Pañcāṅga – Vāra_02

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Read Time:83 Minute, 50 Second

(TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO LECTURE “Pañcāṅga – vara_02”)

(note: every word is written exactly in the same manner as and when spoken by Gurudev-Rath)

Welcome to this second lesson on Agni. We are having this PJCOA series on the Pañcāṅga. And today we have the third lesson actually the first one was done by my colleague Sat Śrī Khalsa ji. And then I had done one on Vāreśa because the Agni is coming through the Vāreśa. Vāreśa for those of you who are here for the first time is the Lord of the week day. Now before we go in, we normally take the name of the Guru, let’s just do it five times. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ five times. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Okay, so today’s topic is about Vāreśa. Today is the second and we’ll be going through a few more of such lessons. This lesson we focus on the dignity, the position and other details of the Vāreśa. And we check the Vāreśa Bhāva… where is the light? See the Vāreśa is the weekday planet. Now whichever planet is the Vāreśa is, it it’s as if that light bulb has been switched on. Okay, so we let’s say somebody is born on a Tuesday then we know that Vāreśa is Mars and so Mars is the light bulb which has been switched on in the horoscope. Its not as if the entire zodiac is full of light. It’s not like that. One particular planet is energized. It’s like a bulb that is switched on, okay? And this is an external bulb. So we see things around, like when we open our eyes, something has switched on and we have opened eyes and we can see everything around us. The whole world is around us. We can see that because of the Vāreśa. So the first and most important thing that the Vāreśa is giving us is vision. Okay, and naturally when we need to know where is this light? Because once we know where the light is we can also see which houses this light is going to fall in and more intensely and where the light is going to be weak; Right? And that is called dṛṣṭi, Okay.


Vāreśa bala. How strong is the Vāreśa? Is it just a little lamp which is dim it’s just sort of flickering like a candle or it is a mighty light, how strong is the heat i mean sometimes if you’re sitting close to a thousand watt lamp you feel the heat of the lamp whereas if it’s a five watt, you hardly feel anything, right? So how much strength is there in the Vāreśa; how much heat is there in the system because heat is what is heating up your body and a body that is alive, that is awakened, is heating up constantly. So the moment you wake up, till the time you go to sleep, actually your body is continuously getting heated up. It’s only during sleep that your system cools down. So think of it like this. During the daytime, we are woken up and our body is getting heated up. And there is a Nāḍī, we say the Piṅgalā Nāḍī is running very strong because we are awake. If the Piṅgalā Nāḍī has to run, if the Piṅgalā Nāḍī doesn’t run, we won’t be awake. So the Piṅgalā Nāḍī needs to run for the Vāreśa to function properly. Then we go to sleep. When we go to sleep, the Iḍā picks up. The cooling starts happening. It’s like a Gaṅgā flowing. And we sort of cool down and go to the reset stage. And then again the next day, we wake up. So, this cycle goes on and on and on for as long as we are alive in the planet. Right? Now we are going to see fluctuations in this Agni. The effect will come through a Daśā called the Viṁśottarī Daśā. And why Viṁśottarī Daśā? We need to know that. Okay. The Lord of the weekday, the Vāreśa carries a sound. That sound is Raṁ. Ra is the sound of Agni, Raṁ. So that Vāreśa is having that Agni. Since he has the Agni because of Raṁ, he is able to have strength, he is able to throw light. So basically the light is not originally his, he is empowered to do so because of that vibration. If this Vāreśa is ill-placed then suffering and dangerous infections can happen. You could get infected. You could have some kind of a dangerous situation if the Vāreśa is afflicted. Now, if afflicted or Pāpakartarī and horrible things like that happens to the Vāreśa, it gives accidents. And then you are attacked. You are physically hurt. You could be bullied in school. Maybe even in office, you could get bullied in bad situations. Depends on how the Vāreśa is placed, you stand up for yourself. So if the Vāreśa is coming under severe affliction by any planet, that planet is making you weak. On the other hand, if any planet is helping the Vāreśa come out of its weaknesses, that planet is your best friend. You look at how to find out who you hang out with. Look at the Vāreśa. If the Vāreśa is having many bad conjunctions, you hang out with bad people. If the Vāreśa is having good conjunctions, you hang out with good people. And when you hang out with bad people, you suffer. When you hang out with good people, you learn good things. It’s simple as that, what we call Satsaṅg. So normally we see this from the lagna lord. Normally we would do that, is it not? But lagna lord is applied-intelligence. It’s after learning, after getting beaten, you learn, hey, I should keep good company. And so it’s only after, so lagna lord gets to work once you learn something, whereas Vāreśa works automatically from day one. If the Vāreśa is vargottama, the person survives because Vargottama is a strength of purity coming from Viṣṇu. So the Vāreśa is pure if the Vāreśa is Vargottama. And then you are protected from much harm. You recover from terrible diseases. Let’s say you got a terrible disease. Will you recover from the disease? Let’s say there is a terrible danger like an accident. Will you recover from it? Recovery depends on Vāreśa. So this is an important part because that is the heat that is the life. If aspected by benefics, you are protected from harm’s way. The dispositor of Vāreśa. Now, Vāreśa has a certain amount of energy. He has the energy. Now it’s like fire. He has the fire. But this fire has to be utilized. And who is going to utilize it? And where is he going to utilize it? The dispositor is going to tell us how the fire is going to be utilized. It’s giving a flow of life. The dispositor is the flow of life. We are going to study that. How is that working? What are the results? What are the transformations that we go through? And some of these are permanent changes. So we will go through all this.


On the right-hand side, you will have a nice picture of the Mātṛkā and the Śakti, they are all fighting for you because in the previous class we learned that the Vāreśa is Dakṣiṇāgni and Dakṣiṇāgni is working through the lagna. So therefore wherever the Vāreśa is, his job is to work through the lagna. Let’s say the Vāreśa is in the seventh house. From the seventh house, he looks at Lagna and starts working over there. So Vāreśa is thinking of you as a spouse. It’s very interesting. Whereas if the Vāreśa was in the eighth house, we saw that last time, he’s thinking of you like an enemy because from the eighth house to the Lagna is six. So he thinks of you as an enemy. And therefore problems come up because there is some kind of a problem showing up in the configuration between the Vāreśa and the Lagna. Okay, so you need to go through all the recording of the last time. Now the ones who are harmonizing this whole energy is the mother, the mother, the matṛ, the mothers of the universe are harmonizing this energy so that the baby can survive and live. See you may grow up but in the eyes of the mother you are still a baby and she continues to treat you like a baby and that’s how they are and that’s how they will be and there are so many mother goddesses you know they are called Mātṛkā and they rule the Akṣaras (plural of Akṣara) the sounds and they are the ones who are protecting us through the sounds. And they are fighting the demons of darkness in Bhūloka. So the lagna is in Bhūloka. The lagna is the starting point of Bhūloka and the Vāreśa is keeping us alive in the Bhūloka, is the flame of the lamp.


Now some observations: diseases and death creep in where the fire starts to die down. So we have to be very careful in checking where is the Vāreśa aspecting and who is the dispositor of the Vāreśa and such things which we normally do for some planet. We are now going to focus only on the Vāreśa and we are going to keep in mind that the Sun is the source of Agni. And the root sound for activating Agni is Ra. Okay, so any kind of Agni can be activated with the sound Ra. Choose the vowel, surya, based on the Sun sign of the natal chart. So, one of the ways of choosing one’s Agni mantra, let’s say I want to increase my Agni. I wake up in the morning, I work for some time and then I get tired. Oh my God, I can’t keep my eyes open in the afternoon anymore. I am not young. I’m growing older. You know, it happens to all of us. Sometimes the energy is so low. So what can I do to activate the energy in my chart? Now let us see about some of the houses and then we will go into deriving for others. For Lagna, which is the first house and Aya the 11th house, you see the first house. The sound is A, and the 11th house it’s Aṁ. So for both of them basically it’s the R plus A plus Am. So it becomes a rum rum. So if I have to activate the agni for Lagna for health or for Aya i.e., fulfillment of the hopes for which I was born then, Raṁ, when I do that then I’m activating the lagna that means the brain will start functioning better. I’ll take better decisions and I will remember that. Oh my god. I have to do this. I have to do this. I have to do this and I’ll start going in that direction. That’s lagna. That’s what lagna does. For the second house, its a longer sound, a longer vowel. See that house number two? You can see that in the chart. The longer sound is Ā. So I’m going to add a R which is Agni and Aa the longer sound and Am is Maheshwara Rudra. So R plus Aa plus Am will become Rām, Rām that’s Hari Bhāva, house of food. You will eat the right food. You will say the right things. Excellent appetite, good food. Your speech is golden speech. Absolutely beautiful speech. Rām, Rām. You see that? Hari Bhāva, ra plus a plus am. Let us say the ninth house. I want protection. There is a COVID disease going on and I don’t want to die right now. I think I should live for maybe a few more years no matter what anybody says. Okay, so I look at the ninth house. Ninth house has a sound O. So same way, I take ra, O and um. So what sound do I get? Rom, rom, rom. You know like the capital of Italy, rome, rome. So rom is a very powerful sound. It is called the Savitur Gāyatrī Bīja. It is the Bīja of the Savitur Gāyatrī. So people who are lying flat and you’re not clean, you can’t do the Gāyatrī Mantra right now. Okay, just do Rom, and you will see that the Agni will start protecting your body. Okay? The mantra of Agni for the 12th house is prohibited because the 12th house is, aḥ, stop. It’s a stop, aḥ. So that is a prohibited sound. Okay, we do not take Agni over there. We call we say it’s a Maraṇa Kāraka. When Agni goes to the 12th house We die so don’t do that sound don’t do that. Okay? Viṣṇu Viṣṇu Viṣṇu.


