Pañcāṅga – Vāra_06

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(TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO LECTURE “Pañcāṅga – vara_06”)

(note: every word is written exactly in the same manner as and when spoken by Gurudeva-Rath)


Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ (12 times)

So, this was the topic that we did last time and just doing a quick recap of what we had done. Our first part that we had to cover was the patrilineage, the lineage of the father, the line of the sun. You see men are created from the sun and women are created from the moon. Though western astrology thinks that men are created from Mars and women from Venus. But that is not right. Men are actually created from the.. from the Sun and women are created from moon. And these grahas are supposed to be two armed. That means having two hands and others have four hands and some of them have six hands and so on. So according to Jyotiṣa, men come from the Sun and women come from the moon. It’s not that they don’t have the other quality. All men have a combination of the sun and moon in the chart, but a dominant feature is the sun in the chart of men, and the dominant feature for women is the moon. So, the patrilineage is through the sun. So, grandfather to the father to the son, or grandfather to the father to the daughter. So, at the level of the child, it does not matter as far as the light of the sun is concerned that is only coming from the father. And here when we talk of father, we are talking of biological father. So, this is what we were seeing. See the Jyotiṣa level at the time of birth, the Sun does not differentiate between the son and the daughter and goes equally to both. Okay, so Jyotiṣa does not distinguish between the son or daughter and the sun goes, the rays of the sun are going equally. So, if a daughter is born, this combination, the antardaśā of the father will determine the day on which the daughter is born. Okay. So, the fire from the father is coming from the Antardaśā planet. The Antardaśā, not the Daśā, the second level. It is the Antardaśā.

audio progression: 02:34

And we had seen the chart of Nehru and Indira Gandhi. It’s a daughter, birth of a daughter. Nehru had a daughter. And I think she was the second child for him. And he was under Venus Daśā, Moon Antar Daśā. It’s very interesting. Venus Daśā, Moon Antar Daśā. And Indira Gandhi was born on a Monday with Moon in Capricorn. You can see the exchange and very powerful yogas of the moon are there in the chart of Indira Gandhi. So, we can say that the Vāreśa for Indira Gandhi is the moon and the Lord of the sign is Saturn the Ātmakāraka. So that is a king yoga. That is a straight yoga to be the king. So, Nehru’s daughter is going to be a queen. And she was. She was in power for a very long time. So, we saw that how the moon antardaśā of Nehru directly worked and Indira Gandhi was born on a Monday. Okay.

audio progression: 03:44

Then this is the chart of my father on the left-hand side and this is my elder brother. So, my father Umakant Rath was under Rāhu daśā, Mercury antardaśā. Here the important thing that we are learning is to look at the transit of the Antardaśā planet because the Antardaśā planet is going to connect you to people who are very very important in your life. So, all you have to do when we say the chart is that of Umakant Rath he was under Rāhu daśā, Mercury Antardaśā. So, all we have to look at, is the transit Mercury. So, transit Mercury is the entire Agni of Umakant Rath will be in Mercury. And you can see that the Mercury is in Aquarius. Mercury is in Aquarius and he will be feeling in heaven in cloud nine. But since this is Kuṁbha Rāśi, there are two Lords that he has got. You can see the transit: Antardaśā transit. So, this is how we see Daśā transits. When you are running Rāhu Daśā, Mercury Antar Daśā, I am more interested in the transit of Mercury. Because Mercury is the connector planet. The Antar Daśā is the connector. It is connecting us to the other souls with whom we are having Karma to experience in this world. So it’s Mercury that is connecting. Mercury is the connector. The Antar Daśā is the connector. And Parasara has taught: Sarvātmā Ca Divākara, that means all the souls are coming from the sun. So, the Vāreśa becomes very very important. So, you can see that his first son Sukant was born on a Wednesday. Okay, but the Mercury is in the 10th house and this is activating his 10th house. It is activating the yoga in his 10th house. And you can clearly see that we have Saturn Ātmakāraka with the moon, but the Rāhu is in Maraṇa Kāraka, Sthāna. So, we can see how this child who is being born over here, what karmic experiences do you have with this child who is being born on a wednesday in Rāhu daśā, Mercury Antardaśā, when Mercury is in Aquarius. So, what we need to do is we need to mark, this as the first child, you see? And we know that this first child karmic connection is coming through the sign of Aquarius. So his 10th house is getting activated in a big way. So we can straight away say that, okay, maybe you will go into your work area will become very, very focused. You could do much better in your work. You may go into mining. You can see that Saturn and Rāhu are going into the ninth house, tenth lord in the ninth and mining and government may be involved. Moon is there. Other things you can say because fundamentally the coming of this son, your link with this particular child is with your tenth house. And so, because the Lord of this sign, the Lords of this sign, both of them are in the ninth house, which is a foreign house, this child is going to go abroad and will live abroad. So basically, you can say a foreigner is born in my house.

audio progression: 07:41

And then we come to the next, which is my chart. He was still under Rāhu daśā, Mercury Antardaśā that had not changed. It was between 61 and 64. And the second son that is me, Sanjay, was also born on a Wednesday. We saw that. But here the difference we saw was Mercury was transiting, you can see, Mercury was transiting Leo. You can see the transit of Mercury. Mercury was in Leo. So all you have to do is to check it. Check out Leo in his horoscope. Leo is the fourth house. It has got Mars which is the only planet in the Kendra. Only planet in the Kendra. And it is the lord of the seventh house. Okay. The lord of the seventh house is giving a connection with Śiva. Sunrise. The lagna is like sunrise which is going to be the Brahmā Gāyatrī. The mid-day, midday is the tenth house or the fourth house, you can say is yajurveda. Which is, uh… which has to do with the Viṣṇu Gāyatrī and the Sunset or the seventh house has to do with the Rudra Gāyatrī. So we can say that there is a connection with the Rudra Gāyatrī in this particular child. Mangal is coming over here so the child may have a lot of Agni in him or may be interested in subjects which are associated with Agni. But what is the experience as far as Umakant rath is concerned? His fourth house of happiness. His fourth house of happiness has been activated. So, two sons, both born in Rāhu daśā, Mercury antardaśā, and both are associated with Kendras. One Mercury was in 10th house, the other Mercury is in fourth house. One is bringing him success and work, other one is looking after his home and property and things like that, okay? So you can clearly see that, two sons. And finally, the third son was also born, but by then the daśā had changed to Rāhu daśā, Ketu antardaśā. Now when we are doing Vāreśa, we only have 7 planets from the sun to Saturn. We don’t have Rāhu and Ketu. So we use the dictum Kujavad Ketu and Śanivad Rāhu which means Ketu is like Kuja and that is Mars and Rāhu is like Śani. But in reality, in the Pañcāṅga level, we are looking more at Tattvas. Ketu is a Agni Tattva planet. Being Agni Tattva, Ketu can manifest either through Mars which is Agni Tattva or can manifest through the Sun which is also Agni Tattva. So bear in mind Ketu can manifest either on a Sunday or on a Tuesday. Whereas Rāhu can only manifest through a vāyu tattva planet and the only other vāyu tattva planet, which is like Rāhu, is Saturn. So Rāhu only shows Saturday.

audio progression: 09:36

Now the third son, Sumant, since he was under Rāhu Daśā, Ketu Antardaśā, the third son Sumant was born in, you can see the transit of Ketu. Ketu is in the house of Mars, he has no conjunction, nothing with the sun, so he will be born on a Tuesday. Yes, he was born on a Tuesday, anyway Ketu is in Scorpio, so that is a connection with Tuesday. So which house am I going to see for the connect with the father? His seventh house is getting activated. Interesting, eldest son was connected to the 10th house, second son is connected to the fourth house and the third son is connected to the seventh house. Bear that in mind. This is how we see the connect with the houses and all are in Kendra. So he is feeling very proud. He has three sons.

