vāra, so you have children, progeny and all that. And finally Śani Vāra. These are the 7 days of the week in standard Vāra order. SomaVāra, BudhaVāra, Bṛhaspati Vāra or GuruVāra and Śukra Vāra are considered good for auspicious work in the external world. Now please listen very carefully. That means Mondays, see look at it is very simple. Natural benefit planets are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus and a good moon. So Monday for the moon, Wednesday for Mercury, Thursday for Jupiter, Friday for Venus are considered good days. Why are they good days? Because the lords are good planets. Tuesdays, Mangalavāra, ravivāra that is Sunday and Śanivāra are considered bad days and they are used for harsh external work or purification and rest, internal work. So whenever you talk of work, there is an internal work and there is an external work. You got to work internally also and that is the spiritual work that you do with yourself. So these days are good for harsh work externally. Like Tuesday may be a very good day to file a case in a court. Then the battle will be very strong, right? And then you will demolish and kill and destroy. Tuesday may, for anything which is very harsh, you want to demolish a building, choose Tuesday. Okay. You want to shift from one house to another house, choose Saturday. Because it is called instability. Instability is happening. You are shifting from one house to another house. You are shifting from one office to the other office choose Sunday. Things which are destabilizing, things that are breaking down, these days are good. External world. Internally, these are good actually for reflection, for mantra, for burning bad karmas. For example, if it’s a Tuesday, I can burn karmas associated with Mars. So why should I be creating more karma externally? I can go inside and do mantras and burn more Mangal karma on that day. On a Saturday, if I do mantras, I can be burning more saturn karma. Ego, you want to get over the ego problem, worship Śiva on a Sunday and the ego is gone. the barrier between you and the Guru will go away. There is only one curtain between you and knowledge and that is called Ahaṅkāra. And that Ahaṅkāra, the cause of that is the Sun, “me me, right? Dhātṛ Aditya. So, to get over that, you can do mantras on Sunday, very extensively and the ego will go away. You have to burn it from inside, not outside. So that’s how these weekdays are used. This part is in this sloka.

guruścandro budhaḥ śukraḥ śubhavārāḥ śubhe smṛtāḥ

krūrāstu krūrakṛtyeṣu sadā bhaumārkasūryajā

गुरुश्चन्द्रो बुधः शुक्रः शुभवाराः शुभे स्मृताः
क्रूरस्तु क्रूरकृत्येषु सदा भौमार्कसूर्यजा

So this is an overview of the grahas. Now you observe from sun to Saturn, the grahas are ruling the weekdays. Sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Very clear. Ravi, Soma, Mangal, Budha, Bṛhaspati, Śukra, Śani. And the days are here, okay? Rāhu and Ketu don’t find a place over here. They don’t have a place in this. But because they are pāpa grahas, malefic planets, they are allowed. See, they are malefic planets. So how will they get into this scheme? See, unless they enter the Vāra, they can’t influence the human being. I am a manuṣya, a human being. I can only be influenced through Agni. Without Agni, I cannot be influenced at all. So what Rāhu does is he gets into Saturn. and Ketu gets into Mars. So they say half of Tuesday, Ketu will rule. And Rāhu rules half of Saturday. It’s very interesting that Ketu has a lot of light. He likes light whereas Rāhu loves darkness. So I can also say that well, Rāhu must be associated with Amāvasyā because he loves darkness. And then Ketu is always opposite of Rāhu, simple logic. Whatever Rāhu likes, Ketu must like the opposite. So if Rāhu loves Amāvasyā, Ketu loves Pūrṇimā. So therefore, Rāhu gets into Saturn and he will prefer the night of Saturday. So if Saturday has to be broken into two parts, the daytime is actually Saturn and the nighttime is more Rāhu, okay. If Tuesday is broken into two parts, then Ketu will choose the daytime. He’ll say, no no, I like the light. So the daytime of Tuesday will be Ketu and the nighttime will be Mars. This is as far as Agni distribution is concerned, okay? So will you keep this in mind? That Rāhu gets into the night of Saturday and Ketu gets into the daytime of Tuesday because of the Agni distribution, light. Vāra is from Vāsara. Now in the next class, next Sunday, we will talk about Vāsara. Vāra and Vāsara are similar, but not exactly the same. They’re actually different. You will see the difference in the next class.


Vāsa means abode or residence, ra is Agni. So basically Agni first comes into Vāsa. So Vāsara, then he becomes Vāra. Some people say it is a corruption. Maybe, maybe I don’t know. But I know that there is a difference between Vāsara and Vāra. There is a difference between the abode of Agni and his manifestation in the weak days. That which does not have a body cannot shine. nor hold heat. Remember the rule that which does not have a body cannot shine so Rāhu and Ketu don’t shine because they don’t have bodies. If they don’t shine they don’t have Agni. They don’t shine so they don’t have Agni and they cannot hold heat so therefore Rāhu and Ketu are fundamentally “cold” planets. From the heat point of view Both Rāhu and Ketu are very cold. Rāhu in fact is so cold, he is cold as death. The body has become so cold that it is called as death. Saturn is cold but Rāhu is cold as death. So the nodes Rāhu and Ketu are mathematical points, bodiless. You understood this, okay?


Now, you see a beautiful image of Śiva, actually Rudra. This is called Saptamūrti, not Aṣṭamūrti. Very often people don’t know about what this is. So they call it Aṣṭamūrti. Ashta means eight, the eight forms of Śiva or the eight faces of Śiva. Some other day I’ll teach you about eight faces of Śiva. But right now, because we are learning about Agni, we have to learn about seven faces of Śiva. If you look at this, and count the number of bodies you have one in the bottom two three four above that and a fan umbrella you see the umbrella this is standing and then you have these three and then another umbrella above that five six seven you see that so there are actually only seven forms over here so this is not Aṣṭamūrti this is Saptamūrti. Sapta means seven This standing form, standing form of the Devatā is associated with Lagna. Lagna is the standing form. Okay, and he is alone. You observe he is not with anybody. He is left hand is down and the right hand is up. Okay, left hand is down in a certain Mudrā. You observe the middle finger. and the ring finger are pointed inwards and the index finger and the pinky finger are pre. This is a left hand is holding this Mudrā. The right hand is holding some other Mudrā where the index finger has been held. So this is a kind of GyanaMudrā but instead of down, this GyanaMudrā is up: knowledge you see, is holding the knowledge over here. So he’s blessing us with knowledge with the right hand and the left hand is doing something: “homework”. Find out what is this Mudrā in which the middle finger and the ring finger are held by the thumb and why left hand for this and why right hand for this? We need to work a little more on this, but I leave it there.