Now in my chart I have the Sun in the horoscope I have the Sun in my fifth house. This is the Bhāva not the Rāśi. Okay, so fifth house has got the small U So rum rum i need to do rum to activate the Sun in my chart. When i do rum then the Sun gets activated he awakens in my chart i get energy i wake up. So you know what you need to do to wake up all you got to look is, which house is the Sun in. Let us say my spouse Sarbani she has the son in the fourth house. It’s a long E. So, the only thing that’s going to change is the middle one. Okay. R will be the same. Am will be the same. So long E rīm, not rim rim. It’s not rim. It’s rīm long. Okay, so you got to know how to derive the Agni Bīja for your horoscope. Okay, and these Bīja work for everybody, Rum will work, all these Bīja work for everyone. All I’m saying is the house where the Sun is, is a house you need to do so that you can activate and get a lot of energy from that. Now the question, what happens if I have the Sun in the 12th house? I can’t do rah that is prohibited. So I do Rāṁ. See the 12th house. The 12th house and the second house have some kind of effect. Right? They’re equidistance. Lagna to second is two houses away. Lagna to 12th is two houses in the opposite direction. So if you have the Sun in the 12th house, you got to do Rāṁ. The longer one Rāṁ Rāṁ. Okay. So that’s how we derive the Agni Bījas. Now you know that. Further questions on this, we can take it up in the group.

audio progression: 17:46

Let’s try and see how Agni is in some people’s horoscopes, okay? Now this is a chart of John McCartan. And John was born in Virgo Lagna. You can see Venus over here, moon in seventh, beautiful. The Sun, he was born on a Sunday, you see that? Pañcāṅga is here, born on a Sunday and the Sun is in the 12th house. So I put the Raṁ with a triangle. Raṁ with a triangle is the Agni over here. How is the Agni? I think it’s, see the Sun in the own sign is good but in the 12th house is not good you know. Is there any malefic aspect coming on the Sun? Anybody can see. Maṅgala is putting Dṛṣṭi on the Sun. Now don’t get into arguments like Maṅgala is a friend of the Sun and this and that and all that stuff. I don’t want to hear that. It’s a malefic looking at the Agni. In any case from the Lagna viewpoint, he’s a lord of the third and eighth. So from some house he’s going to have some bad qualities and given the first opportunity Maṅgala will do what he does. What about Rāhu? Rāhu is in the eighth house. He is sitting with a debilitated Saturn of disease, right? And he’s looking at the Sun. And what about Mercury? Is Mercury well-placed? Mercury seems to be sitting with the Sun. Its retrograde, is a lagna lord, is going very close to the Sun. So in Mars Daśā, Mercury Antar Daśā, he had death by cancer. So when the Sun is in own sign, we normally take the exaltation Lord to see the results. What is he going to talk about? So here the Sun is in Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna in the 12th house. So the exaltation Lord Maṅgala is gonna give us the results. And Maṅgala is aspecting the Sun, Rāhu is aspecting the Sun and Mercury. And Mercury is combust. Mercury is combust. That is not a happy Mercury. So… in mars Daśā, mercury antarDaśā, he died. Okay. So what do we learn from here? He was a great author, great guy, very, very gentle, the Sun is in own sign, very gentle, but very strong. He never injured anybody. But he was absolutely truthful in what he wrote. That’s the Sun typical of the Sun. Okay, now Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna results of Vāreśa delivered through Ucca Lord Mars. Because this Sun is an own sign, the Ucca Lord Mars delivered the results as a dispositor. Okay and the conjunct and combust mercury so we can say that the light of the Sun, the switch, was thrown back by Maṅgala who is the eighth lord aspecting the Sun and the lagna lord combust these two together put the switch off. And once the switch goes off your eyes will not open. Do you see what I’m getting at? So Vāreśa is very, very important. If Vāreśa gets afflicted, then the planets that are afflicting the Vāreśa are the ones that are dangerous. If the Sun is Vāreśa and it’s combust, hey, that’s gonna be a problem. Mercury is combusted by the Sun.


Understanding the Vāra. Examine Lagneśa and Vāreśa to know the natural health and protection of the native. So now we know. We got to look at the Lagneśa and the Vāreśa. Lagneśa we already have, I’m not getting into that. That’s normal Jyotiṣa. I’m only going to focus on Vāreśa. Vāreśa should not be in Rāśi sandhi. Now this is something new. What happens if a grah is at 30 degrees? If the Vāreśa is in the first one degree or the last 30th degree, then it’s like Sankrānti. It’s like the border. It’s like Sandhyā. Okay, so be careful of that. Then also if the Sun is on Sankrānti, and then the Vāreśa can get afflicted, you know, is the other way. Dispositor brings protections for both Vāreśa and Lagneśa. If birth is on Sankrānti, Vāreśa carries Agni Dośa. Okay. Let us say a guy is born on Sankrānti. Then that Vāreśa is absolutely evil because the Sun is refusing to talk to the Vāreśa. He’s in the toilet. He’s changing clothes. What is Sankrānti? The Sun is going from one Rāśi to another Rāśi. He has to change his clothes. So therefore we say he’s gonna take another form. And at that point of time, he’s like.. not available. He’s not accessible. It’s a problem. And such an agni Dośa, serious agni Dośa can damage the chart, particularly the houses lorded by the Vāreśa. If Vāreśa is combusted or afflicted, such flaws show in the health and life. We just saw that in the previous case. The Vāreśa was the Sun and he in fact burnt Mercury the lagna lord. And the lagna lord; during the Daśā of the lagna lord he died. Vāreśa remedy must be done for 40 days. One degree is one day, so 40 degrees, 40 days, Navagraha. Worship the Adi Devta, we’ll go into that.


I have given some calculations over here. It’s very interesting, you know, the Sun, you see, this is the derivation of the Vāreśas. This is how you can see, the seven-pointed star and the lines go like that, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and then one. See that? That’s how the Vāreśa. These planets that are placed are based on speed. You see the yellow rim, moon is the fastest, then is Mercury, then Venus, then the Sun, then Mars, then Jupiter, then Saturn, the slowest. So based upon the speeds, these planets are placed around like that. Then there’s a vertical line drawn, Agni Vāyu line. This side of the line, on the right hand side are the inner planets. And on the left hand side of the line are the outer planets. So Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are the outer planets. Venus, Mercury and the moon are the inner planets. Sun is on the balance with that; very interesting because you can see that longevity is controlled by these two: Saturn on the outside and moon on the inside is the Vāyu there is no single planet as such that is holding on to Vāyu based upon agni. Saturn and moon are close to Vāyu. Moon inside the body; inner planets are inside the body, more inside. So from the inside, moon is giving life; from the outside, Saturn is giving life. So longevity depends on these two planets. Anyway, we’ll leave that.

audio progression:25:25

Let’s see this case of brain tumor. The Vāreśa, let’s see, Day Lord Saturn. So we need to look at Saturn. Now Saturn is in the fourth house. That’s not good. Saturn in the, Saturn is Kharaḥ in the fourth house. A malefic planet in the fourth from Lagna or the fourth from the moon, is very bad. And this is Saturn Vāreśa. And not only that, again we see Saturn is sitting with Mars. In the previous case, the Vāreśa was aspected by Maṅgala. Now Maṅgala is with Vāreśa Shani. This is not a good combination. And where are they sitting? They are sitting in a house of Jupiter, Sagittarius. So who is the dispositor? The dispositor of Agni is Jupiter. And where has he gone? He has gone into the second house of food habits. And Jupiter is with Rāhu forming Guru Candāla Yoga. That is not good. So Jupiter, the Vāreśa, Saturn gets heavily afflicted by Mars and his dispositor Jupiter is in Guru Candāla Yoga. Jupiter Daśā, Saturn AntarDaśā, diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in 1997. Death happened at that time. It’s very interesting that the other things you can study out here I have given in the chart. Basically, it was in Jupiter Daśā, Saturn AntarDaśā. She was gentle, she was kind, she was compassionate. You can see that the Vāreśa is in Sagittarius. So a lot of Jupiterian qualities, her view of the world will be like Jupiter. When you would talk to her, you will feel you’re talking to a very Jupiterian person. It is interesting, Virgo Lagna, Makara Rāśi, why will they display any quality of Jupiter? Because that’s where the bulb is, the bulb is glowing from Sagittarius. Unfortunately, this bulb is afflicted by Mars. So the affliction will show. So you see on the Jupiter Daśā, Saturn antardaśā… I hope you got it. If Vāreśa is a malefic, it is and also Khara, it is Khara because it is Lagna or Moon Fourth House and if further afflicted then it gives dangerous diseases. Yes, brain tumor. Interesting, huh? Other things are there for Virgo lagna we can have a graha Dośa of Saturn. I mean those of you who know about graha Dośa for different lagnas, you will know that Virgo does have a graha Dośa of Saturn.