audio progression: 11:46

Here is a chart of Mr. A.U. Singh Deo, a minister in the Orissa government and his son Kalikesh who is a member of parliament. Now we see over here that he was under Rāhu daśā Ketu Antardaśā, just like the previous chart. Rāhu daśā Ketu Antardaśā, okay. Just like the previous chart, Lagna is, Taurus, Moon in the 9th house. It is Viṁśottarī. Absolutely, no errors. So Rāhu daśā Ketu antardaśā 73 November to 74 December. Here he is born in 74 May. So he is born in Rāhu Ketu. Now all we have to do is to look at the transit of Ketu. Ketu is transiting in Taurus when Kalikesh is born. Okay, if Ketu is transiting in Taurus, we have to see what planets are conjoined because Taurus is neither the sign of the sun nor the sign of Mars. So we look at any other planet transiting, the sun is transiting. So it’s a no-brainer, Kalikesh will be born on a Sunday. See that? He is born on a Sunday. Now, what is the connection between Kalikesh and his father? You can see the sun and Ketu are transiting Taurus. Taurus happens to be the lagna, name, fame, reputation, power, authority, everybody knows you. So this child is going to ensure that his name, fame, reputation of the family continues. So correctly when asked, he was advised that this particular son should be pulled into politics and he was in America. So, he was called back and got into politics. And you know, his first election, he got elected and became a member of parliament. He was very young at that time and I think he’s been elected three times. He’s still a member of parliament. So, you can see how the yoga, so the Vāreśa here is the sun and sun is with Ketu but the sun is giving him all energy for his Rājayogas. And that is the connect with the father. So the father is feeling very happy, very elated. The lagna is strong, you know well known, it’s a good life because of this connection. So three, you have seen so many cases where the child is coming in a kendra to the father, which is so nice.

audio progression: 14:35

Now this is the chart of Kaj Larsen and his son Visti. Visti is a great Jyotiṣī. And so we are going to study the chart of his father. His father is born in Capricorn Lagna with the Lagna Lord Saturn in the seventh house. Now normally when the Lagna Lord is in the seventh house or the seventh Lord is in Lagna, you see for Capricorn either Saturn in the seventh or the moon in Lagna; either one of them is sufficient condition to override the Viṁśottarī daśā. You see, Kendras have the power of Viṣṇu and Viṣṇu is the sustainer and he has the power to decide how he is going to sustain your life. Since Viṣṇu is empowered to decide how he is going to sustain your life, when special yogas associated with Kendras happen? These yogas have the power to override the king. You see that Viṁśottarī is the king of the daśās, but that’s somebody more powerful and bigger than the king, and that is Viṣṇu. They say that Rājan or the king is representative of Viṣṇu. His job is to ensure that there is order in the world. So therefore, whenever you have this Kendra combinations, Lagna Lord in the seventh house, see Lagna is a Kendra, Lord of this Kendra is in the Kendra seventh house or the seventh Lord in Lagna. This particular special Daśā comes into being and when we employ that Daśā, we see that Kaj larsen was under Mars Daśā, Venus Antar Daśā. Okay, so Visti was to be born in November of 1981. Let us look at Venus. Venus is in Sagittarius. Okay, so he was born also on a Friday. You see that? The father is under Mars, the Venus and the Visti is born on a Friday. And very interestingly, very interestingly, Venus and Jupiter are in an exchange. Or in other words, some changes are going to come to Visti around the time of his marriage because of Venus involvement and Jupiter, children. So marriage, children, Viṣṇu is going to change. And so also his relationship with father is going to change. Earlier, this relationship will be in Sagittarius in the 12th house. So how is this father experiencing this son? This father thinks, my son thinks I am an ATM. Why? Because you are in the 12th house of expenditure. So that was the original child, a young Visti growing up. He was in Sagittarius and the experience, what is the father thinking? Ketu, the father is experiencing Ketu over here. He’s exalted, but he thinks my son is just headless sometimes. And therefore, this father is experiencing that a son is here, who is quite headless and God knows how he wants to do this, he wants to try that and then someday this parivartana happens and this kid undergoes a huge transformation around the time of his marriage plus or minus few years and he comes to Libra. Now let us look at Libra. Libra is 10th house, father is suddenly, Kaj larsen is feeling like in heaven. He thinks the best thing could have happened. I mean, everything nice has, everything has turned out so nice. Did you see how the relationship changed because of the parivartana in Visti’s chart? It is impacting the father because he was born; the Vāreśa, the Vāreśa undergoing parivartana. If the Vāreśa undergoes parivartana, you will change and when you change… your father will see the changes. Unfortunately here, we see that his father is seeing that Visti is coming out from the 12th house of ATM to the 10th house of Pillar. Fortunately, there are no planets over here, so there is no graha experience over here.

audio progression: 19:40

Okay, now we come to the chart of Mahatma Gandhi and Harilal. Chart of Mahatma Gandhi is very challenging. You see, Lagna Lord, this is Libra Lagna. Lagna Lord Venus is in Lagna. Now that we don’t know, is that a special Daśā for Lagna Lord in Lagna? I don’t know, maybe it is there. Okay, maybe I don’t know. But I do know that the seventh Lord Mars is in Lagna. Just in the previous chart, we talked about Lagna Lord in seventh house or the seventh Lord in Lagna, right? So here the seventh Lord, which is the Lord of a Kendra has come to Lagna. So this Mars is carrying some special order of Viṣṇu. Mangal is saying that look, you can throw that Daśā given by the king. That daśā which is given by the king can be thrown and my orders are to be implemented. So therefore according to Mangal, Dwisaptati Sama daśās are going to work. You see that seventh Lord in Lagna. So the daśās are here. The third column, the first column is the standard Viṁśottarī daśā of the king and the second column is the Aṣṭottarī daśā of the queen. So we have two daśās one of the king and one of the queen and they are on side to each other. Why am I seeing this daśā of the queen? Maybe it’ll work. Aṣṭottarī maybe you know is the lagna lord in Kendra to Rāhu. Yes, lagna lord is in Kendra to Rāhu. You should try Aṣṭottarī daśā Kendra or Kona to Rāhu. Maybe it will work. Give it a shot. Rāhu is desire and desire is a feminine energy, so it comes from Aṣṭottarī. There are other conditions also for Aṣṭottarī to work, but this is one of the conditions in which Rāhu is in Kendra or Kona to the Lagna Lord and Lagna Lord is strong. Lagna Lord is in Lagna, it is very strong and having Rāhu in the Kendra he says I would prefer Aṣṭottarī to work. Okay, so Viṁśottarī, Moon says I want to just do Viṁśottarī. Aṣṭottarī is from the Lagna Lord. In Dwi-saptati, is Mangal, is telling, hey, no, you got to do Dwi-saptati, seventh Lord in Lagna. And we have another Daśā, 10th Lord Moon is in the 10th house. So Gandhi is a very complicated chart, very, very complicated chart. And the more complicated the charts are, the more complicated the people are. So, we have four daśās to check that are fully applying in this chart. And we have one event, the birth of his oldest son, Harilal Gandhi. His oldest son was born on 23rd of August, 1888. That’s more than a hundred years back in New Delhi. And the birth was on a Thursday. The birth was on a Thursday. So Gandhi should be running Jupiter Antar daśā. Gandhi must be running Jupiter Antar daśā for the child to be born on a Thursday. So let’s look at the first one. Viṁśottarī is Venus daśā, Rāhu Antar daśā. See, 86 to 89. No, this does not work. 88, Jan to December, Aṣṭottarī is Mars daśā, Rāhu antardaśā. No, this is also not working. Dwi-saptati, 87 November to 88 December is Mercury daśā, Mars antardaśā, Mars. No sir, even this is not working. And Caturśīti is telling me that between 86 November to 88 July, the….., was it July? He was born in August. So maybe there is some error in the time. I need to take the time slightly back, then I’ll get August out here. So this seems to be the most likely candidate. Is it possible that I can move this slightly back and change it? No. Can I change this? No. This, this, this are not going to change. This can change slightly if I move the time slightly back.