This alone is Advaita Lord. He’s undivided. Advaita. Non-duality. So therefore, the first Sunday in the natural order, we are taking the natural order of the weekday, don’t break it. Sunday, the Sun will represent Advaita, non-duality. Then he rises, the Agni rises. The next day is Monday. So the one in between over here is Moon. the Monday, the sun is standing over here, moon is over here. And this moon is dual because already the duality has come and he spreads on both sides. So you see the fire when it rises, it is spreading. It is spreading, the fire is spreading. You see the fire? The fire has spread. It is rising like this and it has spread over here in the middle portion. This is called the yellow portion of the fire, right? It has spread. So we have Monday, then first, he goes to the left hand. You observe from Monday he is going to the left hand which is Tuesday, then to the right hand which is Wednesday. So the left hand is fighting, himsa. The right hand is Ahiṁsā. So did you get the idea? The left hand is about fighting, is about battle, is about destruction, is violent. Violent. Whereas the right hand is about peaceful, Śānti, Ahiṁsā. So the offering is being done with the right hand. In this third day, the offering is done with the left hand. Whereas Monday, both the hands are together. Like namaste. So he’s equal on both sides. See his hand posture. The right hand is on the chest. The right hand is on the chest region. He is pointing to what is dear. So these three, you will remember that the first umbrella, the first spread of the fire, Agni is on the first day it is very sharp, second, third and fourth it has spread. And fifth, sixth and seventh, it is spread, but it is darkening now. It is darkening at the upper level, it is darkening, it is becoming more and more dark. In the lower levels, this is red fire. Out here it becomes orange, then it is yellow and green. You see that? The colors are here. Whereas out here it is blue, indigo and violet. So the upper fires, Thursday, Friday and Saturday fires, the light is dark. You look at a flame, you look at a flame, the upper portion of the flame will be darker color than the middle of the flame and the lower will have the sharpest red. This upper portion, the straight up, is the protector for he is the one who is right on top. This is the one above. He is manifesting him. The sun is going to the moon. The fire is going to the moon. But he is the one on top. He is the Guru. That is why Thursday ruled by Jupiter is the Guru of the Sun. So you see in this way we know that if Sunday is over here, the Guru is over here, right on top. And see both his arms are upwards, pointed to the Śuddha Amṛta Chakra. Or some say no, these hands are actually on the Sahastrāra Chakra. That is where the Guru is sitting. The Guru is sitting on the head, the Parameṣṭhi Guru is sitting on the head. He is putting his two hands on the head and on his right hand side, but he is not going to the left because he is Guru. He does not like to go to the left. He does not naturally go to the left. He does not, he is Jupiter. He is the Guru. Chandra will go to the left. He will fight for what is right. But Guru will not go to the left. Guru will naturally go to the right. And this is Friday. And then from here is Saturday. So this is how that is.


So the fifth is righteous, very, very righteous. He’s the guru, he tells you what is right, what is good. Whereas the sixth is satisfaction, love, bhakti. It comes from the sixth. The left hand, you see the left, is the left hand, Saturday, is tapas, sorrow, suffering. So the good thing is tapas. The good thing that is happening out there is tapas, the Tapasyā, to burn, to burn your sin. You’re burning sin. That is the good thing happening. Otherwise, all you are getting is suffering and sorrow. Now you observe in the left hand side is tamas. On the right hand side is rajas, mercury and venus of wednesday and friday are on the right hand side. They are rajas. So when somebody says I am right handed, it is rajas. Somebody says I am left handed, it is tamas. Be in the center. Take the center path. That is the path of sattva. So did you see the derivation of planets? This is how the planets were derived as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. So which planets are naturally Sattva? Sun is Sattva, Moon is Sattva and Jupiter is Sattva. Who has the highest Sattva? Jupiter has the highest Sattva. Then the Moon and then the Sun. Who has Rajas? Venus and Mercury have Rajas. Venus has higher Rajas than Mercury. Who has Tamas? Saturn and Mars have Tamas. Saturn has higher Tamas than Mars. For Saturn is something, is a tamas that can come and stay for a very long time. The tamas of Mars will burn out very soon. Anger cannot stay in the body for too long. Sooner or later it will burn out. Whereas this Saturn, it can stay till death. So who is a higher tamas? Saturn is a higher tamas than this. So this was the derivation of sattva, rajas and tamas guna of the planets using the Vāra in the Saptarudra. This is called Saptarudra, Pratyadhi Devatā. In this form, Rudra is manifesting. He goes up, then spreads. Goes up, then spreads. Agni, the giver of Dhī, propels human intelligence upwards. So the intelligence is actually being propelled upwards towards perfection and God, just as flames of a fire leap upwards.



Now we are to go into studying the effect of the weekdays, how the Vāra are affecting our life. And how these Vāras are good or bad and what are they indicating. We will start with Sunday. You could be born on any day. You could be born on any day. I am very concerned with the Pratyadhi Devatā. Why am I concerned with the Pratyadhi Devatā? Because Agni is the Adhidevatā of Sūrya. Sūrya’s Adhidevatā is Agni, Pratyadhi Devatā is Rudra. So it is Rudra who removes the imperfections of Agni. We human beings are guided by Agni. We are all having imperfections. Our light, our knowledge is not perfect. Our wealth is not perfect. Our desire for wealth is not perfect. We desire wrong things. Rudra removes the imperfections. That is why he is called Pratyadhi Devtā. Once the imperfections are removed, we will move towards perfection. That is why, Pratyadhi Devatā. So for Sunday, when the Sun is strong, these are the qualities that the person will exhibit. He will be resolute, fortunate, brilliant, large-hearted and dear to others. Very submissive. Submissive. Sunday. Sun submissive? Hello. What happened to the Ahaṅkāra? That means Sun is very strong, absolutely strong. That means the stronger the Sun is becoming, the stronger the Sun is becoming, the lesser the Ahaṅkāra is there. Ahaṅkāra is a flaw in the Agni. That flaw is removed by Īśāna. There are two forms. The principle form is Īśāna. Īśāna is the Lord of all knowledge. For those in the spiritual path or seeking, Jñāna and Vijñāna, that is knowledge. Both Jñāna and Vijñāna is knowledge. If you are seeking it, then worship Īśāna with this mantra.

Oṁ Haum Īshānāya Namaḥ.

But those who are in Saṁsāra, like most of us, we are in Saṁsāra, we want to just remove some ignorance. We want to learn a little bit of Jyotiṣa astrology. We may be good people, generally good people. So basically ignorance has to be removed. All this cheating and stealing and all these things have to go. That’s a very bad habit because Sūrya is the one who sees it all. Sūrya sees everything. He is the eye of God. He sees every karma. There is no way that you can escape his eyes. And if you worship Sūrya, what is lost can be recovered. So if let us say somebody has stolen something. and the person is worshipping Sūrya, so whoever has stolen it, that thing will burn, that thing will be useless so even if you have stolen something, it will not work, this cheating cycle, stealing cycle is not good ego problems have to go.

Oṁ Śarvāya Namaḥ

Sha Sha, Tālavya Sha, Śarvāya, Oṁ Śarvāya Namaḥ. So these are the forms. Later we will learn what is the meaning of the forms or you can study these forms. If the sun is nirbala, weak, will always be in rags, unrighteous, highly fraudulent or untruthful fellow, ill disposed to friends and elders, may live in hiding or in the shadows. See some of these will be true, not all of them all the time. So we will see some charts to see how this works.