audio progression: 28:35

This is Princess Grace of Monaco. It’s a beautiful picture on the side. She with her husband, the Prince of Monaco. They are having at the White House for lunch on in 61. She is Libra Lagna. You can see that beautiful Venus over there, Lagna, so many planets out there. But the Vāreśa is moon. It’s a Monday. That’s so nice. So it’s a Monday out there and what disease will you give to the moon in Aquarius? If I have to focus on Aquarius, what disease will I give to the moon? Now you see this is Aquarius and we say Aquarius is called Hṛda-roga or heart disease. Every Rāśi has disease in the 8th from its natural sign. Okay. So, let’s say moon is in Aquarius. So all you got to do is to count six signs from here. One, two, three, four, five, six. So we say the disease is in cancer. Why is the disease in cancer? Because from cancer, moon is in the eighth house. So therefore, when the moon is in Aquarius, we say the disease is in the heart, is in the circulation system. The circulatory system is weak. What happens if the moon is in Pisces? Count six from Pisces. One, two, three, four, five, six. That’s Leo. We’ll say, hey, your liver is weak. Your liver can get disease. You could have a disease in the stomach. Be careful. What happens if it’s Aries? If the moon is in Aries, count six, one, two, three, four, five, six. Virgo. These are the intestines and those areas, you know, like that. If the moon has to cause disease, all you got to do is to count six houses from there and you know which part of the body in the natural zodiac is getting afflicted. Okay, now we know this moon seems to be fine. What is the problem with the moon? It has got the aspect of Saturn. Oh, but the Saturn is the Lord of the sign. Look, look, let us let us understand something here. Moon is not friendly to Saturn. Moon is in Aquarius, Saturn is Shubhapati, the lord of the moon sign and he is aspecting that. So Saturn is not inclined to do bad by himself but he is the lord of Agni and is sitting in the third house. This is not a good house as far as Agni is concerned because it has to do with travels and journeys and short journeys, right? Third house. Communications and there is a Maṅgala aspect, again, Maṅgala aspect, again.  Maṅgala is looking at Agni now that’s dangerous. I don’t want Maṅgala looking at the Agni because if Maṅgala looks at the Agni he says come on don’t glow like that; flare up. But this is Aquarius and Aquarius has another Lord and that is Rāhu who is again sitting in a house of Maṅgala in the seventh house, which is like a Māraka house. Okay. So from Agni which is the Bādhaka, oh my God, all these planets are in the Bādhaka from Agni. In Venus Daśā, moon AntarDaśā, Rāhu pratyantara, look at the planets involved, Venus, moon, Rāhu. Moon is Agni, Rāhu is the dispositor of Agni. Okay, moon is Ātmā Kāraka. So what happened? She had a fall from a height. You see, basically what happened, she was driving home to Monaco. She had a stroke. When she was driving, she had a stroke. She lost control, drove off the steep winding road and down 120 feet on the mountainside. And of course, nobody survives that. Her daughter Stephanie, that is the ninth Lord Mercury, suffered spinal injuries, Grace died the next day on 14th September. So basically she died by falling from a height and this fall from a height can be given by the Saturn in Sagittarius because Sagittarius shows falling from a height. So all I had to do was to look at Agni and the dispositor of Agni to know the circumstances. So Saturn shows you will fall from a height But why are you falling from the height? Why are you losing control of this short journey? Travel, driving, because you’re having a heart attack, a stroke. Now something new we need to know. You see the moon, which is ĀtmāKāraka, the ĀtmāKāraka, it is in the fifth house, great popularity, everybody likes her. And this is Agni, she was born on a Monday. So therefore, the moon is going to take her sky high. She became a queen, princess of Manaco. Interesting, huh? It’s very important that the Ātmā Kāraka has the support of Agni. If the Ātmā Kāraka does not have any support of Agni, I don’t think it’s really getting, going anywhere. If Vāreśa is a benefic like in this case and is also well placed like in this case, then it’s dispositors maybe the cause of suffering and death. Here it was the dispositor’s, but here Vāreśa also. While the light of Agni is so benevolent, it is the heat of fire that is dangerous for mankind. Our problem is not with the light. Our problem is with the heat. Our body is 70% water and Jala does not like Agni.

audio progression: 35:11

Another case of a brain tumor. This person was born on Tuesday. Okay, Maṅgala is holding the Agni. We are in trouble. Maṅgala is in sixth house. Normally we would say this is nice for Maṅgala to be in the sixth house, but not as Vāreśa. You see the problem you must keep in mind. I don’t like Agni in the 6th house and the 8th house under any circumstances. It is dangerous. And on top of that, look at this Rāhu with this Mars and look at this Venus with Mars. You may say Venus is an own sign in the 6th house, but it is Maraṇa Kāraka. And this Maraṇa Kāraka Venus sitting with the Mars is not going to do good. And Rāhu and Mars? Rāhu does kuja stambhana, he is going to blow that fire out. Phuh! And the fire is gone. So in Saturn Daśā, why did Saturn come into the picture? Saturn, one, two, three, four, no. Saturn is not putting any dṛṣṭi on this. Why did Saturn come into the picture? Any guesses? Okay, this is the exaltation sign of Saturn, so Saturn would like to have a say, okay. But observe, there is an exchange of Saturn and the moon out here. So something is going wrong with the blood. You can see that. Anyway, there was brain tumor in Saturn Daśā, Rāhu antarDaśā. Yeah, the other details we can see when we see Nakṣatras and all; but you see the Rāhu, how Rāhu put the fire out. And Venus is causing Gaṇḍānta with Mars. No, this is not good. Every defect of the Vāreśa is a defect that the body must endure. If the Vāreśa is afflicted, Agni is the form and the form is the body. So the body has to endure that defect, that defect which is there in the Vāreśa. and if the Vāreśa is in sixth or the eighth, definitely there is a defect. If you do not endure: die. Now these lot are looking at Ketu in Aries, perhaps that is what is causing the head. Saturn moon shows blood impurity, blood ,moon, has to be red, orange, these things you can study. This is standard medical thing about red blood cells from Mars and white blood cells from Venus. It’s to do with the blood, the blood is: something going wrong. I don’t understand so much of medicine.


Okay, now we need to know about how to protect ourselves. Come on. We have learned so much of Vāreśa and it’s high time we realized we need to protect ourselves. So this is my chart and I’ll tell you what I was asked to do right from four years of age. See that I am born on a Wednesday, my mercury is in the sixth house. But the mercury is Vargottama. So therefore, Mercury is going to fight hard for me. That’s very clear. A Vargottama planet is going to fight for me. As far as Agni is concerned, Agni will fight for me. Which Agni? Wednesday Agni, okay. Look at the Pāpakartarī, you have the Sun and Mars both doing Pāpakartarī on it. Okay. So you can see that at a sixth (month), I mean, when I was born, I was barely a few months, five or six months old. I actually crawled into a huge reservoir or a dam, what they call in India, of water. And I slipped and I totally crawled right into the water and I was sinking. My granny, keep in mind, grandmother, okay? She dived in to save me. So who is… looking at Mercury. The moon is looking at Mercury. And where is the moon? The moon is in Aquarius. Isn’t that a granny sign? So it’s an old moon, not a young moon. We call that Kāli. So that’s granny. The Mahāvidyā are grannies. And she dived in and pulled me out of the water. Interesting: to have an interesting life. Okay, so basically it’s mercury that’s saving and when I was four years old, my mom taught me: you have to take the name Viṣṇu three times. Viṣṇu Viṣṇu. You got to do it. So I couldn’t say it. I would say Bishtu Bishtu Bishtu and then gradually I worked hard so that I can get Viṣṇu Viṣṇu. You see that? Get it right. This is the Upadeṣa of Parāśara. Parāśara says for Sunday Vahni that is Agni himself. Moon, Ambu, Jaladevi. Mars, Śikhijā or Skanda. Mercury, Viṣṇu. Jupiter, Viḍyaouja or Indradeva. For Venus, Śaci, Indrāṇī. And for Saturn the devata is Kā. Now if you don’t know what is Kā you just can’t do Kā that’s not a mantra that’s not a name no Kā that’s not that’s not a mantra. Basically kā is from the first of the 25 consonants. Ka is the first of the 25 consonants or the body consonants. So here Parāśara is specifically talking about one of the saptarishis. So basically out here, I have written down Prajapati. So if you are born on a Saturday, you need to worship the Prajapati associated with the sixth house in your chart. Okay, so keep that in mind so long as you are chanting these names or doing that mantra, it is fine. Now, what is the mantra that I was required to do? I could do any six syllable mantra because my Mercury is in the sixth house. Oṁ Viṣṇave Namaḥ, six syllable or Klīṅ Kṛṣṇāya Namaḥ, six syllable. These two mantras have to be perfectly done. I worked hard. So two mantras. So did you understand how I got it? My Vāreśa Mercury is in sixth house. I am in lagna, I gotta go there. One, two, three, four, five, six, six syllable mantra of which devata I’m born on a Wednesday, Viṣṇu, okay? You apply the same on your own chart and get me a mantra for the concerned devata over here, okay? Okay, now we’ll take a few minutes break. And where is the recording?