I have got a time of 7:32, Gandhi was said to be born around seven o’clock. So maybe you need to take the time back a little bit to check the daśā’s also a little bit on the ayanāṁśa. Okay, be sure that you’re using a good ayanāṁśa and then you will get Mars daśā Jupiter antardaśā. This is how we confirm that this daśā is the one working in his chart and hey, we need to tinker a little bit on the Ayanāṁśa and a little bit on the sunrise and those things. Okay, get it? Now, how is the sun going to be for Gandhi? Jupiter, where is Jupiter? Jupiter is in Scorpio. Excellent. Let us look at Scorpio. Oh my god. Saturn is in Scorpio. Saturn is in Scorpio. Oh my god. Gandhi is going to see terrible amount of sorrow because of this son, Hari-Lal, and he did. This son decided; I mean this eldest this son grew up with his older brother completely grew up with the older brother and then the older brother decided to get the son married. So he sent Gandhi an invitation card to come and attend the son’s wedding. So Gandhi ji received an invitation card to come and attend the wedding of his son. He was livid with anger. He was distressed. He was depressed. He disowned the son, he said, i’m disowning this guy. How dare you do this to me? He is my son. Childish. Emotional, no doubt. Okay. The point is there was a lot to cry about. Okay. Later on, Harilal also did some things by which Gandhi was very distressed. Harilal converted to Islam and Gandhi was a pure vegetarian and he (harilal) was not a vegetarian. And then there was a lot of issues. You can see that, you know. Saturn is the sorrow of heavens. So when a child is born, you can see that the connection between this child is the activation of Saturn in your horoscope. You will cry and that is what God has decided. Actually the problem is, with Jyotiṣa, we have the advantage. We know God has decided that this is going to happen. Okay, great, do some remedies for your own Śani. So what does Gandhi have to do? Do some Śani remedies if you want things to improve. Okay.

audio progression: 27:29

Now this is another chart of Mehta, having a son Kaushik. Mr. Mahta was in Jupiter Daśā Moon Antardaśā. Let us look at Mr. Mehta’s chart. Mr. Mehta has Gemini Lagna, the 10th lord Jupiter is in own sign. Look at, look the problem is in the translations. Most people have translated Jupiter in own sign, the 10th lord in own sign as 10th lord in 10th house. I am not disagreeing with the translation, I am just saying that it is not complete. So, when 10th Lord is in the 10th house, 10th Lord is in own sign. I don’t disagree with that. But when the 10th Lord is in the other own sign, what about that? Is Caturśīti sama daśā applicable? Well, you can try out this chart. Mr. Mehta was born on 13 October 1948 at 22:48Hrs Madras, India. And you can check whether his son Kaushik was born on 1979 April. So in 79 April when his son was born, he was under Jupiter Daśā, Moon Antar Daśā. And so according to the Caturśīti Sama daśā, Kaushik should be born on a Monday and he was born on a Monday. You can see that he was born on a Monday. So when the tenth lord is in own sign, we have to apply this special daśā. The thing is it is an order coming from Viṣṇu. The Kendra sthānas are Viṣṇu sthanas and they can pass special orders. When they pass these special orders, we jolly well have to listen to Viṣṇu. Unless you say, no, I listen to the king, God can retire. Maybe that’s your choice. That’s why there are a lot of people who just use Viṁśottarī. Whatever the king says is fine. I mean, I can see the king. We know who is the president, who has seen God. We follow president, we don’t follow God. Many people say that. But Kendras are Viṣṇu sthāna. They are the pillars of your chart. So bear in mind when the Lord of a pillar is so strong, a certain Daśā will work. So we have seen, we have seen how the Antar daśā is strongly connecting, strongly connecting the father and the child. And now let us see where the moon was in this chart. The moon was transiting Gemini in Kaushik’s chart. And what is Gemini in the chart of Mr. Mehta? It says, Lagna. So definitely the father and the son are very, very close. Very, very close. I mean, the child is directly connected to your Lagna. He is very close to you. Yet that Lagna is absolutely very close. So like that, we can study the antardaśā of the parent. And from there we get the Vāreśa. So the Vāreśa shows your childhood. So if the antardaśā is the connection, so if that connection is strong, you get a lot of blessing coming from the father. He looks after you. He looks after you as if he’s your own life, you know, part of your body, and really takes care for you. That’s destiny. It’s absolute destiny. Okay? So with this, we take a little break now, and I give you some time to ponder on this. I’ll grab a coffee and join you in 10 minutes.


This is the second part of today’s topic on Vāra. We are today talking of Māraka combinations and we are going to derive them. Sunrise is like Lagna. Sunrise is life. Sunrise is symbolic of the beginning of a new day just as lagna is symbolic of beginning of a new life like that Sunset is the end of the day. If sunrise is life sunset is death. If lagna is life, the seventh house, which is opposite to the lagna, is death. Therefore, we are going to extend this principle called the seventh. It is called the principle of the seventh on the Vāra chakra also. And the seventh weekday planet is called Māraka. It is from the word Māraṇa. Māraṇa means to kill. And the seventh is Māraṇa. If you look at the sun, when the lagna comes to the sun, it is sunrise. When the lagna goes to the seventh house from the sun, it is sunset. Therefore, the seventh from the sun is Māraka. Māraka means the killer because he is doing Māraṇa, killing. So we are going to now use the Vāra chakra. Now, what is a Vāra chakra? A Vāra chakra is basically a line up of the 9 planets called Navagraha on the basis of the Vāra followed by the Tamo graha. So we have Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the planets for them are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn; to these seven in the end we add Rāhu as the eighth and Ketu as the ninth in the Vāra chakra. So basically the Vāra chakra or the nine planet circulation of this Vāra energy is going through Rāhu and Ketu. So we have these nine planets and this order is a very well known order. All the planets normally in standard horoscopes are always written in this order starting with the Sun and ending with Ketu. So let us derive some deadly Māraka combinations based upon this.


You see a beautiful picture of Kālī over there. Now, look the Saturn is the seventh Māraka weekday planet for the sun. So determine the Māraka and Doṣa for all the Vāreśa why only sun we know everybody knows in Jyotiṣa sun saturn combination is bad, sun aspected by saturn is bad, sun conjoined saturn is bad. Why is it bad? Everybody says its Pitṛ Doṣa. Everybody; not a single Jyotiṣa book will not use the word PitṛDoṣa for sun-saturn. And how is that derived? That is derived on the simple logic, very simple logic that from the sun, you can see Saturn is the seventh weekday. So what I have done is I have written the Vāra chakra over here. Sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn for the seven weekdays and then Rāhu and Ketu. So in the column for Māraka’s what I did was I started from number seven. I put Saturn over here followed by Rāhu, Ketu, then Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. So I have two columns one for the Navagraha and one for the Mārakas. But I am most concerned only about these first seven; because these first seven are the ones which are causing the Māraka Doṣas; based upon the weekday on which I am born. So for Sun, it is Saturn in any horoscope. Sun Saturn combination is called Pitṛ Doṣa. Pitṛ Doṣa means there is an error, there is a flaw in the relationship of the father and the son. A Pitṛ Doṣa indicates a flaw in the relationship of the father and the son. So, if a child has got Saturn associating with the sun, it is possible that child may cause a lot of sorrow and suffering to the father because the sun in his horoscope is his father and Saturn aspecting the sun or conjoining the sun does indicate a certain amount of sorrow associated with that. But he may not do it consciously. Maybe it is because what the father has done. If the sun is aspecting Saturn, then it is something that the father does by which the son is forced to do certain things. So that situation can happen when the sun and Saturn are either conjoined or the Sun and Saturn are aspecting each other, one seven, sama saptaka. But if Saturn is aspecting the sun, then you will cause sorrow to your father. So that is Pitṛ Doṣa. Similarly, moon and the seventh from that is Rāhu. It is called Matṛ Doṣa. If the moon is with Rāhu, you will cause a lot of suffering to your mother or alternatively, you will suffer in the hands of your mother. If the moon is conjoined Rāhu; or moon and Rāhu are aspecting each other, then you cause suffering to each other. But if Rāhu is aspecting the moon, you are causing suffering to your mother. You have caused a lot of suffering for your mother. That is called Matṛ Doṣa. Sun Saturn fight is the battle for health. Sun gives good health. Saturn gives disease. So, health and disease are fighting each other. Sun Saturn fight is health versus disease. Whereas Moon and Rāhu’s fight is different. Moon is longevity, Rāhu is death. So out here, you can draw a line. And you can write over here. Against Pitṛ, you can write, Health. Then, near Matṛ, you can write “life”; because the moon is the giver of life longevity and Rāhu is the giver of death and this is āyu. So, like that, you know, each of these planets, each of these planets is blocked by another planet. So, if moon and Rāhu are conjoined or if moon and Rāhu are aspecting each other, you and your mother are hurting each other. Let us say moon is in Aries and Rāhu is in Libra. What do you think is going to happen in to this person irrespective of Daśā? Irrespective of daśā, the native will hurt his mom, his mom will hurt the native. These two will not understand each other and they will keep punishing each other. Sun and Saturn: if they aspect each other, then who is stronger, who is mightier? The sun is much mightier than Saturn. You will be heavily punished by the father. So, keep that in mind, be careful. So similarly, Mars and Ketu, Mars and Ketu, Mars and Ketu are in competition. This is called competition. It’s a running race. Who is faster? Both are agni planets. Is your fire red color hot or is infrared hotter? Who can burn better? Can red burn or can infrared burn? So both of them are too busy competing to burn you. So basically, Mangal is extinguished by the fire of Ketu. Ketu’s fire is so tremendous that he can overcome the fire of Mars. When these two planets fight, it’s called Piśāca Doṣa. Piśāca Doṣa is not good in a horoscope. The heat in the body will rise. Mangal is the controller of temperature in your body. The heat in your body will rise so much that you could have blood pressure, that you could suffer from diabetes, that it can start damaging the organs in your body. Organs in your body will start melting because of the heat generated by the pitta because every time Ketu will try to suppress Mangal, Mangal will burn even harder. He will fight even harder because he is not able to understand that this is Ketu. I can’t see Ketu. And so he’s just fighting harder and burning harder. So there’s a lot of heat in the body and your hair could fall. You could have all kinds of other pitta problems, rashes in the skin, other skin eruptions, accidents, terrible loss of limbs. So this is a bad combination, Piśāca.