(audio progression: 1:25:24)

This is the chart of Pandit Motilal Nehru, the father of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was Pisces Lagna, Jupiter exalted in the 5th house, Moon in the Lagna. You see the Parivartana. Very fantastic yoga. The sun is exalted. He came from a lower middle class family. He had to stay with his elder brother to get educated in law. Somehow he got educated, became a lawyer and started his practice in Allahabad. Those days it was Allahabad, now it is Prayag, the gaṅgā. So that’s where he started his practice at Prayag, at the Ganga. I think the courts were there and he earned a lot of money. He became extremely wealthy, extremely. You can see the sun is exalted. It is strong. Person is resolute, fortunate, brilliant. Yes, he was a brilliant lawyer. Otherwise, who will come to him? Absolutely brilliant. Large hearted. Yes, he did huge donations also. Dear to others, huge circle of friends, huge, absolutely huge circle of friends. The Birla’s, the Tata’s and all were his friends and clients. So it is he actually who rose from nothing to being a very, very wealthy and a very, very powerful man of Uttar Pradesh. Because of his connections, his son, Jawaharlal Nehru became friendly to the Birla’s, to the Tata’s, to everybody. So he had the good fortune of father, you see. So you see the status of father, the position of father, the wealth of father works. Here he got nothing from his father because the 9th from the Sun has a debilitated Rāhu but he worked his way up. He went up because of that. But you see, extreme high position. The problem with such a powerful Sūrya, the danger is he may display contempt for others. Contempt, vermin, cockroach. You start thinking of other human beings like cockroaches. That is the problem. Even when it is strong. And then if he starts doing that, he will lose fame. So what happened? He became an extreme position. He had a very powerful position in the Congress party. Those days Congress of A.O. Hume was a very powerful party. And you see, what did he do? He left the Congress. Why? Useless fellows. They’re all petitioning all the time. Svaraj party. “I want to, we should have our own Government. I don’t like this working under the British and all.” Okay, so basically he had his own Svaraj party Then the non-cooperation movement was done by Gandhi He had contempt for the non-cooperation movement. “What is this non-cooperation movement? What is this non-violent thing that Gandhi is doing? He is foolish.” See contempt. He preferred cooperation with the British Raj very funny you want Svaraj But you want cooperation with the British. So you expect that I will cooperate with the British and the British will give me a few goodies. So how will the British give you a little bit of goodies? You will be the guy who will be negotiating for the goodies. So you become all powerful by being the middleman. You see, that was his whole game plan. This exalted Sūrya is with Mercury and Venus. So being exalted and with Mercury and Venus, he will compel Venus to behave himself and exalt. I am exalted, you are sitting with me, you also rise. Mercury, you are sitting with me, you also rise. Now I can understand Venus rising, Mercury rising, but. But there are some issues out here that I have with this Venus and the seventh lord Mercury getting… You see if I am right this Venus has got combusted you see. Anyway… You see? This Venus and Mars are having an exchange over here. You can see that. And that is how the energy of Mangal is coming to the Sun. So therefore the Sun is becoming even more powerful and Venus is behaving as if he’s going to Taurus. Taurus is the home, so his family or home, this is second house, family will grow and grow and grow and grow. Sun exalted in the second house. And, and he’s born on Sunday. If the same horoscope were to be born on Thursday, Agni is not here. Agni is with Jupiter. You see the difference? It is not your family. It is this which is growing. It is Jupiter which is growing. Because the agni is there. That is the root, that picture which you saw. the root, you see the Śiva with the thing, the Īśāna, that root has changed. So even two people having the same horoscope, but born on different days, Agni has shifted. And that makes all the difference in the chart. Here it is with the family in the house of wealth. So a lot of wealth. Submissive? No, he was not submissive. He was conveniently submissive. He was absolutely not submissive to his own people. For three generations, three generations, see the triangle of agni, three generations were prime ministers. His son, his granddaughter and great-grandson were all prime ministers of India. So this agni is an absolutely powerful agni and this parivartana just shows Mangal is supporting him. Second house shooting up. family shooting up.


(audio progression: 1:32:07)

Look at this. Here we have the sun in the 8th house. Now that is not good. The sun in the 8th house is absolutely bad. We don’t want the sun in the 8th house, especially when you are born on a Sunday. Here you see, he’s born on a Sunday, he’s born on a Sunday, the Agni is with the sun in the 8th house. This means it is a chronic disease that can happen. You see, if the Agni is in the 8th house, you can have a very strong chronic disease. and this Agni now is with Mercury so this disease is associated with the skin or with your looks because the skin is outside and it makes your looks, your looks, your body, your Pṛthvī Tattva is getting afflicted in some form and manner. Mercury is not combust, it is very far from the Sun but it is with the Sun. Now let us look at mercury carefully. So we know that this terrible agni, some kind of anger is hitting mercury. And this sun is in the shadows, 8th house is a shadow. And we see that Mercury is hit by the Sun, by Mars. Mars is also aspecting. You can see that Mars is looking at the Sun. And Rāhu is also looking at the Sun. So I have three malefics. Sun, Mars and Rāhu looking at Mercury. Is this a curse? Two or more malefics? Be careful. Mercury cannot handle two malefics. Jupiter can handle two malefics. He is a big guy. Mercury is a kid, is very young. He can’t fight two malefics at the same time and there’s a third one on top of that Rāhu. On top of that is there an Atma Karaka association? Well Atma Karaka Jupiter has Rāśi Drishti also and they are in the house of the Atma Karaka. Is the eighth lord? Jupiter is also the eighth lord. See, it’ is a case of curse. He became an American circus sideshow freak, was born with the skin like an alligator over his entire body. His whole body was having the skin of an alligator other than his skin. He was normal. His mom was scared by alligator when she was pregnant. So who was scared? Who was scared? Mom. Remember this. This is what is said that his mom was scared by an alligator when she was pregnant. And we know from the Bhagavad Gīta that the child has the energy of whatever the mother is dwelling on during pregnancy. If the mother gets very scared by an alligator and she’s dwelling on that fear and she keeps seeing that alligator image in her head, then that will come. And why did this come? Because it was meant to come. It was in his karmas. So because it is in his karmas, it will come. But why didn’t the mother see it? Fourth Lord is Sun. Fourth Lord is sun. It is with mercury. Now let us look at the Sun even more carefully. The Sun is in four degrees. It is in the second Pada of Mūlagaṇḍānta. You thought Gandanta is only for the Moon? No, any planet, Gandanta is like a whirlpool. Any planet that goes there is getting inside that washing machine. The graha is passing through a serious washing machine. God has thrown that graha into the washing machine and has switched on the button. So what is that going through you can well-imagine. Think of a washing machine. You are twist, you are just in circles. So Vāreśa in a Duḥsthāna, this is the lesson that we take away from here. In the 6th house, 8th house or 12th house for which Saturn is a Karaka. You see Saturn or the shadow is a Karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12th. You see 6th house, 8th house, 12th house. This is painful. You don’t want the Vāreśa in the 6th house, 8th house or 12th house. If it is there, you will have a lot of pain in this life. There will.. look at him. Daśās, it has nothing to do with Daśās, the whole life, his skin is like an alligator. It has nothing… don’t blame Daśās for this. It is ugly. Do you understand how important the Panchanga is now? Because it is something that can completely… that one tattva and such a critical one, agni for human beings. So how does he spend his whole life in hiding in the shadows? He doesn’t meet anybody. He goes from his tent to the circus, performs and then when the circus is off, he comes back and hides in his tent, food comes over there. Doesn’t meet anybody, nobody can see him. 12th is not as bad as 6th and 8th as far as Agni is concerned. Keep that in mind. 12th is not so bad. 12th has a different role over here. 2 and 12 are different. 6 and 8 are different. 6 and 8 are the danger points. If Agni, if the weak day lord, if in your horoscope you have your weak day lord in the 6th house or the 8th house, that is an alarm.