audio progression: 42:38

Now this is a chart of one of the most famous painters, Vincent van Gogh. Now. Remember this rule if Vāreśa is in the sixth house or the eleventh house life is a punishment. Basically, your experience of life is nothing but one long punishment. Now some of you will feel that “oh my god this is horrible”. No, it’s not horrible; We all go through punishments. You saw my Mercury, it’s in the sixth house. And we all go through punishments because maybe we have done some karmas. It is better to get punished and those karmas written off than to carry it forward. Is it not? And so therefore, if we see this, you know, and… If it is Mercury, then life is like a labor camp, like a slave camp, you know, Mercury is one of the worst Vāreśas. It may be a benefic planet, but is one of the worst Vāreśas in the sense that, basically, it’s like a slave master. You are under the control of a slave master. And especially in the house of punishment, in the sixth house or the 11th house, I mean, he will just punish you for the fun of it. It’s like a slave master, you know, this Mercury. It’s very interesting that this Mercury is having the dṛṣṭi of Jupiter, but it has the conjunction of a debilitated Saturn in the 11th house. That is absolutely horrible. What is this life? Look at it. Vāreśa Mercury is the Agni. It is in the 11th house of punishment and on top of that there is a Gaṇḍānta Dośa to that Mercury. I do not know whether you can see the degrees but that is Gaṇḍānta Dośa over there because it is in Aświnī second Pada. So it’s a Gaṇḍānta that Mercury is in Gaṇḍānta. So I don’t want Vāreśa to be in Gaṇḍānta. That is another flaw and then on top of that it is conjunct with Saturn which is debilitated. He is going to give you poverty of the worst kind. So simply because Saturn is debilitated in the horoscope doesn’t mean that you are going to be poor. If it is associated with Vāreśa then he can torture you. Then on top of that, there is a Rāśi Dṛṣṭi coming from the moon over here and that moon is also debilitated in the sixth house. So this Mercury in Gaṇḍānta is aspected by a debilitated moon and conjunct a debilitated Saturn. So basically, there may be these two Sun and Mars and Digbala with Venus which makes him such a fantastic painter. So what is showing that he is such a great artist? It’s the exalted Venus with Sun and Mars. What an artist. Wow. What a brain. Wow. Ninth Lord exalted in Lagnaṁ. Wow. But what will I do with all these wows? So somebody else looking at the chat will say, he has Lagna Rāhu exalted in Lagna, Ketu exalted in seventh house, Jupiter in the seventh house, excellent marriage. No, no sir, no. Nothing in life, nothing. In Venus Daśā, Mercury Antar Daśā, he failed the pastor exam. See this Jupiter Ketu in Sagittarius, he wanted to be a pastor in the church. He wanted to be a priest. So he went and took the exam, failed. Even that exam he failed. Then, failed the protestant missionary school in 78. And still they got a job for him at Pettit, Vasmus, some kind of a missionary job. Now you go and do some missionary job out there. So when he went over there to work, the people out there were so poor, so poor, he felt bad. He said, no, when my people are so poor, I cannot be living in luxury as a priest living in luxury and the people of the congregation are so poor and famished? No, no. So what did he do? He renounced the comfortable lodgings at a bakery. At a bakery they had given a beautiful lodging for him. You know, you feel hungry, just go down to the shop and eat some cake. He moved to a small hut where he slept on straw. Oh, the idealistic fellow. Wednesday. So the church decided to dismiss him for undermining priesthood. So he got kicked out basically because he slept on a straw and was basically being spiritual. I don’t understand the church. So Jupiter fortunately gave him a good brother and friends who cared for him. You see the Jupiter is aspecting Mercury. You see that one nice good aspect. So brother and friends and all who supported him. There are too many Dośas Mercury is in the second Pada which is basically a Jala Gandanta. You must understand each Pada has a certain Dośa. So the first Pada is Agni the second is Jala and things like that. And so the… this is the Jala and we see that the moon is again debilitated. So epilepsy, psychotic episodes, delusions, suicide, finally died of suicide. You know that? He shot himself in the chest. Now, normally looking at this chart, what shows that he will shoot himself? Ideally you will say no, the Sun has got nothing to do with the third from Arudha. Anyway, this is something worth studying. He shot himself but did not die because of that. He died subsequently because of the injuries, saturn. You see, Mercury and Saturn are in the Aries and the Lord Mars is with the Sun, combust. So if you ask me about his life, his life was a complete total failure. He was considered a madman, a complete failure, but he started sketching when he was mining in Venus Ketu, you see when he was mining. And… But this Mercury, the Lagna Lord Mercury is the Agni. The Agni is with Mercury and this Mercury is in Vyayaṁśa. You know what’s Vyayāṁśa? Vyaya is the 12th house, Taurus. So the Lagna Lord Mercury, having all this Agni, has gone to the 12th house, I mean in the Navāṁśa. It’s in Taurus Navāṁśa. Normally such people will become very, very famous after they die provided they have other combinations like this. You see this Jupiter Ketu combination, Digbala is in the 10th house, exaltations in Lagna, all these powerful things people will suddenly realize after he dies, when he’s alive, nobody will notice his paintings. Why? Because the Vāreśa is not throwing light on them. So even if you have a chart like Vincent van Gogh and you think that, wow, I’ll be one of the greatest artists of the world, it’s a miserable life. All these planets in the kendras, exaltations and all that did not. He went to painting but none of them helped him because Agni did not support him. Without Agni, you have no life.


Okay, now we are going to examine the Vāreśa and the Dispositor. Basically Vāreśa is like this priest you see out here holding the staff and that’s your chart. He’s shining the light through the chart. He holds the karmic lamp. You see the karmic lamp to guide every creature. You are like this little boat on this stream. Examine the Vāreśa and the dispositor moon in houses from lagna liked by Agni, brings experiences of great mental satisfaction. What does that mean? Let’s say your Vāreśa is Saturn. Okay. What houses does Saturn like? Saturn likes the 6th house, 8th house and 12th house. He likes it. He loves those houses. So if your moon is there, if your moon is there, if your moon is in 6th, 8th or 12th and Saturn is your Vāreśa, you will have a lot of mental satisfaction because “mental” is coming from the mind, moon. If your Vāreśa is the Sun, then the lagna should be important. The Sun likes lagna, he also likes the fifth house. Like that, you know what are the houses this planet likes. If the moon is there, then definitely you will like some aspects of life. Like insects, we simply follow the light of the Vāreśa which carries the Ātman into the body. So even if you have great Rājayogas in the horoscope, if Vāreśa has nothing to do with them like you saw in the case of Vincent van Gogh, Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga in the 10th house with supported by the Sun and Mars in Digbala. Rāhu 9th lord exalted in Lagna, 7th house Haṁsa Yoga with exalted Ketu. What happened to all of them? Vāreśa had nothing to do with them. So all those yogas were defunct. The enlightened rise above this, of course. The knowledge is a beautiful thing, you know? You can sit in a cave and meditate. We use Viṁśottarī Daśā for Agni. For understanding Agni and the flow of life, you have to use the king of Daśās, which is Viṁśottarī. That’s why he’s called king. Now Parāśara is very clever. He uses the word Viṁśottarī is the king of the Daśās. Now, what did you understand? Oh, it’s a very important Daśā is the most. No, he was talking about king. King has the crown. Crown is Agni. So what Parāśara was telling us is that whenever you’re looking at Agni, please check Viṁśottarī Daśā. Also, you will observe the reckoning of the Viṁśottarī Daśā is from Kṛttikā Nakṣatra. The first Nakṣatra or the entire Daśā is reckoned from Kṛttikā Nakṣatra and that Nakṣatra is Agni. See how you think and how I think are different. You say Kṛttikā Nakṣatra is ruled by the Sun. I said no, Kṛttikā Nakṣatra is ruled by Agni. You look at Rāmāyaṇa in Rāmāyaṇa. What does Valmiki say? Oh, Rāma came in the Nakṣatra of “Aditi” you would say that is Punarvasu Nakṣatra ruled by Jupiter. And he did not even bother to mention Punarvasu. Nobody. See none of them talk about Nakṣatra is like the way you people talk. You talk about Aświnī, Bharaṇī. No, it’s Dasra… Aświnī is Aświnī. Then we have Yama. There is no Bharaṇī, it’s Yama. Then after that is Agni. Then after that is Prajapati. The dev, what you call devatas are actually there in the Nakṣatra. So rather than using just these modern names, let’s try to go back to the Vedic times and start using the names of the devatas actually. For then only can we get the knowledge of the Nakṣatras. If your brain thought of Kṛttikā as Agni, you would easily understand. Of course, we are talking of Agni. Viṁśottarī Daśā is reckoned from Agni. So for Agni we have to use Viṁśottarī Daśā. Easy.

Vāreśa Bhāva: These are the Naisargika Bhāvas, Naisargika chart. You all know this. And when a Vāreśa is in one of these houses, what basically happens is that house becomes very, very powerful. See the Vāreśa, this left-hand side, when you see the word Naisargika, it is mother nature. Power of mother nature. Kāraka Bhāva: this is father nature. Now Kāraka is the hand of God, so, it’s more like the father nature. Okay. This is very powerful, this is mother mama. So if the Vāreśa, let’s say you have Sun as a Vāreśa and if that Sun is in the fifth house, okay. So that means I can say that as you grow older and older and older, because Naisargika means older, this particular part of Agni will throw more and more and more and more light for you. It’s all about growing up: nature. Nature is about growing up. Whereas Kāraka functions irrespective of nature. It’s more about Daśā. With age, the see the first one whatever return “with age” graha characteristics become very powerful and dominant, spoiling delicate balance of the chart. So what happens is whatever balance was there in the chart will get spoiled, will change. Let us say, Venus, you were born on a FrIḍāy and Venus is in the seventh house. So when you were young, you know, you were nice, normal, but as you grew older, suddenly this Venus is acting up. Huh? You want to become Jeffrey Epstein. I mean, you… this Venus thing is becoming more and more and more and more strong. The light of Venus is shining a lot in your life. Okay. So unless you are doing some mantras to control that light, it can it can lead you in the wrong direction because there’s a lot of heat in that light. If you have mercury in the third or the sixth, same way, be careful. These are; If Saturn is in 10 or 11 and is the week day lord as you grow older, this light will become more, more, it become very strong, very dominant. It will outshine the other planets, but age is the factor. Normally we say 50 years between 50 to 70. This will definitely start showing 100%. Kāraka Bhāva is different. It’s very well placed in a Bhāva. For example, Jupiter in the second house, superb, Sun in the first house, superb, right? Especially if it is Ātmākāraka. Think that this planet, Sun is your Ātmākāraka, which is the best house for it to be in? First house. Like Swami Vivekananda. Wow. And… let us say somebody’s Ātmākāraka is jupiter in the 11th house income wow you will have such high level of income i mean you will be earning money like maybe the government like mukesh ambani, jupiter Ātmākāraka in the 11th house, wow. So you see that the Kāraka Bhāva is more like father Ātmākāraka, Śiva. So get the idea? So, the right hand side: Kāraka Bhāvas, are more like Śiva. Naisargika is Śakti, mother. Okay, keep that in mind when we talk of Vārasha.


audio 1:00:30

Now we are going to study how life is going to flow because of Vāreśa. But before we go into this, I think I’ll give you people five minutes break, coffee break, okay? Go grab a coffee, take it easy, we come back.