What about mercury and sun? I thought this was a very good combination called pandita combination. True it is pandita; when mercury and sun are conjoined either in a sign of mercury or in the sign of the sun. But what happens when they conjoin in other Rāśis? What is dangerous about this combination? Mercury is the God of wealth; mercury is ensuring that no matter what, there is enough wealth to sustain you when you are growing up. So, if mercury and the sun are conjoining in a chart. Maybe, maybe in certain houses, as indicated by Jaimini, it can cause premature death of father. What happens if there’s a premature death of father? Then your money is drying down. There is no money in the house. Father may not die, but he may lose his job, which is as good as death for him. He may not have a source of income. So basically, what is happening out here, is the sun is putting a throttle, burning down mercury saying “too much of wealth, too much of rajas, you are running after money all the time”. I am going to throttle this down. This has to come down. So, it can in the negative cause problems and lots of financial problems. So, it’s very important that Mercury is far away from the sun. If it is with the sun, then the sun must not be a rising sun. It should be a setting sun. You see, mercury is a very interesting planet in this way. So bear this in mind. From here onwards, you will see the relationship between the planets is one of Vāreśa and Gārhapatya. When you are born on a Wednesday, Sunday is your Gārhapatya. So straight away we can say that there is a problem between your childhood and your maturity. You are not maturing nicely. You are having some suffering associated between the time as a child. Mercury as a child is a happy child laughing all the time and when he is maturing only through burning by the sun, the sun will burn you and mature you. How will the sun mature you? He will cause severe financial problems. Look at anybody born on a Wednesday there will be financial crunch by the time you mature, anyone, unless of course we have a nice bridge between these two. They are far away from each other. There is a nice bridge between them. There is no burning happening. Okay? If mercury is not burnt, then it’s good. The question is how is the transition from childhood, which is Vāreśa, mercury, to sun, which is Gārhapatya. How will this transition be? You will see there will be affliction coming from the sun.


What about Jupiter moon? You are born on a Thursday. Everything is righteous. We have to be righteous. OK, I agree with you, Mr. Great Jupiter. But what happens when you mature? You have to transform from a Vāreśa Jupiter to the Agni changing to the moon. Jupiter is a very hot-headed planet. Let me tell you, there is no planet with a temper worse than Jupiter. Among all the animals, it is the elephant. If he loses his head, you had it. So therefore this Jupiter has to transform to the moon. And what do you mean by transform to the moon? There are no enemies. The world is full of good and bad people. You just have to accept people the way they are. There are no good and bad. Only karmas are good and bad. All people are equal. Look at the teachings of atri, the moon and you will see everything is equal. The whole world is one family. Every human being has pluses and minuses that is the moon talking. Jupiter? No, if that is minus you have to remove it, go to meditation, go to prayer, go to mantra, remove your weaknesses. Moon: It’s okay. Let him live today. Let him have his dinner. See the difference you can see the difference over there and that difference requires a heart. Sometimes Jupiter may seem quite heartless. Why are you so tough? Whereas the moon requires a heart. So this is tested in the story of the kidnapping of Tārā. Your wife is running away from you. Your spouse is gonna run away from you, is called the kidnapping of Tārā. How interesting. So what happens when Jupiter and the moon conjoin in any horoscope? Oh my God, your wife could run away from you. Especially think about the horoscope of Sri Ramachandra. Jupiter and the moon conjoined in Lagna, wife was kidnapped. What about Bṛhaspati himself? His wife Tārā was kidnapped by the moon. So the problem is moon is your wife, is the lady who is the mother of your children, with whom you want to have children. I mean, your wife here. With somebody with whom you want to have kids. You want her to become a mother. And then she gets kidnapped or maybe she just goes away. In the case of Śrī Rāma, it was definitely kidnapping. But what about other cases? You look at many charts with Gajakesarī yoga. Many charts with Gajakesarī. There could be a loss of spouse. Check up the Navāṁśa please. So careful, huh? Benefic planets when they cause problems, you really don’t know what hit you because it was supposed to be a benefic planet. It was supposed to do all the good things in the world. Now when he starts doing bad things, who the hell will I go and complain? Look at what Bṛhaspati did. Bṛhaspati said, “look Chandra, you have done this. I am going to complain to your boss”. So Bṛhaspati went to Śiva and complained to him. Śiva intervened, it was actually “Mahadev”. He intervened and told Chandra, “this is the nasty thing you have done. How did you kidnap Tārā”? And Chandra said, “no, Tārā was very unhappy with her husband. He was always scolding her for not being perfect. Whereas in reality Tārā only had daughters whereas Bṛhaspati’s first wife had sons. So Bṛhaspati favored his first wife who had sons and did not favor the second wife Tārā who had daughters. That’s so unfair”. So Chandra said “I told Tārā you come away with me and Tārā came away with me”. And then she got pregnant and she got a child called Budha Mercury. And when the child was born, Chandra said hey, “I didn’t bargain for this okay. I didn’t bargain for this”; “Tārā”, “you were supposed not to get pregnant. I was supposed to be just running away with you. Now that you got pregnant, I don’t want you now. I mean you can go I mean you are free you’re free to go”. Interesting. So Tārā, poor Tārā goes back to Bṛhaspati and guess what Bṛhaspati says “welcome back Tārā”. Whatever my flaws are; forgive me. See, Bṛhaspati has matured. He has developed compassion now. Huh? He has learned that people make mistakes. They are not bad people. Tārā is not bad. She made a mistake. We all make good and right and wrong things. You don’t punish everybody and Budha was born. So what did Bṛhaspati do? He said “you are my son”. “You’re born in my house. You are my son”. That is all that matters and I will teach you. So, Bṛhaspati taught Budha and Budha turned out to be the best Śiṣya among all of them. It’s a very interesting story, huh? Remember Jupiter-Moon combination. Basically, this is a battle for Tārā and what is Tārā? Tārā is the Nakṣatra mandala. So the question is, who is lording over the Nakṣatras? Is it Bṛhaspati who says there are 28 Nakṣatras or is it Chandra who says there are 27? Who is the lord of the Nakṣatras? That is a debate. which has not ended even today.