Now let’s come to Monday. Here we always start with the Pratyadhi Devatā, his form is called Mahāna. Mahāna, great! You are a great one! You are really great! Mahādeva, Mahat! These are supreme. You are the supreme. You are the king. Who is the king in you? Your mind is the king. Your mind is the king in your system. And the mind is from which planet? From the Moon. And therefore, the form that Śiva takes is this Mahat, the mind. This Śiva is eight-armed. He has eight arms. Remember, Mahādeva, eight arms. and therefore his mantra must be 8 syllable.

Oṁ Mahādevāya Namaḥ

See, it’s an 8 syllable mantra. This Śiva is Mahādeva. He who is the protector of the mind, he will correct the mind. He has the power to correct the mind. What a great one. See this Śiva, this Rudra, when he goes into Monday, he becomes Mahādeva. That is the form he becomes. And you can see there are eight arms. You can count that one, two, three, four on the left. 1, 2, 3, 4 on the right. This is a particular posture called the Tripurāṅtaka Mahādeva. Tripurāṅtaka Mahādeva. Ācārya Tulsidāsa sings while offering the great Rāmāyana to Śiva. You see Tulsīdāsa wrote Rāmāyana and there is a part of the history where he had to place the Rāmāyana inside Viśvanātha temple in Kashi. There he was singing this mantra.

Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya Gauriśankarāya Mahādevāya namo namaḥ,

Madanāntakāya Muktipradāya Śrimadśankarāya namo namaḥ.

ॐ नमः शिवाय गौरिशङकराय महादेवाय नमो नमः
मदनान्तकाय मुक्तिप्रदाय श्रीमद्शङकराय नमो नमः

You see this mantra of Tulsīdāsa, they say Śiva actually manifested for him. You can read that later from where. So what happens when the moon is strong with Bala? He has many friends, very pleasing body, famous. will thoroughly enjoy various kinds of wealth. Now see this, the mind likes goodies. So it enjoys every kind of wealth and luxuries and articles and artifacts and everything. The moon is the moon. And then of course, here’s a lot of learning, but this is very wide learning, very, very wide. There’s a lot of knowledge about medicine. There is some knowledge about… These are the people, they are the webMD and it’s the moon. So it has knowledge about cooking, they have knowledge about scriptures, they have knowledge about dharma, they have knowledge about marks, they have knowledge about geography. I mean they have very wide variety. They know so much. It’s the mind. It enjoys everything that the planet can offer. And what happens when the moon is nirbala, weak? Will face various kinds of harm, is dangerous for you. He will be in servitude. You are serving all the time, you have no options. You are a servant, otherwise you can’t survive. devoid of dharma and happiness, you see. There is no dharma or no happiness. Now that depends upon the moon’s position. From these houses, you have to see. If the moon is weak, you have to see, okay, which houses are hit more. So from the moon, you see which houses are getting hit. Eat others’ food and we’ll have numerous blemishes, many, many flaws and faults. The person should be born on Monday. and the moon should be very weak in the chart or afflicted, it may be a strong moon and afflicted then all the blemishes will come out so both things can be there the moon may be exalted but with Rāhu ketu Śani Mangal and in Amāvasyā then what will i do with the exaltation? Get the idea? So use your Jyotiṣa knowledge to study that one planet. See the advantage that we are having with this: “one focus”. I need to know what day you are born and that planet I’m going to look at. Okay, so let’s look at some people who are born on Monday.

(audio progression: 1:43:18)

Indra Gandhi. Wow. She is born on a Monday on Cancer Lagna. Wow. This is fabulous. So therefore, many friends, of course, of course, she had such a long list of friends. Pleasing body, yeah, she was very beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. She had the famous Indira Gandhi love curl in her hair, that streak of white that went to her hair, which made her stand out like a flame on the head. She was famous, very famous, thoroughly enjoyed wealth and luxuries absolutely without doubt. In fact, she is famed for the finest saree collection. People who know her, people who know her in our private capacity have said that nobody can match the saree collection of Indira Gandhi. Nobody, it’s impossible. So she was like in competition with Jayalalitha, the only other one who could probably challenge her in saree collection. wealthy powerful friends in business media Prime Minister. I mean she was everything. I look at the moon a bit more carefully Saturn Ātmākāraka is also in cancer in the house of the moon. So this moon is absolutely enjoying herself, full of agni. But this moon has the aspect of Rāhu. You see that graha dṛṣṭi. So from the moon, what are the bad houses? 12th, the moon hates the 12th house from it. Keep that in mind. Who’s there? Venus is there. So what happens to your marriage? That’s gone, huh? There’s a blemish over there. Loss of spouse, loss of child. Venus, Jupiter Parivartan. See that? From the Agni, you treat Agni like a lagna. From the Agni, I’m having this Venus-Jupiter. So the significations of these planets are getting a hit. Anyway, other things you can see there are other blemishes. Saturn is aspecting this, not good. Sun is aspecting this. You think that’ll give an ego on the person? Could give.


Let’s go into Tuesday. Pratyadhi Devatā form is rudra. Rudra is the dispeller of sorrow. If there is sorrow, rudra gets agitated. See why does anger come? Anger comes when sorrow is trying to come in. Somebody has taken my ice cream. So first sorrow came, that somebody took my ice cream. Then anger, I will beat him. See that? First the sorrow that somebody took my ice cream. I will beat him follow without sorrow coming. Why will you go and beat the guy? Some people still do. Some people just like to beat for the fun of it So in any case, that’s a flaw, right? When you just want to beat somebody because sorrow came or you want to beat somebody for the heck of it. In any case, it’s a flaw. Because if he has taken your ice cream and he has already eaten it by beating him, you are not getting the ice cream back and you want to beat somebody for fun, that’s also not a good thing to do. So you know it’s a left-handed thing that’s happening to you. You are going down. So you have to correct Karma. The Karma has to be corrected. And you have to worship Rudra. He is the dispeller of sorrows. Rudra has the power to correct Mars and also to remove sorrow. Double, double action. Sorrow comes from Saturn. So Rudra removes the negative of Mars as well as the sorrow of Saturn.

Oṁ namo bhagavate rudrāya.

It’s a 10 syllable mantra and rudra has 10 arms. So whenever you’re worshipping rudra, you need a picture of rudra or an idol of rudra which is having 10 arms. Then you can do this mantra. Now let’s count left hand side one two three four five; right hand side from top one two three four five, blessing. So that’s 10 armed, perfect picture.