So the first chart I have for you to study the life path, the process of life; is that of Abbey Hoffman. Okay, now this Vāreśa you can see out here is born on a Sunday. So the Sun has got the Raṁ Bīja. So this is where you wake up. Where are you waking up? You are waking up in the third house is Lagna is Virgo Lagna. And you see this Mars and Mercury are having an exchange. So he’s waking up in Scorpio. The Vāreśa Sun is in Scorpio. So you wake up in Scorpio. So when you think of Abbie Hoffman, when you think of Abbie Hoffman, you are not thinking of a Virgo Lagna person. There is a side to him which is visible to the public. How are the public seeing Abbie Hoffman? Public are seeing Abbie Hoffman as a scorpio person, and third house, third house as to: who is the Kāraka for the third house? Third house, we say it is Mars. Mars is the Kāraka for the third house. So whenever it is in third house, this is opposite which house? Ninth house. So I can say that if he is waking up, if this is the house which is waking up, you are going to question the ninth house. So if Vāreśa is in third house, and this is where you wake up, who is sitting opposite you? Opposite you is the ninth house. Now you see the mark of Sagittarius that I put out here. Why? Because that is what you are questioning. This, the Vāreśa is waking up, the opposite is called sleeping. So if he’s waking up in the third house, he sleeps in the ninth house. and sleeping is also like meditating, thinking, doubting, questioning, all that, the focus. The focus, because of Vāreśa in third, the focus is going to the ninth house. And what is the first thing that you think of in the ninth house: is the government, is the law. So, Abby could be questioning the law, he could be questioning government. And this Venus as the Lord of the sign is with Jupiter+Rāhu, Guru-Candāla, he’s seriously questioning it. Here you can see, here this is that pig, you see Abby holding a pig, it was a big deal at the time, it’s called pigases. A domestic pig was nominated for President of the United States by the youth international party called the EPs led by Abbey on 23rd August 1968. So he wanted the pig to stand for president. How interesting. And you and by the way, if you look at the number of people following him, it’s not one or two of them. It’s not even 10. It’s a huge number. And then the cops had to come and intervene and Pegasus was arrested the first time that a pig was arrested. I don’t think a pig has been arrested. Abby was a radical prankster of the counterculture. You see that “radical”: third house. Because he’s questioning the law. He’s questioning the system. Ninth house is the system. So the third house questions the ninth house. It’s waking up in the third house. Vāreśa is in third house. Now what is Lagneśa? Lagneśa is your intelligence, is your Viveka, your discerning power. This is right;..this is not right. This is, I can do this, I should not be doing this. Now what happens when the Lagneśa, mercury is having an exchange with mars? Mercury has given you the power of communication but your Viveka is tilting towards Maṅgala. You will end up fighting. You will end up challenging, agitating all the time and agitation is the typical nature of Scorpio. Rebel: third house; writing: third house; propaganda: third house; that’s his whole focus was about propaganda. Extremely brilliant, third house, Sun. So the Sun in the third house gives tremendous brilliance. Now the dispositor, there are two dispositors you see, one is of course Mars which has given him such an agitator, fame, lagna. Because of agitation and because of pegasus and things like that, he gets some fame, notoriety. But other dispositor Ketu is debilitated and it is with the moon. So this is in the 4-10 axis and it is afflicting his consciousness, his reality check. What is the reality check? Is it going to work? It’s not going to work? Am I doing something very stupid? What happens if Pegasus had won the election? You think all the major appointments and the decisions would be taken by a pig? I mean, why did you not think of all that before putting the pig up for election? So you think so basically the reality check is missing. He’s in some kind of a dream world. You see that the eclipse of Ketu-moon. So the Vāreśa Dispositor, the second one is Ketu. Ketu can make you a terrorist because Ketu is with the moon. So he is like a terrorist. He goes into drugs, depression and death. This manas is very severely afflicted. So do you see what happened in the third house? Who is the Kāraka for the third house? Mars. How is Mars in the horoscope? For Virgo, Mars is a very bad guy. Secondly, the dispositors. And what is he questioning? He will question the ninth house. Keep that in mind.

audio progression: 1:07:12

Next Chart, very interesting, Bertrand Russell. He is Libra Lagna. His Vāreśa is Saturn. Now, the Sun as Vāreśa, think about it. Sun is questioning ninth house. If the Sun will question ninth house, he will talk about law. Whereas Saturn, he’s also in the third house. And he’s in Sagittarius. So he’s also looking at the ninth house. He’s also having doubts about ninth house. But what in the ninth house? Is it government? No, Saturn is more concerned about Jupiter. Hey, you are the priest. You claim to know God. Can you give me his address? You see that? That is Saturn questioning religion, questioning the church, questioning the books of religion. But it is a yoga Kāraka. It’s a yoga Kāraka. So, and his lagna lord Venus is in the seventh house in trines to this agni. It’s very well connected with the Agni. And this is Saturn. Saturn in a bad house is actually good. We have seen that. There is something feeble with a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. So, he believed in myths. You see that? Vāreśa is in Sagittarius. The Vāreśa is in Sagittarius. He’s talking about myths, mythology. So he’s saying that these are myths, these are stories. There’s nothing real about them. All of them are stories. There’s no proof. Okay. “But you need them to be comfortable”. Okay. “Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. I see. But he dare not face this though. Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.” How interesting. You see the level of thinking. So basically, he is talking about the masses of people. If you question a myth, people get furious because they have not questioned it inside themselves. It is very comforting to know that there is God out there. Although there is no proof that there is God out there. That is what he is trying to say. Okay. And the second one is even more….: “Why I am not a Christian”. See that’s questioning the ninth house, why he’s not a Christian. So basically. But the best part of him, best part of him, he’s getting a lot of mental satisfaction. You see, where is the moon? The moon is in 12th house. Now 12th house, who is the Vāreśa? Vāreśa is Saturn, and Saturn is very, very comfortable in the 12th house. He’s very happy to be in the 12th house. And what is 12th house? It’s a jail. So when he was in jail, they put him in a very nice jail and he would become so happy. He said that, “I’ve never had so much undisturbed time to read and to write. My God, this is so fantastic. This jail is beautiful”. And he started, he used to laugh so much in joy that the jailer had to come and tell him, “Please, this is a jail. You can’t become happy and laugh. I mean, what sort of a jail is this if you’re becoming happy” and… Anyway, a very strange man. But the dispositor of the Vāreśa, Jupiter in the 10th house is in Hamsa Yoga. So I can say that this Hamsa Yoga of Jupiter in the 10th house is fully activated by the Vāreśa. Because of this, oh my God, he won the Nobel Prize and also Britain’s Order of Merit produced more than 3000 publications, 40 plus books, third house, writing, writing… philosophy, education, politics, sex, outspoken, great guy. Even today people talk, you see, the dispositor of Agni is exalted. So then you are putting the Agni to good use in the 10th house. In the previous chart, the dispositor of Agni Ketu was in the 10th house and debilitated and eclipsing the moon. He also produced a lot of publications. He also wrote a lot of stuff, but it was Ketu Moon kind of publication. Whereas this is Jupiter exalted. When intelligent people read this, they will laugh, they will agree, they will disagree. But we know that here is somebody who has really applied his brain and he has a big brain. But what was most interesting was Saturn as Vāreśa and the moon in the 12th house. His best days were when he was in jail. Interesting cases.

audio progression: 1:12:50


Abraham Lincoln: His Vāreśa is again, I think is the Sun, right? Sunday, yeah. Sun is the Vāreśa, so he’s awakening in the first house. He knows his mind very clearly. And he sleeps in the seventh house. So, what is the natural seventh house? Libra, that is why I put Libra over here. In the previous cases, the sleeping house is where I put the Rāśi. Observe the symbol of the Rāśi I am putting in the sleeping house, not in the waking up house. And the sleeping house is the seventh from the waking. Vāreśa is the waking up house, opposite is the sleeping. It is: you are going to question, you’re going to doubt, this is where you’re going to look because the light is here. If the light is in the first house, it shines into the seventh house. You’re going to think about this house. You will think. And what is the seventh house? Libra, what is Libra? Balance, no? What is balance? Equality. That’s what he questioned. So he rests in the seventh house, must have equality in every respect: balance the scales. You can go into the Lordships of Agni. One is Saturn in the 10th house giving Siddhi Yoga, the other is Rāhu in the 9th house. Dharma changing. Because of this Rāhu and Mars there was the civil war, but Dharma had to change and he brought about the anti-slavery, “that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”. Wow! Other things you can see, you know, it’s interesting that. Uh… The Vāreśa if I’m right, Mercury is, please check if Mercury is afflicted by any manner with the Vāreśa because I see the 5th lord in Lagna. 5th lord in Lagna means okay the Vāreśa may give you great achievements but there is a danger to your children. Two of his children I think died. One died in Saturn-Saturn and the other died in Jupiter-Saturn. Both children died in Saturn-AntarDaśā. Very interesting. And why would Saturn do that? It’s because it’s sixth from the fifth house. Normally you would consider that good but not as the dispositor of Agni. Emancipation, proclamation was also in Saturn Daśā, Saturn AntarDaśā. So it’s interesting in Saturn Daśā, Saturn AntarDaśā, he did his greatest Karma. But is it activated by the Vāreśa? It is. Because just like in Bertrand Russell’s case, just like in this case Agni is in Sagittarius and Jupiter is in Hamsa Yoga. So this is Hamsa Yoga that’s going to work. This Agni is in Aquarius and Saturn is in Siddhi Yoga. It will work in Saturn Daśā, Saturn AntarDaśā. He achieved it. This is how we see Rājayogas. Without Agni, there is no Rajyoga.

audio progression: 1:16:38

Ernest Oppenheimer, one of the richest people in the world. Here, the Vāreśa is in seventh house. And the sleeping is happening in lagna, how interesting. So he is questioning, doubting and is resting in the first house of name, fame, reputation. And what is that house? That is the moon, that is the first house, right? And what is the symbol I put for the first house? Aries. Although the lagna is libra but i am talking of “Bhāva” over here. You see in the previous case, the sign, the seventh house, I put the scales over there. I am talking about the Bhāva. So in which Bhāva are you sleeping? He was sleeping in the seventh Bhāva, whereas he is sleeping in lagna. So although he’s a businessman because Vāreśa Saturn is in seventh house. And I think diamonds, right? Yeah, gold and diamonds. Yeah. Initial 1 million pounds with JP Morgan and then he went on to be the biggest. Yeah, he was a serious competitor to De Beers. What was he obsessed about? Am I the biggest? Am I the most famous? Am I the most powerful? Am I the one who is deciding who will; I mean… “Am I the one am I able to interfere substantially in politics and decide who is going to sit on the throne”? That is called lagna. “I” am a big guy. “I”. Anyway, other things you can see; the Mālikā yoga’s and all that stuff. So where is Agni by the way, the Agni is in Aries. Who is the dispositor Mars but Mars is debilitated Agni is debilitated Mars and the dispositor Mars is debilitated but it is part of a graham Mālikā yoga from Jupiter to Mars. So all these grahas are obeying Maṅgala. How interesting. And this Maṅgala is giving him Rāja Yoga. You see that? Second and seventh Lord, Rāja Yoga. 10th; Its very interesting. 7th lord is in 10th house according to Parāśara that is the Rāja Yoga. The 7th lord in the 10th house is Rāja Yoga if the 10th lord is well placed. The 10th lord is the moon. It’s in lagna. It is the place where he is questioning all the time. His brain and consciousness is focused on the moon: gems, jewelry are ruled by the moon. Diamonds are also gems and jewelry. Moon is the overlord of all gems and jewelry. Interesting. Did you see the connections that I made? Good. It is in the seventh house, right? And who is the Kāraka of this house? Venus. What is the nature of this house? It’s a business house. So how is Venus placed? The lagna Lord in the seventh is a Shubhapati in the seventh. Wow.