So finally; we come to Friday of Venus and his seventh in the Vāra chakra is Mars. So whenever Venus and Mars are going to conjoin, Venus will die. The Doṣa is called Māngalika Doṣa. Māngalika Doṣa therefore is seen only for Mars. Though, some people try to extend it to Saturn. Mangal in Seventh house is bad. So Saturn in Seventh house is bad. I said, “no! Saturn in seventh house is not bad. It’s actually very good wife may feel tired of you, but that’s your problem. Okay, so it’s not mangal. She doesn’t hate you. You don’t have to have a battle or a war to get her back”. The question is when Mangal is in the seventh house, you have to have a war to get your wife back. Mangal in the eighth house, see there are Māngalik places, right? You know all the Māngalik places. You can go to my website as and check up Māngalik and there’s a whole write-up on that. That will tell you why certain houses are called Māngalik houses and these Māngalik houses are not actually troubling the lagna directly. They are actually troubling the seventh house and they are troubling Venus, who is the Karaka for the seventh house of marriage. So basically, when it comes to Venus and marriages, the planet to watch out is Mangal. So when it comes to health, longevity are different-different. So, when it comes to health, planet to watch out is Saturn, the God of disease. Longevity, watch out for Rāhu. When Rāhu comes, you die. It’s as simple as that. You may be the most healthy guy, you will die. Mangal, what is Mangal? Mangal is your strength. Okay, the planet to look out for is Ketu. Mercury is your speech. In your wealth the planet to look out for is the sun: government, tax. Jupiter. What shall I say Jupiter is; your happiness? Planet to look out for is the moon. I mean, how do I understand Jupiter? Jupiter is knowledge. Moon is social planet. Okay. Did you know that these two planets give fame? Jupiter gives fame because of knowledge, moon gives fame because of just people liking you, loka prīyatā, people like you. They like your nose, they like your face, they like your body, they like the way you play cricket. That’s all moon. Chandra. But you know mathematics, wow, is brilliant. That is Jupiter. Sanjay knows Jyotiṣa, that’s Jupiter. So there is a clash between these two. Jupiter says the fame that you are giving, “Chandra”; is false. It is absolutely a lie. That actress, when her first movie becomes a super hit, she thinks she is a goddess. She actually starts believing that. Because moon is the mind. It makes you believe you are a goddess. You start behaving like a goddess. You start spending money like a goddess even when you don’t have it. This is Chandra. So Chandra gives fame on the basis of Loka Prīyatā, popularity by doing social things. Whereas Jupiter: because of knowledge. So there is a clash over here. Venus is marriage and Mars is Celebacy.


Now we come to Saturn. Saturn is sorrow and poverty and his Māraka is mercury, the god of wealth. What a beautiful thing. Hey, the last one is actually good. The last one is actually good. So Saturn has mercury as his Māraka. How interesting. So Saturn has mercury as Māraka, poverty has wealth as the Māraka. Poverty can only be overcome by creation of wealth and work and mercury says: “work”. Mercury is the karaka of the 10th house. He says: you cannot create wealth without creating work. That’s mercury’s language. It’s not that you go loot a bank. When you loot a bank you are becoming rich, but somebody else is becoming poor. That is not the creation of wealth. So therefore that is, he tells Śani, “Śani your method is wrong”. You are doing theft. And since you are doing theft, the sun will come and burn you down sometime. Be careful. So when there is a combination of Saturn and Mercury, it is a Dhana-yoga. It is a yoga for great wealth. If you have Saturn-Mercury combination in the ninth house, oh my God. You may be born in a very ordinary lower middle class lower class. You will become an extremely wealthy man. Try to understand the movement from Saturn to Mercury is a very happy movement, but Mercury is your God.


Now similarly for Rāhu, the Māraka is Jupiter. Rāhu, the Māraka is Jupiter, it is called Chanḍāla Yoga. So when Rāhu and Jupiter are conjoining, Rāhu knows Jupiter is going to kill me. I mean, I will just die in front of him. I die a thousand times in front of him. He, the very epitome of all knowledge and me, the epitome of stupidity. He represents the elephant, I represent donkey. So, you see that. So that is the Chanḍāla Yoga over there. Rāhu says, I like foreigners. Jupiter says, no, don’t trust foreigners so much. Rāhu trusts anybody. Anybody who is an outsider. Look at anybody with Rāhu in the 9th house. They trust everybody. Everybody who is an outsider, they will trust him blindly because Rāhu is in the 9th house. Jupiter says you are making a big mistake. So therefore, there is a clash. Trust issues come up. And this is a very dangerous combination. This is another death combination. Saturn, Mercury can become a death combination. Saturn-Mercury can become a death combination. Can. It’s like, you know, it’s like a lottery ticket. You win a lottery ticket, 50% chances, maybe more 70% chance your life is ruined. Absolutely, your life is ruined. They say it’s a deal with Kubera. It’s not worth it.


What about Ketu-Venus? It’s a very interesting story of Gaṇeśa and Tulsī. One day Gaṇapati was meditating, in deep meditation and a lady comes and sort of, you know, keeps water for him to drink, get some food for him and make some, while she’s walking her Pāyal, the jingles, are making some noises. So Gaṇapati is not able to concentrate. He opens his eyes and says what the hell is going on out here? Opens his eyes, he sees this beautiful lady: Tulsī. But he just doesn’t see her as beautiful. He was too busy in meditation. He is Gaṇapati. He wants to get Mokṣa. He wants to be one like his dad, like Śiva, absolute Ketu. So Gaṇapati was like: “What is this? Why are you disturbing me”? She says, “you are so handsome, you know. I like Śiva very much. I want to marry Śiva. You are so handsome. You look like Śiva”. Who are you? Then Gaṇeśa introduces himself. I am Gaṇeśa, you know, the son of Śiva. Ah, that’s why you have the entire energy. I mean, the light, the Agni, the Tejas, wow. You are completely…., look at your intelligence you have all the knowledge, my god, you know the Śiva mahapurana, you know all these things Gaṇeśa! You are really brilliant why don’t you marry me. please! Because i will only marry Śiva and since you are his son it’s fully acceptable and correct. My love is true”. And Tulsī worshipped Viṣṇu. She sincerely worshipped Viṣṇu and had only one request, “i need to marry Śiva”. Gaṇeśa was livid with anger. How dare you do that? I have taken promise that I will not marry. I am going to be like Narada Muni. Narada is also ruled by Ketu. And like Narada was meditating in the cave of Śiva, I am also meditating in the cave of Śiva. I will not marry. Go away from here. You have disturbed my tapasyā. Your marriage will also get disturbed the way you have disturbed my tapasya. It was a curse. Gaṇeśa put a curse on Tulsī. Tulsī was in tears. She said, “look, my affection was genuine. My heart was pure and Śiva is witness to that. My faith in Viṣṇu is 100%. He will never ever let me down. So if my… if I have been true and he has promised me that I will marry the Śiva, then I lay this curse upon you. You talk of being a bachelor, celibate; you will have two wives”. So Gaṇeśa cursed her that her marriage will get disturbed and break and Tulsī cursed him that he’s gonna have two marriages. True both of their curses turned out to be true. Tulsī ended up marrying an Aṁśa avatar of Lord Śiva called Jalandhar. Tulsī married Jalandhar. And together they were very happy until of course some devatas started poking them and Jalandhar who was an Aṁśa avatar went into battle with the devas, said, why the hell are you behaving like this? And then the devas thought that they were mighty and started fighting but you know he’s Aṁśavatāra of Śiva. He demolished him. Agni was fleeing from there and he ran to Indra. Then Indra said I’ll put my Vajra on him one or two lightning bolts and he’ll die. And guess what? Nothing happened. Jalandhar destroyed Indra and a new Indra had to be got. Anyway. Finally, Jalandhar had to be put down because Jalandhar thought that another Indra has come, he is going to behave in the same way. And he attacked him. That was wrong. So Śiva had to put down Jalandhar. Jalandhar died. So Tulsī was crying all over the place and her marriage got very disturbed. But she did end up marrying Śiva. Because of her promise, Viṣṇu carried her, because anger was so much, she got burnt in her anger. That’s Venus. Venus’s anger is terrible. And she got burnt in her own anger and Viṣṇu carried her on her head. That’s why Tulsī is always associated with Viṣṇu. And the head of Viṣṇu. Okay, now what happened to Gaṇapati? He ran a race with Kārtikeya for marriage. He and Kārtikeya were in a marriage race. The race was to go around the world three times. Gaṇapati went around his father and mother three times quickly and won the race. So he ended up getting both the wives, Riddhi and Siddhi. And in frustration, Kārtikeya vowed. Kārtikeya, that is, mars, he vowed that he is going to be celibate for the rest of his life, and “I will not marry”. And he left his house and went away. He called it cheating. My parents sided with Gaṇeśa and they have cheated. I would have easily defeated him. Anyway, basically Ketu Venus causes Rakta Doṣa, blood complications. The white blood cells in your body get destroyed. So in this manner, we know that these combinations are deadly combinations. Each of these can trigger a Doṣa. And that Doṣa can cause death or will cause death, whether it’ll do it slowly or do it fast is a separate issue.