Oṁ Nama Bhagwate Rudrāya. Oṁ Namo Bhagwate Rudrāya. Oṁ Namo Bhagwate Rudrāya. Baudhayana Rudra Mantra. Ṛṣi is Baudhayana.

When Mars is in strength, favorable to Vedic teachings and Shastra, if Mangal is favorable, you will love the Veda. You will love the Shastra. It is Mars that gives you love for Vedic knowledge. Why? Because Mars, his MulatriKoṇa, is Aries, Agni, I want all knowledge, is Veda. Virtuous. That means you will keep Brahmacharya also, so strong, you will honor everybody. Mangal is very powerful, people will feel very secure in your presence. You will have lot of good pleasures but approved, not unapproved. You will have much fortune, property, particularly. Radiant, reddish is it? Fond of applying scented ornaments. It is very interesting that for some reason Mars always likes to put perfume. Why? Because Mars has a foul smelling body. Durgaṅdha. When Mangal is becoming very strong, Mercury, Pṛthvī is getting very afflicted. Because these two can’t be strong at the same time. So if Mangal is getting very, very strong, Mercury, so the skin has a bad smell. Durgandha. So you apply centered ointments. But if Mars is weak, then you are ugly, definitely ugly. But you are rich with paraphernalia required for bathing. You are always collecting all articles for bathing. All kinds of articles for bathing, sauna bath, this bath, that bath, this special soap, this special oil for bath, this thing, all kinds of superior things you are collecting for bathing that means in your horoscope mars is very weak you but you are endowed with ornaments. Arre! Mars is week and you are endowed with ornaments yes why because the money that you got you are not spending in property. You are spending in ornaments, that is Mars that is weak. You are buying rings for gemstones, Mars weak. You are buying property, Mars strong. Inclined to undertake religious vows and ancient systems. That is good. So even when weak, there is a lot of good. But what happens if the vows are of a bad kind? You know? This negativity of Mars can be exploited. Be careful because if you are taking a vow for a bad Karma, then you become terrorist, no? You see, you look at terrorists, they have taken religious vows of ancient system to kill, I will kill 100 people, I will kill 50 people. This is coming from a weak mars.

Oṁ Namo Bhagavate Rudrāya.

(audio progression: 1:51:24)

Bahadur Shah II, the last Mughal Emperor of India, last. Normally if Mangal shows up, remember he is the last. And Mangal is very strong, you can see that. This Mangal is very strong, he is in Scorpio, he is born on a Tuesday, you can see that over here in data. Mangal is strong in Scorpio, absolutely, but he is with Mercury. I told you, these two will not get along. And this Mercury, he is going to make a very foul odor, very very, nobody wants, what do you mean by foul smell? Actually the smell is not coming out of your body. You have put beautiful scents, you have had a good bath. It is not the foul smell. The energy coming out of your body is such that nobody wants to hang around you. For some reason people don’t want to hang around you. The moment they come near you, they feel that they are horrible, distressed. Because mercury is about friendship, no? So everybody leaves you alone. So he is a great poet. He became a great poet because he’s alone. What else he will do? Sit and write poetry. Anyway, you can see the moon is with Venus. Mind is there. Now this is conjunction of Sun and Moon is Raja Yoga for Aries. For aries and Scorpio; for Aries Lagna and Scorpio Lagna, Sun Moon conjunction like Amāvasyā, Chatur Dasi, Pratipada, all these bad dośas, is actually good for Mangal. So if you are born in Scorpio Lagna and it is Amāvasyā, it is fantastic. If you are Aries Lagna and it is Chatur Dasi, it is absolutely good for you. That is Mangal, you know, you got to understand. A negative to a negative is good for the negative. So Mars good Agni, Agni is good. Favorable to Vedic teachings and Shastra. Yes, he was neutral views on religion, but God fearing and a very honest man. He was very virtuous, to that, there is no doubt. Lot of pleasures, yes. They are allowed four wives. Fortunes, he was an emperor, come on. He was not short of properties and things like that. Radiant: well can’t say so much. He was a symbol of revolt against the East India Company. He became the symbol So that was his radiance, you know, you know before a flame goes out, a Lamp or a candle that is burning; before the flame goes out it jumps for the last time that was Bahadur Shah Zafer He was the last flame of the Mughal Emperor and this revolt against the East India Company was the last revolt but in the process both he and the company got destroyed. See the East India Company was fully taken over by the Crown. So East India Company was destroyed and the Mughal Empire, the entire, he was the last, the entire lineage was destroyed. And where do we see that? We see that in the 8th house Jupiter. 8th house Jupiter is expected by Saturn. You see this Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual aspect. Later you will learn this yoga of Saturn and Jupiter that you and your enemy will both be destroyed. So both of them.

Gaaziyon mei boo rahegi jabtak Imaam ki

Takht london tak chalegi tez hindustan ki.

As long as the center of faith remains in the hearts of the Ghazis, so long shall the sword of Hindustan flash before the throne of London. What a beautiful poetry. It is this kind of poetry which you know flared up the sipoys, the mutiny, the mutiny against the company and they said that you know… So he was able to write powerful poetry. Ghaziye me booh rahegi jab tak iman ki takt London tak chalegi tej Hindustan ki. But the problem was he was controlled with a pension, he was exiled to Burma and a great poet. So basically you can see with these people, the ending of life, the last part of life is a sad one. If the Agni is of Mangal, and it is having the drishti of Śani. I don’t want drishti. Then the last part of life is, he dies away in exile and all that. Anyway.

(audio progression: 1:56:38)

This is a chart of Beant Singh, was the bodyguard of Prime Minister Indira GanDhī and assassinated her on 31st October 1984. Singh was the first one to draw a shotgun and first to fire three shots into her abdomen. So his job was to guard Indira GanDhī. He shot Indira GanDhī. Later on he was shot to death same day, 31st. So basically he also died. and the one he attacked Indira GanDhī, she also died. Both of them died together. In the previous case, the emperor lost the lineage and the East India Company also got destroyed. Very interesting. Here we have Mangal in Aries in Own sign and he is born on a Tuesday. So both you and your enemy will die. And who did you choose to be your enemy? The one you are supposed to guard. So Mars is strong, it is very strong, but it is in the 12th house. Very peculiar, this 12th house energy. What is the 12th house about? What is the most important thing about 12th house? Faith. 12th house is faith. Can I trust you? Are you trustworthy? Mangal? No, you are not. See, Mangal, He is born on Tuesday. Mangalik Dosha, it is a Dosha. And this Mangalik Dosha is very strong. You are not. Okay, so you are not trustworthy as far as that. Rich with Paraphernalia required for bathing, that I don’t know. I don’t think, he was a security officer. I don’t know how he’s rich with about soap. What soaps he will have. Endowed with ornaments after death, after death because it is 12th house. 12th house it is after death whatever is in the 12th house if it has to bless you it will come after death It will not come when you are alive. After death the 12th house got activated. You see the 12th house is post-mortem after death. A Gurudwara was named after him. There is a Gurudwara in Punjab, which is named after him and He was declared martyrs of Sikhism. So after death he was declared a martyr and there was a Gurudwara. Inclined to take religious vows of ancient systems? He took religious oath to avenge operation blue star desecration of the golden temple in Amritsar. So Indira GanDhī, his boss, she had ordered the attack on the golden temple to flush out the extremists inside were Binderwala and all of them. But you see, the rule is that, In India, a place of worship, if anybody comes to take shelter, no matter who, that place, you cannot take arms inside. But unfortunately you see the operation blue star did some desecration of the Golden Temple, parts of the temple were broken and things like that. Which, see! if you had only gone in and somehow caught them and come out it is understandable. But you know it was not possible to do that for whatever reasons. Anyway it is karma you know from both sides. It was karma of Indira GanDhī, Beant Singh also had to take the revenge. So it took this oath and assassinated her. So this teaching is right, inclined to take religious vows. So it’s not a question of strong or weak. You must see both sides. See Mars is strong because it is an own sign. Mars is weak because it is in 12 house. So look at both the sides of the coin. We don’t know which side is actually working. You see that? I will take a little break.