So wherever you see Agni, first ask yourself, Naisargika, who is the dispositor? Who is the Naisargika Lord? And then Kāraka, who is the Kāraka of that house? Both, remember those two pictures, the mother and the father, the Śakti and Śiva.

audio progression: 1:20:50

Shrinivasa Ramanujan. Śrīnivasa Ramanujam has the Vāreśa Jupiter in the sixth house. Ah Brahmin, Brahmin, he is definitely Brahmin. Normally I find the Vāreśa in the second 2, 6, 8 and 12 for Brahmins. I don’t know why but they are there. So basically it’s out here that the 6th house is having Jupiter, Upachaya with Mercury. Oh, Agni has conjoined Mercury. That is it. You will suffer. And where is he going? Where is he sleeping? He’s sleeping in the 12th house. But that is the natural house of meditation, is it not? So if the Vāreśa is in the sixth house, you are resting in the 12th house. But this is Pisces. The energy of this house is like Pisces. Oh, that means you are questioning your faith. You are questioning, do I have faith? Do I trust my God? Can I climb a thing and jump from the top floor? If my God is there, he will protect me. Do I have that faith? He sleeps or meditates, but what is this Rāśi? Taurus, no? Goddess. Taurus is a goddess and Taurus is the natural second house. His faith, that is pisces, is coming over here. And you see a deeply religious Hindu Rāmanujan predicted his substantial mathematical capacity. I don’t think in the last 200 or 300 years any mathematician is born even close to Ramanujan. And said that the mathematical knowledge he displayed was revealed to him by his family goddess. Oh, that means this Taurus sign is revealing the entire thing to him because when did he die? He died I think at a very young age of what? 30 something? Yeah. He died at a very young age. So he was guided by Taurus, Venus to Leo. Where is this Venus? Where is Venus? Who is the Lord? He is here. How did Leo come in? How did the Sun come? Oh, Sun is aspecting Venus. I see. So this is a goddess, some kind of a goddess who’s riding a lion or something. Anyway, I don’t know who the family goddess is. You can find out in any case. In any case. Venus is in the fifth house of Gyan. So now I am not looking at Agni. I’m looking at the knowledge. I am not looking at how successful you are. I am looking at how much knowledge you have. I am not looking at how much gold medals you are getting from Agni. Agni will give you a lot of gold medals, a lot of money. But it is the opposite, Vāyu who will give you the knowledge, who will give you the connection to your God. You see, you see it is not here. What is visible is the sansara. This Raṁ is Bhūloka. He’s like a lamp that has been switched on and you can see Bhūloka. I’m not interested in that. I’m more interested in the sleeping time, meditation time. Because the word sleep that I use is also for meditation. What is going on in the back of my head when I sleep? What is happening in my subconsciousness when I sleep? What is happening is this Rāśi that is happening. The goddess is speaking with him. And if you please read this, even as late as what? 2012, 2013, okay? His notebooks containing summaries of his published and unpublished results have been analyzed and studied for decades since his death as a source of new mathematical ideas. Even now, after a century, scientists are finding some answers from them. It is unbelievable. It is not human. Ramanuja displayed a level of knowledge which is not human. It is absolutely not human. That is possible because of this sixth house. So the twelfth house is the faith. You need to have that faith for that to work. But the Lord of this sign is in the 5-11 axis of knowledge. Gyana is in 5-11. It comes straight to five. Okay, let’s look at the dispositor of Agni because Agni will tell the subjects, no? Agni, here Agni is in Scorpio. So either Mars will give me the subject or Ketu will give me the subject. If I choose Mars, then maybe he will have some knowledge pertaining to engineering. If it is Ketu, it is pure mathematics. I don’t think Mercury will….. Mercury has to make a choice. Lagna Lord in the sixth house is very brilliant, very, very brilliant. But who is he going to choose? Is he going to choose Mars? Is he going to choose Ketu? So he chose Ketu, he went on to be one of the top mathematicians. Okay now, moon, 10th house, okay. In Ketu-Mercury, he had hepatitis, he died in Venus-Venus-Venus. The sleeping sign. Interesting, people can go from Agni or they can go from Vāyu, one of the two. This normally shows you are going because of Jñāna (gyāna). That which is the source of the knowledge, that is the ultimate, you know, the vahe (vahe Guru). So we have learned something very interesting now. Ramanuja, the seventh house from Agni is having some kind of a connection with God. We will study this after a small break. Okay, we’re going to take a break now before we enter the new topic.


Such a deep topic. Every time I talk with you, I push you to go a little more deeper, just a little more and think about the points that I am giving you. What you need to understand is that life is all about this light. Light is guiding us. Whether it be what we do in life, our sansara, Agni, let us say Agni is here in this chart over here on my right hand side, Agni is in the 10th house, this is my sansara. This is my Dakṣiṇāgni, this is my lagna. It is like lagna. Where Agni is, that is like lagna. And the opposite sign is like the 7th house. It is the setting. But the real knowledge is actually associated with the seventh house. But this knowledge because of which the world will know me, is Agni. Unless the Agni is shining on an object or on a subject, I don’t think I can have that depth of knowledge without that. Ramanuja had Agni out here in Scorpio, right? You have Gemini rising; in Scorpio. So since Agni is in Scorpio… The Lords of Scorpio, the Dispositors of Scorpio becomes the Dispositors of Agni. They are the ones who gave him the subjects to study. Look, when you study a subject, you open a book. And how do you read the book? You have to switch on the light. The light will fall on the words in that book, on the diagrams in that book, and you study the book. That is how the subject is coming to you. You can study other subjects. The light from the Vāreśa is going around the whole zodiac. But the subjects in which you will be exceptionally good will depend upon the Vāreśa and the lord of the sign where he is. But who is guiding you? Who is feeding the fire? Fire, we know very well that the lamp does not burn just like that. The lamp needs some air to burn. And air is always opposite to Agni. If Agni is in one, air, Vāyu will be in seven. Here, Agni is in 10, so Vāyu has to be in four. Vāyu is always opposite Agni; because they are feeding each other. Vāyu feeds the Agni. Vāyu gives him movement. The words are moving, the thoughts are moving, the sentences are moving, the sounds are moving. Everything is moving. Entire movement is because of Vāyu and that is why we say Vāyu is the Guru. He is the one who is guiding you. So the vision of the Vāreśa, his vision is on the opposite side and this lord of this sign (7th from vāreśa) is the Gati, the spiritual direction. This planet here we see the Agni is in Capricorn, right? The opposite sign is Cancer and the Lord of the sign is the moon. So the moon is the one who’s guiding the spiritual direction. Ramanuja was guided by Kula Devi goddess and he admitted it vehemently. The thing about a good Brahmin, he will speak the truth. He will not take credit. See the thing when you know you are being inspired and guided at every step, you believe that. Look he believed it, right? The light was in the 12th house. The guidance was in the 12th house. He believed that; he had faith in that. There is no way he can prove it if you ask Ramanuja. Please prove it that the goddess is guiding you. He can’t prove it but he was true to it and he truthfully said she guides me in everything, she just comes, I pray to her and it comes to my mind. So there are other spiritual souls. Are they also guided like that? We need to check this. Why is guidance seen in Vāreśa 7th house? Because Vāyu is the Guru. Vaha, to carry away, is the power of the Guru. He is guiding your thoughts. You cannot be an expert in a subject if you don’t “think” about the subject. And Guru is “he” who guides the thought. So the Lord of the opposite sign is the Guru, is the Vāyu, the words of the Guru. And the words of the Guru came to you. How did they reach you? Through the wind. So we are going to study gati. Gati is coming from here. Now we are studying seventh house from Vāreśa. Okay, we are clear on that? Good, now let’s see some charts.