audio progression 1:07:12

Let us look at the chart of Abraham Lincoln. I tell you what, let me take a break. We are going to learn a few things now, quite a few things from this chart which is to do with the depth. This is a chart of late president of America, Abraham Lincoln, one of my heroes, you know, he’s my hero, he’s been my hero and consistently he has been my hero, consistent for many years. I have not deviated in this. Maybe it is the weakness, Surya in Kuṁbha lagna. Thakur Ramakrishna another Surya in Kuṁbha lagna, another hero for me. They are real champions. Something to do with the Sun in Aquarius, maybe it is Śiva. I have a weakness for Śiva, is it? Because you know Śivarātri is when the Sun is in Aquarius. You know that right. So that’s why. Maybe it is a weakness I have. Okay, let us look at his chart. Now this is Abraham Lincoln. Do we find any combination in this chart which we don’t like? You can see there is a Kāla Amṛta yoga in this chart. You see Ketu is in the front and Rāhu is in the back and all the planets are going from Libra to Ketu. So the dominant planet in this horoscope is ketu. According to Kāla Amṛta yoga, this is like a lagna, this is like seventh house. Libra is like lagna, Aries is like seventh house as far as the Kāla Amṛta yoga is concerned. You must always remember this in Kāla Sarpa yoga and Kāla Amṛta yoga. This is not Kāla Sarpa, this is Kāla Amṛta. The absolutely dominant planet in this chart is this flag. This is a flag, you know, this Ketu. Ketu means flag in Sanskrit. It’s a flag. And this is the dominant planet. He will decide what will happen in this chart. All the good and bad that will happen will be decided by Ketu. Keep that in mind. Now. Let us see when he was born. He was born on a Sunday. Okay. So according to our combination, what is the day which is dangerous for him? Just by this basic knowledge. If he’s born on a Sunday and the sun is in the lagna, what is a dangerous day for him? I can say it is Saturday. It is the seventh day. You can count Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So, the sun is dangerous for him. Sorry, Saturn is dangerous for him, which is Saturday. So, his weekday. He’s weak; Look, everybody has a different calendar. Everybody. Your calendar started the day you were born. I was born on a Wednesday.

So, the first day of my week is Wednesday. And the last day of my week is Tuesday. That is my calendar. Abraham Lincoln was born on a Sunday. The first day of his week is Sunday and he will rest on a Saturday. See there is something called resting day, the day to rest. The resting day is the seventh weekday. So the seventh weekday; mark my words, seventh weekday is your resting day. So in this calendar of Abraham Lincoln, his calendar is starting on Sunday. Second day of his week Monday; third day, Tuesday and so on and so forth till Saturday, which is the seventh day the day to rest he died on a Saturday. Although he was assassinated on a Friday evening. He was assassinated on a Friday evening, but he did not die on Friday. He stayed alive with the bullet inside till the sun rose, till the sun rose and you can see shortly after sunrise he has died on Saturday. It’s very interesting if you get shot on a day before you got to stay alive for some time till the sun rises and is ready to take you. Interesting. So, the day to rest is the seventh day. Does this work in all charts? Shall we try another chart?

audio progression: 01:12:23

This is the chart of Mahatma Gandhi. Okay. Gandhi was born on a Saturday. So let us start from Saturday. First day is Saturday. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The day to rest is the seventh. So it is Friday. All you got to do is to make a calendar starting from the day on which you are born. If you are born on a Saturday, your first day of the week has to be Saturday. So you know Google calendar gives the option you know you go to Google calendar they give the option what should be the first day of your week. Choose your Vāreśa. Get the idea? You want to have a better life? Choose your Vāreśa because you know what your Pañcāṅga actually works. Your week starts from the day you are born, your life starts, your week starts. And that is how you are in sync with the rest of the world. So, he died on a Friday. So, week starts on the Saturday. So, the seventh weekday is Friday, which is like Saturday for him. He was assassinated on Friday evening. Hey, it works. It actually works. Interesting, huh? So, all I did was took the day he’s born and which is the seventh day to take a rest and it worked. Yeah, I think even the Bible says that, is it? I’m not sure. Does the Bible say that? Could you check on that? I think even the Bible says that. So that means the Christians knew this Vedic knowledge. The Christians knew Jyotiṣa. That’s my point. and we’ll come back to these charts again.

audio progression: 1:14:32

This is a top astrologer of India, Bejan Daruwala. He just died because of heart failure, not COVID. It was COVID time, so we all thought it was COVID. He was also born on a Saturday. So if somebody is born on a Saturday, what day are we expecting him to die? He should die on a Friday, is it not? Well, he died on a Friday. Week starts from Saturday, seventh week day is Friday, which is like Saturday for him. Venus is also the lord of the second house. Ah, I didn’t, I didn’t add that. Did I? So in the Lagna chart, sometimes it is possible that the second Lord can give you death. The second Lord says, okay, you have eaten enough. Second is the house of eating. He says, enough, you have eaten enough, Now go. No more food for you. The moment he says no more food for you, you leave. And when he says no more food, it’s not actually solid food like ice cream and rasgullas and malai chaap and samosa and bread and buns and burgers. No, it’s not solid food. Nor is it just water. It is also air. You are eating air. You’re consuming air. Everything that you consume is happening through the second house. Second house is your face. Your nose is in your face. You breathe in through the nose. Right? So that’s also air is also coming in from the second house. Water you drink from your mouth, second house. Food you eat through your mouth, second house. So, everything that you’re consuming is coming from your second house. You can also die when the second lord says, okay enough, pack up. So, we are not sure whether Bejan Daruwalla died because of second lord asked him to packup. Or because it was just the day to rest. And this is permanent rest, not temporary. Permanent rest means you’re not going to get up. So, three charts, it has already worked.