(audio progression: 2:01:08)

Now we are seeing the chart of Aleister Crowley. He is also born on a Tuesday. Oh, and this Mars you can see is exalted, which is what? Strong? No, it is an MKS, Maraṇa Karaka sthāna. Now here I’m bringing in another concept into our discussions. A planet in Maraṇa Karaka Sthāna is not good when it comes to Agni. When it comes to Agni, Maraṇa Karaka is absolutely not good. Okay, so Mars in the seventh house is not good. If you’re born on a Tuesday. It’s exalted Mars. He came from a wealthy family all paraphernalia for bathing and all that stuff You know, basically luxuries were there. He is born to wealth. Endowed with ornaments. Yes all sorts of artifacts for his magic. Now. He loved magic. Why because Mars is in Capricorn. You see look at the agni is the focus of the horoscope is the light The brain is like an insect. Agni is the light. Wherever the light is, the brain will go there. See, this is where the light is focused on. Agni is in Capricorn. So the light is in Capricorn. Get the idea? And because of this, we are seeing Capricorn, we have Mars with Saturn. This is Yama, the god of death. He was called the wickedest man in the world and labeled satanist. Why would such a label be given to somebody’s reputation? You see, you see the agni how bad it has become. It has become very dark, very associated with death too much of death energy. His Lagna Lord moon is with the Rāhu. You see the reputation is going because of that. You may have this combination, but look at the Lagna Lord. The Lagna Lord will fight to protect your reputation. Yes, the lagna lord is with Rāhu, again in Maraṇa karaka Sthāna. Agni in Maraṇa karaka with saturn, lagna lord in Maraṇa karaka Rāhu. So Śani and Rāhu have taken over the total agni. Śani is with mars, yama, Rāhu is with moon. That’s it. British occultist writer mountaineer who was a practitioner of magic as he spelled it with a K and called himself the beast triple six. He was denounced in his own time for his decadent lifestyle. I mean an absolutely devilish guy and had few followers but he became a cult figure after his death. Funny, after death these people become famous. You see Beant Singh, they made a gurudwara his I think father become a member of parliament and things like that. Why is it that this Mangal is giving good results after death? Okay, so we need to think about this Mars and post death. It is as if when this person dies, as if that soul suffering has ended. And that whole family sort of is now coming out of that energy. Keep that about Mangal.



So now we’re coming to Mercury, Wednesday, but in strong, he’s very charitable, favorite friend, very good friend, charming in appearance. You cannot have a friend better than Mercury. Charming in appearance, yes, that’s Pṛthvī Tattva, he’ll give you good looks, Learned: Why? he’s learned a lot. That’s Mercury, no? He’s the permanent Śiṣya, permanent Śiṣya. Always learning, extremely wise: blessed by Jupiter, then he becomes wise if the wisdom of Jupiter is not coming this wisdom is not coming over here. Very intelligent that’s mercury digbala in lagna. Negative Nirbala mercury undergoes a lot of difficulties its unsurmountable and particularly financial, because mercury rules that Untruthful to his elders: there will be a time when you will be on the receiving end from your elders because they will think that you lied. Will not get the fruits of his labor: you will work and work and work and others will eat the fruits. That is destiny when it is Nirbala. Will lose his children due to enemies: Oh look at the sixth house carefully. If mercury is there and you are born on a Wednesday then maybe you will lose children due to enemies. The Devatā form is Sarva with a S, Dantya S. Okay, not Sharva. Sharva is with the Sun. Sarva is with Mercury. Sarva means whole, entire, all, everyone, everything, complete in all parts. Complete in all parts. See that’s Pṛthvī Tattva, no? How do you identify body parts? Every part of you that has Pṛthvī Tattva in it is a body part. For example, the air that you breathe in and the air that you breathe out, is that you? No. Why is that not you? Because you don’t identify that air as you. So to identify something as you, it must be associated with Pṛthvī. In the higher spiritual level, we worship Vishwa, Universe. Why only everything about me? So, when it comes to Mercury, the question is, how big is that whole? Is it very small, like me and my family? Is it slightly bigger, me and my community? Slightly, me and my city. Come on, grow up, me and my state. Come on, me and my country. Then this me finally becomes the whole world and then finally whole universe. Do you see that? Expansion. So Mercury has to expand by learning how to expand from Jupiter. The most important learning is learning how to expand. That is Vishwa. And for that it is more Ketu, like you can say it’s more Ketu because it’s going right into the universe, into nothingness, because you are becoming more and more smaller, more and more insignificant. As the world is becoming bigger, you are becoming smaller. Me and my family, you are a big shot. Me and my community, you are somebody. Me and my city, okay, still somebody maybe, maybe nobody. Me and my state, okay, nobody, accepted, hardly one or two people will know you. Then me and my nation. Come on, see that?

Oṁ sarvāya namaḥ.

Now I am looking inward. I want to make myself whole. I want to make myself complete. I feel very incomplete. Something is missing in my life. I am alone. Something is missing. Oṁ sarvāya namaḥ. Complete me. I do work and I always leave things uncompleted. Oṁ Sarvāya Namaḥ. Complete it. Finish it.

Oṁ Viśveśvarāya Namaḥ; Finish your spiritual journey. See that one sarvāya is more Saṁsāra, more of this world. Oṁ Viśveśvarāya Namaḥ. Complete the spiritual journey. It’s a very beautiful mantra.

2:09:45 (audio progression)

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, I think the second president of India. Yeah, second president of India. Mercury, very strong, very charitable. Yes, favorite friend, very, very strong friend. Charming in appearance. I will not say that. Other people said he was. He was very tall, definitely very, very respectable appearance. Learned, absolutely. Absolutely learned. Extremely wise? Yes. Very intelligent? Without doubt. This Mercury and Venus are in Dharma-Karmādhipati yoga with Mercury exalted. See his name, Radhakrishna, Mercury in Virgo, Radhakrishna. I think Prabhupada was a Sagittarius Lagna with the same Mercury in Virgo, Radhakrishna. So Vāreśa, Mercury exalted, now he is born on a wednesday, is 10th lord and lagna lord, oh my god. And Dharma-Karmādhipati Rāja Yoga, Kāla, Amṛta Yoga, you see this whole yoga is caught up in the Kaala, Amṛta Yoga. One of India’s most distinguished 20th century scholars of comparative religion and philosophy. So that is Mercury, absolutely learned philosophy. So I need him to be born on wednesday for this Mercury to be fully energized, the battery to be charged.