audio progression: 1:33:44

My first chart for you is that of Śrī Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. Now here the Vāreśa is Mercury. Okay, he was born on a Wednesday. Oh my god, that’s a miserable life. The moment I see Wednesday I scrounge. Oh my god, they will try to trap him. They will they will. He will like a, like mercury is like a child. Mercury is like a child. Innocent. And normally I have found look, they’re very, they have the innocence of the child. And He must not be conjoined bad planets. Conjoined the moon and the Sun, excellent. Mercury is conjoined the moon and the Sun, good. And who are the two lords? One lord is Saturn, exalted. Other lord is Rāhu, exalted, wow. Both the Lords are exalted. I see. Let us look at the seventh house. So the seventh house is Leo. And the one who is supposed to guide him is ruled by the Sun, right? The Sun will indicate the guidance that is coming to him. Now the Sun is again in Lagna over here. So who is guiding him? He is guiding himself because the guidance is coming from Lagna. The Sun has conjoined mercury and the moon, whom will the Sun like more? Will he like mercury more or will he like the moon more? Mercury is combust, Vāreśa is combust. So the Sun is not…… so a planet is combust is not going to be the guiding factor. So what is left? It is the moon. Right. Can I say the moon in Aquarius is Kāli? Interesting, I took the seventh Lord from Vāreśa, which is the Sun. He’s placed in Aquarius and I saw the planets. If the moon was not here, then the Mercury will have to do the guidance. Mercury is already combust, some guidance is here. Here it is the moon and the moon in Aquarius is Kāli and this is exalted again. So just as Ramanuja was guided by the Taurus. Goddess. Taurus goddess, huh? Here he is getting guided by Kāli because the seventh lord is with the moon. I will leave it here. I want you to go back and think about the seventh lord. It is the Sun. We can also say that the Sun will indicate maybe his Guru also. No, we cannot do that. We cannot do that. You know why? Because then that is the Ātmā, that is the Guru, that is another person coming, it is coming. That is extending it too far. Here, it is the thought, it is the mind who is guiding the mind. It is Kāli who is guiding the mind. Good.

audio progression: 1:37:55

How about Swami Vivekananda? His Vāreśa is Sun. Oh my God. His Vāreśa is also Sun. No, the same? No, his Vāreśa is…. Mercury with the Sun. But Mercury is in Lagna with the Sun. I see. His Vāreśa is the Sun. Okay. And the seventh house is vacant. Did we see that in the previous chart also? Yeah, in the previous chart also it was vacant. What about Ramanuja’s chart? Ramanujas chart also it is vacant. Please note the seventh house from Vāreśa is vacant. There is no disturbance over here. Absolutely no disturbance. Okay, it is vacant. I mentioned it here. In Rāmanuja’s chart also it was vacant and here also in Vivekananda’s chart it is vacant. Okay, I take the Lord Mercury. It has come over here. So the one who is supposed to guide him is supposed to be Mercury and Venus. So initially Swami Vivekananda was very reluctant to follow Ramakrishna. He questioned him. He thought he is a madman. He is always… going into this samadhi thing all the time and I mean I don’t understand this what is this going on. But do you see the exchange of Saturn and Mercury over here? This exchange of Saturn and Mercury means instead of Mercury guiding him, it will be Saturn who will guide him. And Saturn is his Bhrātṛkāraka. You see that? Saturn is his Bhrātṛkāraka. So therefore he is getting guidance from his Guru. So if, see try to understand, if your guidance is coming from the Guru, what is the mantra you should do? Om Namo Bhagavate Rāmakṛṣṇāya. See that’s his Guru’s name. He prayed to his Guru because his Guru was guiding his mind. You see that? Do you see the seventh lord is Mercury under exchange with Saturn? So this is the mantra by which he stayed connected with his Guru even after the Guru left the planet. You see my point? Just because somebody has died and is physically not present doesn’t mean they cannot guide your mind.

audio progression: 1:39:37

Okay, something different. Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada was born on a Tuesday. Excellent. So Mars is in sixth house. I don’t like Mars in the sixth house. He will have suffering. Even if it is Mars, he will have suffering in his life. And he has had his share of suffering. But it is conjoined in exalted moon. Wow. Now who are the 7th lord? Let’s look at the 7th house. For Taurus, the 7th house is Scorpio. Scorpio is the 7th lord. Is it vacant? It is vacant. Again, it is completely vacant. And who are the lords? There are two lords. One is Mars and one is Ketu. I take Mars as a lord but Mars is also the Vāreśa, he has conjoined exalted moon. Can I say exalted moon is Avatāra? Yes, when a planet is exalted it is an Avatāra. And can I say that this exalted planet being the moon it is specifically Kṛṣṇa Avatāra? Yes, I can say without an iota of doubt that Śrīla Prabhupada was personally guided by Krishna. I can say that because in all these charts from Rāmanuja to Ramakrishna Paramahansa to Swami Vivekananda, it is showing me very correctly who is guiding. We saw Ramanuja was guided by his goddess, family goddess. We saw in Ramakrishna that he was guided by Kāli. We are seeing in Vivekananda that he was guided by Saturn which was Bhrātṛkāraka, his Guru. And here we are seeing the guidance coming from an exalted moon who is trying to tell the Vāreśa Maṅgala: Hey! Relax, I am going to take care. You just do what you have to do. And that is exactly how he had heart attacks. He had three heart attacks in the ship. And each time Kṛṣṇa came clearly to his mind and told him, don’t worry, you will reach there. What about this Ketu? I don’t know. This is something else that he hasn’t told us about. Maybe it has to do with some other deities in the temple, some other guidance. But this is the primary guidance, Mars. Because if I have to choose between Mars and Ketu and Mars is Agni, then definitely this will be stronger. So it is, you see, it’s so clear when you are guided so powerfully with such powerful energies like Kṛṣṇa or Kāli. I mean, it’s evident. It’s not normal. It’s not normal. All of us are not guided like that. The way these people are guided, these souls are fortunate souls. Can I say that this soul is not an ordinary soul? Whether it’s Ramakrishna or Vivekananda or Prabhupada, at least in these three cases, even Ramanuja, his mathematics, just because his subject was not theosophy or philosophy, doesn’t mean that he was not guided. The problem with people in this world is only when they talk about God, you think that they are guided by God. Anybody else who does, let’s say mathematics, you will say he’s not guided by God. Why? The problem of the human nature.

audio progression: 1:43:37

Śrī Śrī Ravi Shankar, our “art of living” Guru. This is his chart, his birth time I have not given because of other reasons but this is his Rāśi chart, it’s a 100% sure. Vāreśa like Vivekananda Vāreśa is the Sun and it is also the ĀtmāKāraka, very interesting. Like Vivekananda his Vāreśa is also Surya and here Surya is exalted in Sagittarius Navāṁśa, both of them have it. That is so powerful for spirituality, Sun in Sagittarius Navāṁśa. Wow. Okay now this is the Vāreśa. So the Vāreśa is… but I’m interested in the guidance. Where is he getting the guidance? The seventh house is again vacant. Again the seventh house is vacant. Means no disturbance. No sansara disturbance. Nobody from sansara is going to block your path. Because this is the… Who can block the path? A single planet out there can block the path. So there and the Lord of this sign is Venus, right? It’s Venus. Now look at Venus. Venus is in this house with the moon. So can I say that Venus is with the moon? So the guidance is coming from Venus with the moon, initially, but there is a Parivartana of Mercury and Venus. So because of the Parivartana, just like Swami Vivekananda, remember? The Parivartana was there. just like the parivartana so it should be mercury with ketu so the guidance is mercury and ketu some kind of a devata associated with mercury with Ketu, but this is not an ordinary mercury. This is a mercury having a parivartana means a mercury who is sitting in his own house, a mercury who is at the level of Ganesha, that one level devata of mercury with Ketu, which is meditation, absolutely powerful meditation. His meditation is guided and when he says guided meditation, he is actually teaching the right thing that he has learned from a superior energy. So he is having the guidance of a very, very superior energy indicated by Mercury. And we need to see what is this Mercury. Mercury is Mātṛkāraka. Interesting. With Ketu. Mokṣa Kāraka. Very very strong yoga, mercury ketu yoga. Okay, so guidance from Sun 7th house. So you saw that in all these charts, we have seen how the guidance has clearly come from the 7th house. All of them. Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Prabhupada and now Ravi Shankar.  All of them are being very clearly guided. And look at the fifth house, fifth house is Jñana Yoga.

audio progression: 1:46:56

Now we come to the case of stigmata. Okay. You have those of you who have not heard of, please mark this word: stigmata. Basically what happens is there are signs of the Christ the Christ had bled from his hands and his legs. So these people they have blood in their hands and legs and actually when this is not normal blood. It has a very nice smell nice order and actually the wounds are there when it comes and when the person dies, like when Padre Pio died, one day you will be…that is something else I will tell you. So just before he died, the marks went away in the case of Padre Pio. Anyway, let us study. His Agni is… he is born on Wednesday. Again, Wednesday. Oh my God, torture. And where is Mercury? 8th house, torture. Wednesday born with innocent… he’s an innocent person, but that’s it… Wednesday born in sixth, eighth… that’s it. Padre Pio was tortured, believe me, he was tortured Mercury is combust in Taurus. It is conjoined Mars who is also combust and sitting with the Sun That is his life. His life is the life of combustion. And you can see he was combusted by whom? The dispositor of this sign is Venus in the ninth house: by the church. So it was Parivartana. He was a part of the church. You see, he was a part of the church. He was a monk when he had stigmata. He was a special unique case. And he was the first priest marked by God in 2000 years. He was placed in solitary confinement. Hey, they put him in jail. People reported that he was seen at different bedside of the sick and stricken people. So people who are sick are praying to him. They put him in jail. They put him in jail but he was seen next to them. So he had bilocation… interesting. In 1947, a Polish priest just ordained, a young Polish priest came to him to take his confession. So he went to make confession to Padre Pio. You know they have a confession box. So he made the confession of something, something and finally he heard Padre Pio say, “one day you will be Pope”. “Prediction”. Young priest has come, he told him you are going to be Pope. Later John Paul II prayed before the tomb of Padre Pio and declared him to be the saint. Because you got to understand, this is not normal. But what I want to show you, what we are learning is Agni. This Agni is in Taurus, and I’m interested in the connection with God. The connection will come from where? Seventh house… no? Seventh house is again vacant. See this? Seventh house is vacant, means no disturbance. And the seventh Lord, Maṅgala has come to Taurus just like Prabhupada and this Maṅgala is with Mercury. So basically 7th lord in the first house. You see that Thakur Rāmakrishna is 7th lord in the first house. But here the planet involved is Maṅgala. It is a red colour liquid actually. Please study it. And it smells very nice I believe. A very sweet smelling thing. And nobody put it in his hand. Scientists went to check. They could not figure out what the hell is that thing. The problem with this taurus, Scorpio axis, it is the axis of Rudra. This 8th house Scorpio, bear in mind, Scorpio is the house of Rudradev. Rud is, Rudhira means blood. Rudra is what we call him, Rudhira is blood. So there is some blood connection with Christ or whatever God or whatever. This is the way God is talking, Rudhira, Rudra is talking to you. So whenever Rudra is coming, he is getting the stigmata and all that and he is having peculiar power. Whoever he is blessing, the disease is going away. On the day of the death, the stigmata disappeared leaving a clear and immaculate skin, which means it was never there. But everybody saw it. Hundreds and thousands of people have seen it and it is recorded by the church. So the thing is, even today, there is no answer. Nobody has any answer. Nobody. They give stories. Oh, this, this…. No, science does not have an answer. Okay, we don’t have to have all the answers. Doesn’t mean that it was not there. So what is the rule we learned about stigmata? Stigmata is blood, no? I need Vāreśa in this two-eight axis. Particularly Maṅgala, the Lord of Scorpio, must be involved with the God connection.