audio progression: 01:16:47

Rajiv Gandhi, we all know he died. There was a bomb and LTTT Tigers and all of them attacked him. Well, let’s check his chart. He was born on a Sunday. This should be easy. He was born on Sunday, rested, died on Tuesday. It doesn’t work. If he’s born on Sunday, he should die on Saturday, which is normal, right? You rest on a Saturday. But he is not resting. Is he resting? He is a young man. He was quite young when he died. What was his age? He was born in 1944. I think and he died in 1991. Which is what? 50? Not even 50, is it? Oh my God, he was not even 50. He was not even 50. He was 47. He died in his 47th year. Oh my, 1947 has a story with him. So 47th year, anyway. So, he died early. He had not matured; he had not ripened. The fruit was not ripe. When does the fruit ripen? It ripens between 50 to 70 years of age. The human being ripens between 50 to 70 years of age. And then normally between 70 plus, he falls off from the tree, which means dies, right? So normally death is expected from 70 to about 120 years. That is naisargika daśā. That is how the body is. Between 50 to 70, you ripen and your hair looks ripe. Unless you’re using some nice dye, it should be ripe between 50 to 70. And then 70 to 120, you should die. But somebody dying before that, is not right. I should look at the second house. Mangal is in the second house. Mangal is Mars. Mars rules Tuesdays. He died on a Tuesday. So, we just learned a planet, the second house can kill you. Second house is Māraka. And see, see for yourself. Mangal is in the second house. He died on a Tuesday. So, there are two options. One option is based upon your Pañcāṅga. You just see the Vāra on which you are born and the seventh weekday is going to be the day you should take a rest, which is the normal ripening of the fruit. The second one is the second house, which is telling you: come on, get lost. No more food and that is mangal. So, it happened. Why did mangal do it? Mangal is supposed to be a yoga karaka. Mangal is; but he says okay but I’m also Bādhaka. Bādhaka planet means it’s something you don’t understand. It’s something which is foreign to you and so basically this death is coming from a foreign land or something which you don’t understand, from there, the death is coming and this mangal is not acting alone. Mangal is in war with Rāhu. Mangal and Rāhu are in war. There is a war between Mangal and Rāhu. And in this Mangal and Rāhu battle, I told you, whenever Mars and Rāhu, it is war. And there was a war in a country called Sri Lanka; and the government forces and the LTT Tigers, Tiger is rules by Mars i told you. The tigers and the government were in great battle. So here, Rāhu is the government forces, Mangal is the tigers, and they were in terrible battle. And it is the tigers who actually assassinated Rajiv Gandhi. The Sri Lanka government did not do it. It is the tigers, the Mangal, who did it. So Mangal in second house is Bādhaka comes from South Sri Lanka, Chennai, foreign country. You can see all that, you know, but it’s very interesting that he died on a Tuesday. There is more to this, we will study more later.

audio progression: 1:21:15

What about Indira Gandhi? So many charts it has worked. Indira Gandhi, she was born on a Monday, but rested on a Wednesday. Why should she be resting on a Wednesday? Can we look at this chart a bit more carefully? She was born on a Monday, it’s perfectly fine. What day should I expect her to die? What is her normal 70 plus maturity death? Did she die around that age, around old age? Let’s check, she was born in 1917, died in 84. She was about what, 64? Yeah, she was about 64. In her 64th year when she died. Yeah, that’s old enough. Come on. Ripened. You know from 50 you start ripening. Maybe you fall off the tree when you are ripe. She also has Mangal in the second house. Look at Mangal in the second house. But very interesting. Mangal and the Sun are in Parivartana. Look, she is born on a Monday. So, the planet who is responsible for her to rest, is the Sun. She should normally die on a Sunday. Normally. So let us look at the Sun. Why is the Sun not killing her? The Sun is having a parivartana with Mangal. And Sun is telling, look, I am not going to do it, Mangal you do it. So Mangal says, fine, I am going to do it. But the Sun is with Mercury. And Mercury is in a parivartana with the other Lord Ketu. So, there are two parivartanas out here. One is Mangal and Surya. Another one is mercury and ketu. So, end of the day the sun-mercury combination which is a Māraka combination, it prevailed. So instead of the sun being the Māraka, mercury became the Māraka and she died on a Wednesday. Or maybe I can simply say I said second lord sun plus mercury. The second lord sun is with mercury. Why did I take sun? Because of parivartana. Normally when a planet is in the second house, I will take this planet. It should have been Tuesday. If she was to be assassinated, it should have been on a Tuesday. But because of the parivartana, I am not taking this, I am taking this sign. So this Leo is not behaving like the second house. Scorpio is behaving like the second house. And instead of the sun, it is Mercury over here. These parivartanas are going to cause you trouble. You will have a lot of trouble with the parivartanas. In Jyotiṣa, the problem always comes when there is a parivartana. You don’t know whether I should take this or I should take this. This was the second house by exchange. Parivartana means change. Something has changed. What has changed? This is no longer the second. This is the second. So use this. Okay. Mercury is going to kill. Sun and Mercury. Mercury will kill. I was expecting Sunday, it’s going to be Wednesday. So, this is a higher level of complication, slightly higher level of complication. Otherwise, till now, all the cases that you saw were absolutely straight short cases. Easy straight.

audio progression: 1:24:45

Swami Vivekananda. Swamiji. Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ. He passed away at 40 in his 40th year. That is young, very young. Let’s see when he was born. He was born on a Sunday. So Swamiji is born on a Sunday. So, I should expect him to pass away on a Saturday, right? So, Saturn is here. Good. Is Saturn involved in an exchange? Yes, Saturn is involved in an exchange with mercury. So, you see these two planets, Mercury and Saturn, are playing ping pong. Mercury and Saturn are playing ping pong, so either the moon is going to take the job or Venus is going to take the job. You see that? Look at the previous case. In the previous case… I was expecting the death on a Sunday, right? But instead of Sunday, the Sun is in exchange with Mars, you see that? Second and fifth exchange, two and five exchange. So, because of the exchange, some other planet which is conjoined them has taken away the power. Why? Because a Parivartana Yoga is a Raj Yoga. A Parivartana Yoga is a Raj Yoga and Raj Yogas don’t kill. Look at this chart, 10th lord and 2nd lord. This is Mahārāja Yoga. You know the meaning of Mahārāja Yoga. You are going to be a king of kings or a saint among the saints. You will be a guru of many gurus. Your Śiṣyas themselves will become very big gurus. This is Mahārāja Yoga. And this is a blessing coming from his guru Saturn Bhrātṛkāraka. So, Saturn and Mercury are not going to do the job of killing him. Who’s going to do it? Either the moon is going to do it or Venus is going to do it. Well, it was Venus, Friday. Later we will see why Venus. I mean, if you look more carefully, you have to make a choice between Venus or the moon, Venus is more likely. It’s in the second house, you know. It is in the second house. Whereas in this chart, there is a parivartan all right, but there’s nobody else with Mars in the second house. So, it is Mercury out here that does the job. So, the parivartanas can get complicated. So, he died on a Friday.


In all early deaths, the Māraka should function, the Māraka, except disease bringing death. Now if disease is bringing death, if disease is bringing death, then the Māraka is not functioning. It is Saturn, the seventh Vāreśa, the seventh weekday, the disease, the seventh weekday brings disease. Look, if he is born on Sunday, the planet giving him disease is Saturn. If you are born on a Monday, the planet giving you disease is Sun. If you are born on a Tuesday, the planet giving you disease is the moon. I am born on a Wednesday. Which planet is giving me disease? Mars is giving me disease. What disease does Mars give me? Mars give me… Mars gives me the disease of blood pressure and then that will follow with diabetes and everything. It all stems from that mangal. That is the root. Because I’m born on a Wednesday, that will be the disease. My brother is also born on a Wednesday. Remember we did the chart before this. He’s got similar problems. He’s got BP problems. Of course, he says I don’t have blood pressure. My blood pressure is perfectly normal. He puts his finger on his pulse and says no, I’m fine. I’m cool. So, I don’t need to take medicine. That is blood pressure. When you decide that you don’t need to take medicine because you’re perfectly cold is when you actually need to take your medicine. Okay, so I learned it the hard way. So, you get the idea, parivartanas can be difficult. So don’t jump to conclusions easily on what day he’s gonna die. If there is a parivartana, look at the second house very carefully, especially with premature death. Look at the second house. Second house is Māraka. Second house is the one which is either stopping your breath or stopping your food or stopping your water. The inputs are stopping over here.