Thursday:- well-educated, will gain excellent spouse. This is very important. If you are born on a Thursday and Jupiter is strong, you will get a fantastic spouse. Well disposed to relatives. See? Very broad minded. Affable speaker; and an expert in “all arts” (very great expertise). Jupiter Nirbala, your heroism will be injured. So. You are going to do something and everybody thinks that oh he is a great guy, he has gone to do a very thing: victory! No. You got defeated. You will face troubles through bilious disorders. See, now we are learning another new thing. That means if you are born on a Thursday, it’s your liver that comes into the picture. Because Agni has gone to the liver. Fire is there. Thirst. Fever. So you are having fire problems. Remember, if Jupiter is weak, Agni Dosha will come. If Jupiter is strong, FIRE cannot touch you. Thirst: very thirsty you are feeling. Feverish; weapons and thieves are attacking you. So basically what has happened? Your protection has gone, Sagittarius is not able to protect you anymore. You are NOT righteous. That is the worst one, not righteous. The particular form two of the Pratyadhi Devatā is Bhima. Bhima means awe inspiring, terrific, terrible, huge, formidable, tremendous and grand like the sky, you know? We are all living in Bhima linga? all of us. We are Manuṣya, right? How are we protected? Look up in the daytime, you will find the Śiva linga right on top of your head. It’s a beautiful Śiva linga that is going right above from top and is coming down on the eastern horizon and the western horizon and the north and the southern horizon. It’s a Śiva linga right around you. You are living inside that Śiva linga and that linga is called Bhima linga. Oṁ Bhīmāya Namaḥ.

(audio progression: 2:13:40)

Okay, we go to Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States. And he was the 30th US President and the agni is with Jupiter. Interesting and you can see that Jupiter is the lord of the fifth house and but the Jupiter is exalted now we have learned in Jyotiṣa that when Jupiter or the moon are in the eighth from their own sign there is death in that sign, death is there. So his misfortune is his fifth lord is in 12th house The fifth lord in the 12th house is Jupiter, so there is a danger of death in the fifth house. Remember this. Fifth lord in the 12th is very dangerous. Either it will happen early and you will lose a pregnancy, or the child will die later. Look at the chart of so many people, fifth lord in the 12th losing children. And especially if it is Jupiter or the moon. Now, this Saturn is Atma Karaka. He is sitting in Sagittarius. So Atma Karaka is the king and there is a death energy over here. So because he is born on a Thursday, this yoga is very strongly activated. So his boss died. Warren Harding, the 29th president of the US, had a sudden death in 1923 when he was under Saturn Daśā, Jupiter Antara Daśā. Jupiter is in the 12th house: faith. And this thrust him into power. And in the same Antara Daśā, on the next Antara Daśā, next Daśā that is, in Mercury Daśā, Mercury Antara Daśā. So Saturn-Jupiter, he came to power because Jupiter is having Agni. But Mercury is sitting with him to give some bad news. The death of the second son happened. Now second son is ruled by Jupiter. Mercury, Jupiter is fifth lord. See that? And it is conjoined Mercury. And that is when he got elected also. So he came to power. So Jupiter gave him power, but loss of son. And it happened in Mercury-Mercury. So you can see how it is working. Both the good promised by the fifth Lord’s exaltation and the bad promised by the fifth Lord in the 12th, both are happening. So you want the power, there is a danger to your child. So it happened. But it is Agni, it will happen. You cannot get over with it. But look at this guy, after 25 years marriage, he wrote, for almost a quarter of a century, she has borne with my infirmities and I have rejoiced in her graces. Excellent spouse.

(audio progression: 2:16:47)

next Kundali: Czarina Alexandra, she was also born on a Thursday, you see, and Jupiter is exalted. Again, just like the previous chart, Jupiter is exalted. So you cannot say that Jupiter is exalted and so I must get all good news. No, depends where he is placed. I don’t like Jupiter or the Vāreśa in sixth house or eighth house. nor do I like him in 12th house. In 6th house and 8th house I don’t like him nor do I like him in the 12th house. And what is worse, I do not like Vāreśa in Maraṇa karaka Sthāna. I just don’t like it. Here Jupiter as the Vāreśa has gone to Maraṇa karaka Sthāna in the 3rd house. And everybody knows the story of Zarina Alexandra. Jupiter would indicate some Ṛṣi, Sādhu, priest. There was some priest called Rasputin. Please read about Rasputin. And you see mixed results are being obtained. Jupiter is in Maraṇa bhava. Heroism here is actually more a reputation. The lady’s grace, the respect of the lady. There were scandals about her relationship with Rasputin. You see, it was “injured”. People “injured” her reputation. This is her. It is not right to say such things about a lady. There is no proof of any such thing. Absolutely not. She was very nice to Rasputin because he was able to do some prayers and her son survived and those days people believed in prayers. Nowadays people don’t believe in prayers. And, being born on a Thursday; definitely she WILL believe. And you can see that she has a lot of faith. 12th Lord is in Lagna. 12th Lord is faith. If 12th Lord is in Kendra, you will have faith. If 12th Lord is strong, you have faith. If 12th Lord is weak, you don’t have faith. So I said that 12th house is a very peculiar house. You have FAITH. You see, if the Vāreśa is in 12th house, you have faith. Maybe you will do something wrong. But if you did it in good faith, God will bless you. After death, it will come. All the other things I am not interested in; but the entire family got murdered. Entire family. Why? Saturn is Atma Karaka. Atma Karaka is the king. The king was her husband. She did not have any other boss. Her boss is either her husband or the king. Here the king is her husband who is the boss. That and the whole family got killed because of this Maraṇa Karaka Sthāna of Vāreśa and exalted. Not righteous? No that is not right. She was God fearing. Not fair.


Now Friday: running out of time so I am speeding up. Please bear with me. Venus bala, you can see all these qualities, you can read them. Efficacious. Scientific temperament is coming from Śukra. Śukra is giving scientific temperament. All of you people, I do not know many people, I have read some articles sometimes, they say Mars is very strong so he is having scientific temperament. No. Mars is anger. A person with anger cannot have a scientific temperament. Scientific temperament requires a coolness in the mind. It’s a different kind of temperament and that comes from Venus. Venus is very scientific. Interested in many-many Śāstras, all kinds of sciences, Shastra is science. I’m translating Shastra as science over here. Highly beautiful? Absolutely. Parashurama: what father says, I will do even at the pain of death. Nobody can make a sacrifice bigger than Venus. Keep that in mind. Enemies are absolutely eliminated. It is foolish to be inimical to Venus.