audio progression: 1:52:16

Let us see another chart. Saint Galgani, after her death they called her saint. She is born on a Tuesday. Excellent. Tuesday is Maṅgala. Where is Maṅgala? Again in Taurus. Again Maṅgala is in Taurus. Oh my God. And the seventh house Scorpio vacant. Seventh lord is Maṅgala but it is alone. It is in the ninth house. Same story, same story, stigmata. So for stigmata, what are you going to, if anybody claims tomorrow, hey, I got stigmata, or you say what day were you born, and check whether the Vāreśa is connected with the two eight axis, then you know whether actually stigmata was there or they put tomato sauce over there. Yeah, somebody can put ketchup and say, oh, I saw Christ, that’s all rubbish. These are real. Anyway. Okay so I have given you some and there is a lot to study out here. She was born with the TB of the spine. She had scoliosis until the day she was instantly healed by a vision of the holy mother. So what is happening? Who is this Maṅgala? Maṅgala is the mother because in Jyotiṣa, Moon and Maṅgala, we say mother. Chandra and Maṅgala are sthira Mātṛ Kāraka. For Sun and Venus we say sthira Pitṛ Kāraka because here we are talking of God connection. Sthira means that which is dead or beyond death. That means somebody I can meet or some energy I will meet after death. That is why I am seeing seventh house from Agni. This is like awaken, this is sleep. Sleep is like death, like meditation, going away.

audio progression: 1:54:22

Okay, now a very, very interesting chart. Guru Gobind Singh, now we have learned so many rules. we learnt that Agni is going to connect us with this world, world over here, world around us like Delhi, Washington, you know the people, the Bhūloka people, Bhūloka institutions. Agni is going to connect us with that and the 7th house from that is going to connect us with outside the border, outside Bhūloka. So basically we have two sides of a coin. The visible side is the upper side is Agni and the invisible the lower side is the seventh house which is the other side of the border. This is a chart of Guru Gobind Singh and the chart is accurate, absolutely accurate. He was born in Libra Lagna and again Wednesday, again Wednesday. Now one of the things if you remember in the last class I had said was if you’re born on a Wednesday and mercury gets afflicted, there is a danger to your children. and here look at mercury, mercury is not combust, it is not combust but it is afflicted by the Sun, by ketu, agni planets afflict mercury, prithvi tatva. So we can say that this mercury is afflicted. Now, where is Mercury? Mercury is in Sagittarius. So who will he believe? Who will he follow? If the planet is in the house of the Guru, he will follow the Guru. Where is Jupiter? Jupiter is in in Pisces. So maybe Guru Nanak was Pisces Lagna or one of the lagnas where Guru is aspecting. Because it is absolutely clear, Agni is what you follow. This Agni is in Sagittarius and it’s in the house of Jupiter. So what is his subject? Guru. What is his prayer? Omkar. Agni in this world, but his spiritual path is the ninth house. We can say Agni is in the third house and what did we learn about Agni in the third house? He will have to fight. He will have to question the ninth house and Agni is here with Surya just like Abbey Hoffman. Remember Abbey Hoffman with Surya in third house but his was Scorpio. Here it is Sagittarius in the third house. Libra, Lagna, third house, come on, Bertrand Russel. Just like that, but they will question the 9th house. But Russell had Saturn, philosophical questioning. Here it is Sun. He is fighting the authority. Of whose authority? Of Rāhu’s authority. Rāhu is sitting in the 9th house of government. So he’s fighting against Rāhu. He’s fighting against the kingdom of Rāhu, the rules of Rāhu, the “righteous” rules of Rāhu. Yeah, everybody knows about Guru Gobind Singh and Aurangzeb’s fight. This was Aurangzeb, Rāhu. He was actually Aquarius Lagna. Interesting, huh? He was Aquarius Lagna. So he was fighting against… So who was standing on… If the seventh house from the Vāreśa is vacant, nobody will disturb you. You can sit and meditate. Nobody will disturb you. If a malefic planet is there… Definitely he will disturb your peace. He will not let you meditate he will not let you pray and you will have to fight him and particularly Sun and Rāhu are definitely going to go into battle So what happened? When the Sun is with Mercury, he dictated the entire Adi Granth. Mercury is the book. So he is always going to be remembered because of the book. Because Mercury is the book. His teachings, the entire Guru Granth Sahib, what we call the Adi Granth, he dictated the whole book from memory. Oh my God, what a memory. How does he have a memory like that? Mercury is also Ātmā-Kāraka. Oh, the Vāreśa is Ātmā-Kāraka. He is a king. And he dictated it from memory when it fell into the Siddhsa river when escaping the siege of Anandpur sahib. It’s a case of cheating. Aurangazeb said I will allow you to go away and they tried to go then they chased and killed. Vāreśa, Mercury gets afflicted by Ketu, Sun and Rāhu. This is this Rāhu’s dṛṣṭi on Mercury is bad. Loss of children. Two older sons Ajit and Jujhar Singh died fighting while two younger sons Zoravar and Fateh Singh were buried alive by Wazir Khan because they refused to convert to Islam. You see what Rāhu was doing? So he had to fight it with the entire might of Jupiter and the sacrifices, Mercury is Vāreśa. You will have to make that sacrifice and he made that sacrifice. He made that sacrifice. He may have been crying inside, I don’t know, but he is the Guru of the Gurus, i means really wow, what a man, what a Guru. VaheGuru VaheGuru. Ketu is exalted with this mercury. Ketu is an army. Ketu exalted is an army of K. The 5 K’s. Sagittarius Jupiter is 5. The 5 number comes from Sagittarius with Jupiter. Kesh, Kada, Kanga, Kaccha, Kripaan. Please study these if you are interested. The 5 K’s come from Ketu-Jupiter. Vāreśa Disposal to Jupiter is in Pisces. Absolutely strong. It’s a very interesting case but one thing is definitely confirmed. In this Guru’s charts, I find Vāreśa connected to either Jupiter or to Pisces. A malefic in Vāreśa 7th house will act as badhak. If it is a malefic, it is a real badhak in your life. Forget the other badhak from lagna. Badhak from lagna is only going to trouble your decision making. You will make wrong decisions. But this is real badhak. For Guru Gobind Singh ji, who is the badhak? It is Rāhu. And who was Rāhu? Exalted Rāhu, who was Exalted Rāhu? Aurangjeb, Aquarius Lagna. So you see that? He will be badhak. Benefics too cause diversion but of a different kind. Benefic is not badhak, it is a diversion. For example, if Venus is in the seventh house from Vāreśa, your mind is constantly diverted towards bhoga, naivedyam, good food, good clothes, good perfume, LV has a new bag, when are you going to meditate? If moon is in the seventh house, it is worst, believe me. Moon should not be in 7th house from Vāreśa. 24 hours you are thinking about food. Okay my food is there. Okay I think my peanuts are finished. See this is a diversion. When will you do your work? So you have to pray. You have to pray to the 7th lord. Now who is the 7th lord over here? Who is the 7th lord? In the case of Guru Gobind Singh ji: mercury Ātmā Kāraka and what have I taught you previously? If a planet is Ātmā Kāraka you have to worship him in the form of Lord Śiva. I did not teach this to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji knows it because he is the Guru. He is the Guru, he doesn’t need to be told. What did he say? “De Śiva var mohi de”. He prayed to Śiva for a blessing so that he may fight this Rāhu. This Mercury ĀtmāKāraka is praying to Śiva so that I may fight this Rāhu. And he fought. So he never bowed to these bad things. Anyway, that much about Guru Gobind Singh Ji today. Someday I will do more in his chart. VaheGuru, Dośa maaf karna. I hope he forgives any flaw that I have made.

audio progression: 2:04:11

Lord Krishna. I mean I don’t have any right to do this chart for who will guide him. Let us see where is his Vāreśa? Vāreśa is Saturn according to this Śrī Jyotistar software. I’m just going by Śrī Jyotistar. He was born on Saturday. Saturn is in the 7th house in Scorpio. Very interesting. There is a parivartan of Saturn and Ketu over here. So we are not sure whether he is in Bhūloka or he is somewhere else in the 9th house. Yeah, Lord Krishna, you know, he had this bilocation kind of situation. He was here and there everywhere. Who is going to guide him? Let us see. 7th from this is Lagna with the moon exalted. We can say moon is Lagna-Lord in Lagna. So he is guiding himself. This is Krishna. He is guiding himself. How interesting. I will leave it there. But definitely the moon and Venus Parivartan is there. So there is a very strong association of Venus with this spiritual house at the door. See this is supposed to be the Agni and this is the door of Vāyu. And in this door there is moon alright, there is a Venus by Parivartan which we must… And this Venus is a very afflicted Venus, afflicted by Rāhu, afflicted by Mars, this Venus, very afflicted Venus, somebody who has suffered very much, a lady who has suffered very much is sitting on the door, a durga form of lady. Rādhā, Rādhikā. Thank you very much.


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