Venus nirbala, weak: He will still eliminate his enemies. So whether strong or weak, enemies are getting him. There is a greatness of Sukra: look at Parashurama to understand. Will lose spouse. Now that is a sad one. So Venus will lose spouse. Why is Venus losing spouse? Because you see Agni and Śukra, Śukra is Jala Tattva fundamentally. And when Agni goes into that, I mean Śukra is sort of not the “Śukra-quality”. The Jala quality is going down. You get the idea? Agni is going inside Śukra so the Jala quality is going down. So he’s always interested in marriage, but keep that in mind. He is always interested in marriage, he is very concerned about marriage but may lose spouse if Venus is weak. Humiliated by others, absolutely people will insult you, they will humiliate you. And “will lose spouse”, means what? Somebody you thought was your husband, somebody you were ready to get married to, suddenly the guy left you and ran away. Hasn’t that happened with so many of you? Check up your Venus and see if it has a connection with the Vāreśa or any Agni connection. Ever in grief: all the time you are grieving and grieving, abandoned by your kinsmen, your whole family will abandon you. All relatives will abandon you. That is Śukra, which is weak, nirbala. Bhava: Pratyadhi devtā is bhava. Bhava is existence, you are praying to god: please allow me to exist, you have given birth to me, allow me to exist, I am not asking for a kingdom, let me exist, let me be creative, let me, the creation, the well being, let me have a little bit of prosperity, welfare, so you know, it’s about nice things of life, the particular form of Śiva is Tryaṁbaka and that name only, that name only you cannot worship him as Mrityunjaya or Rudra or any other thing you must remember is that name, you have to be particular about that name. So bhava and Tryaṁbaka for the two goals of mundane life and spiritual life. Om bhavaya Namaḥ, om bhavaya Namaḥ, om bhavaya Namaḥ. This is for Saṁsāra. Om Namaḥ Tryaṁbakaya haum jum sah, actually there is a line missing out here in this mantra it should read om Namaḥ Śivaya Tryaṁbakaya haum jum sah, so please note there is something missing in this mantra: it is om Namaḥ Śivaya, please put Śivaya over there, then: Tryaṁbakaya haum jum sah.

(audio progression: 2:24:15)

Now we will do some charts. Albert Einstein: Venus exalted. Wow. 10th house: wow. Vāreśa Venus exalted 10 house plus lagna lord that is super, that is really super, and in which nakṣatra is Venus? Venus is in revati nakṣatra. So I got the connection between the lagna lord mercury and the Vāreśa venus through the nakṣatra revati. I need a connection between Vāreśa and lagna lord. If I find a connection between the Vāreśa that is in here, venus and the lagna lord mercury through nakṣatras, I mean venus can be in a nakṣatra of mercury or mercury can be in a nakṣatra of Venus; either way they have a nakṣatra connection. If the nakṣatra connection is there then the mind is charged by Agni. What a mind! And this is empowered further by the Sun dig bala. You can see all that. He is very successful in research. Scientific temperament! he is the greatest scientist. Interested in many Śāstras, all kinds of studies. Highly dutiful? I don’t know about that, I am not commenting on that. Enemies eliminated? he created the atom bomb. Come on, enemies will be totally eliminated with that.

(audio progression: 2:25:54)

Okay, now this is my dear student Visti Larsen. With permission I will proceed. His Vāreśa is also Venus and it is in the second house. It is having a Parivartana with Jupiter, you see that? In Kālāmṛta Yoga, we have seen Kālāmṛta Yoga previously. So here we are seeing another Kālāmṛta Yoga. Rāhu is there, after Rāhu, all the planets are there. And that is Kala Amṛta. And Jupiter is in parivartana with Venus. Wow. So he visited Kakatpur-Oracle for mantra. Kakatpur is a place in Orissa where the Mangal temple is there and that is where the Achyuta gaddi is there. Our tradition stems from the Mangal of Acyuta. And Koṇark, is our Devatā. And received a 14 syllable, Venus is in second house. So Acyuta, the oracle gave him a 14 syllable Tryaṁbaka mantra. He got the mantra Om Namaḥ Śivaya Tryaṁbakaya Haum Jum Sah. That is exactly 14 syllable. Here are the rules of the mantra. Now I have told you about the Devatās and I have given you simple mantras. But the number of syllables of a good mantra should arrive at the Vāreśa. Here Vāreśa is Venus, so the mantra must arrive at the Vāreśa. The mantra must come over here. Here Venus is in second house, so go around 12: 13, 14. 14 syllable. The name of the Devatā must be very specifically used and cannot be replaced by another name. You have to use one of the two names either the Sānsārika name or the Saṁnyāsa what we call the spiritual. I will not use the word Saṁnyāsa because this is agni. Saṁnyāsa really comes from Vāyu. Then all mantras must be initiated with omkar. You have to start the mantra with omkar. These are rules that cannot be compromised. Mantra must be recited in the evening for wealth, work. No, no, no. This is reversed. Is it? Yes, it is reversed. Please correct it. Mantra must be recited in the morning for wealth and work. And in the evening for health and longevity. Or is it vice versa? I am confusing myself when I go in a hurry.


Now Saturday, there are some points written out here. Learned in various Śāstras, when he is strong, never troubles others, honorable, opulent, dear to men. Hey, somebody told me that birth on Saturday was bad. But here I am getting all very good results. Learned, all Śāstras means scientific. Never troubles others. Never troubles others. Very honorable. What they will say: they will do. “Honor”, why? Saturn rules the 10th house of the natural zodiac. Opulent, wealthy: 11th house of the natural zodiac. Very dear to men, popular, gives a lot of popularity: if Vāreśa is with Śani. So that means if Agni is with Śani, you are born on Saturday and Śani is very strong, you have the power to remove the sorrow of other people. And how do you do that? With Ugra. The Pratyadhi Devatā is Ugra: Fierce, furious, radical, powerful, violent, impetuous, like the wind, like a tornado. You can remove the sorrows and throw them away. You can remove the problems and tear it away. You can be high minded, noble, but ferocious for sure. Oṁ Ugrāya Namaḥ.


If it is weak then there is no need to doubt that you will be penniless. All vices, all the Ṣaḍripū. People will blame you for everything. You will be absolutely shabbily dressed. Your clothes will never be ironed. And you will be very valorous. I will do this; I will show you I can do that. I will become president. God knows what you will become. Especially after alcohol, you can see these people talking this valorous talk.

(audio progression: 2:30:37)

Okay, here we have a chart of Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. She was born on a Saturday and Saturn is exalted. And Saturn is also Śubhapati, Lord of the Moon sign, which means that she is going to be very, very popular. Unlike others, Saturn is in the 12th house, but Saturn is not good in a Kendra. Saturn in Duḥsthāna is good. You see when it comes to Śani, only Śani, the story is slightly different. Particularly 12th house is fabulous. But again, remember my words, I don’t like malefic in the 12th house. Can I trust you? Well, well, read about her. Now, learned in Shastra, she has a doctorate in quantum chemistry. Of course, she’s learned. Never troubles others. I don’t know how much I’ll agree with this. Openly propagated Marxism as secretary for agitation and propaganda. Her job was to agitate. That is to trouble others, right? When you’re agitating, you’re troubling everybody. Honorable, yes, she was Chancellor, from Venus-Venus. Popular and determined, I used our Aṣtottari Dasha out here. Okay, I think I have done. Thank you very much and I hope to see you next Sunday.

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