audio 1:29:34

Ramana Maharṣhi, wow! Let us see Ramana Maharshi. Ramana Maharshi arrived on this planet on a Monday and the moon was with Ketu in the 9th house of a temple. Wow! His Vāreśa is in the temple and right from birth Ramana Maharshi knew that I am looking for a temple. How fortunate! He listens to Agni, you know, the difference between us and Ramana MahaṚṣi, Ramana listens to Agni. We don’t listen to Agni. In his case, it’s very clear. Where is Agni? Agni is in the 9th house. What is the 9th house? 9th house is the temple. Pack your bags, go and live in the temple, wait for your time, your time will come, die, go. That was Ramana. He was a Mahāṛṣi. Now he has Rucaka Mahāpuruṣa Yoga. Now we are going to learn something new. What is a Mahāpuruṣa Yoga? I have been talking all along that look the four kendras are Viṣṇu sthanas, they are sustainers. The moment there is a Mahāpuruṣa Yoga in this chart, this seventh house is going to behave like “Lagna”. So, you are going to treat this house like Lagna. So, keep in mind, this is the real Lagna. Why? Because that is the Puruṣa Lagna. That is the Puruṣa. And Lord Śiva has clearly told us in the Śiva Mahapuran that Viṣṇu is the Puruṣa. Viṣṇu, you can call him Krishna, you can call him whatever name, I am not getting into your linguistic battles. But he is the Puruṣa. So when we say that Viṣṇu is the Puruṣa, the Puruṣa is going to manifest through these four houses only. Through the Kendras to the Lagnas. Therefore Mahāpuruṣa, what is Mahā? Mahā means something higher, something bigger, something taller, something further up, going right into Maharloka. Maharloka is the lowest of the spiritual planes. So Mahāpuruṣa is an option, you have an option in the horoscope you can connect to those higher lokas by the grace of Viṣṇu; even when you are living in your body in this planet. Wow. So, the question is, because he is Ramana Maharshi, because of so many other things in this horoscope, Ramana Maharshi packed his bags at a young age, ran away from home, went and lived in the temple and the temple was the Agni Liṅga. Mangal is in the 7th in his own sign. Rucaka Mahāpuruṣa is what tattva? Mangal is ruling which tattva? Mangal rules Agni tattva. So, he packed his bags and he went off to… Arunachalam. Yet, there Arunachaleshwara, he spent the remaining part of his life. His Tapasya, his Sādhnā, everything was there. So, he left home, see this is 7th house, you’re going away from home and he lived in that temple. So, if the Mahāpuruṣa Yoga is in the 7th house, pack your bags and leave home. And then what happened is, he will live over here. One day he has to also go. So, when he goes… The second lord is Venus. There are no planets in the second house. The second lord is Venus. Taurus. If I look at this second house, it is also having Venus over there. So basically, he could have lived even more if he wanted. But he got sort of tired of this planet and people coming and asking him the same question again and again. And those days they didn’t have much video and all those recordings. It was like. So he… this is definitely Māraka. Taurus is the Māraka. Taurus is Māraka and he will get Mokṣa on a Friday. Interesting why will he get Mokṣa because you can see he is born on a monday and his Vāreśa is conjoined Mokṣa Kāraka ketu in the ninth house of the temple. So agni is telling him: “listen to me, go to the temple, stay there, do your tapasya, and this is your last; no more after this, so and there are also multiple parivartanas which are really like difficult to understand there’s a double parivartana Jupiter-Saturn exchange, Jupiter-Rāhu exchange. So, who is Jupiter exchanging with? With Saturn or with Rāhu? Difficult to understand. Sun Rāhu combination, it’s a Purnima with Sun-Rāhu combination.

Rāhu Grasta Diva Karo Sadrisham. Have you read the Dakshinamurti Sutra? This is a line from the Dakshinamurti Sutra. Rāhu Grasta Diva Karo Sadrisham. When Rāhu captures the sun, that’s an eclipse combination. So, when there is, then… It is only Dakṣiṇāmūrti who can listen to you. So, in this horoscope, there is only one deity, just one, and that is Jupiter. And that Jupiter is sitting in his fifth house of mantra. There is only one devata in this whole horoscope. All your Ātmakāraka, Ishta, devata, nothing is gonna work. There is only one and he is Dakṣiṇāmūrti Mahadev. So, and where is he? In the fifth house of mantra, looking at his ninth house, takes him from a young age, goes to the temple, does his mantra Sādhnā. This is real Mahāpuruṣa yoga. That is why he’s a Maharshi. So my question is, did Gandhi have a real Mahāpuruṣa yoga? When you look at Gandhi’s chart, what am I expecting from a real Mahāpuruṣa? If there is a Mahāpuruṣa yoga, the second from that will be your death. It will be. You can’t escape it. Ok, I leave it to you to think. Go to Gandhi’s chart and check. He had Libra Lagna, he had Venus in the Lagna. So that is Mālavya Mahāpuruṣa. The second house has got Saturn and did he die on a Saturday? No, I don’t know. Check, maybe. You don’t remember? Ok, you can go back to his chart and check.

This is… now we come to health matters. We come to health. We come to more practical use of Jyotiṣa. Okay, somebody is going to die. How many people are going to come and ask me, Sanjay ji, can you tell me when am I going to die? Of course, nowadays they are. I mean, this is not a regular, COVID is not a regular situation, okay? This is insane. And this insanity will last for another 40, 50 days. That’s all, max.


audio progression: 1:37:02

Okay, let’s get back to this: missing kidney. Here is this guy from India. He’s an Indian-Canadian male. So, he was in India. And then, you know, he was in Punjab, in this place called Punjab and then… he was born in Delhi, Delhi Punjabi guy and he had relatives who are living in Canada, they call it Canada, it’s beautiful and I love these people and then one day he gets a ticket from Amritsar and packs his bags and goes all the way to Canada and then he has some health problems for some reason there is health and so the doctor started checking up his body you know to check up the body and they were shocked. In 1986, it was discovered that he has only one kidney. What happened to the other kidney? He is born on a Tuesday. Look, he is born on a Tuesday and Mars is with Ketu. Ketu is a thief. What happened to him? Where is this combination? This combination is in Libra. That’s kidney region. Libra rules kidney in the natural zodiac. Those of you who do a lot of medical astrology, make a note of that. Libra has to do with kidneys. It has to do with your urinary system. Now, the Vāreśa is Mars and is conjunct Ketu; Piśāca. Piśāca, you know how Piśāca works? They’ll give you a drug. It’s like a snake telling the little rat sleep my dear sleep, sleep my dear sleep. So you go to sleep, they give you a drug, you are drugged, you go to sleep and when you have gone to sleep they have taken a kidney out. So that happens in India, in Delhi. Where was he? He was in Delhi. Welcome to Delhi. Okay. He went to one of those hospitals on the side and he went for some other thing. They told him he’s got a problem. And they did his surgery. It was a very successful surgery, but they never told him that they took a kidney also as payment. And you look at the Navāṁśa, look at this Mars Ketu, it is in Aquarius Navāṁśa. Planets which are in Aquarius Navāṁśa, which are in Scorpio Navāṁśa, you will cry because of that. You will cry because of these planets. So now he may cry, he is not getting his kidney back. See the body part we are seeing from the Rāśi chart, Mars and Ketu are in Libra, that’s the kidney. Okay. And it’s because you… Piśāca only works by putting you to sleep. If this combination, for example, in a girl’s horoscope were to be associated with the seventh house, she will go to a party. And then somebody will spike her drink with a drug. And when she sleeps, she’ll get raped. That is Piśāca. Piśāca means when you are sleeping. When you are unaware, something bad has been done to you. It is absolutely……., you don’t even know, you are totally unaware that this evil thing has been done to you when you are asleep. It’s also by hypnosis. So, people who have this combination of Mars and Ketu, do not go for hypnotic therapy. Something negative can happen. Be careful. Mars-Ketu combination. You see, what is hypnosis? They put you to sleep in the regression. But what happens if your defenses become weak? Something negative will come in. And when that negative comes in, you are in trouble. Here, when Mars and Ketu are in Kendra, Ketu should be in Kendra from Lagna, and Mars must have graha Dṛṣṭi on Lagna. It will happen. Some part of your body will be removed, unless there is a Jupiter in Lagna to block it. Only Śiva. Only Śiva can block it. I need a Jupiter looking at lagna. Here he survived because Venus and Moon are in 1 in 7. He survived. The other kidney was that powerful and strong. But this is something very nasty. And this sort of nasty things have been happening a lot in India. I thought you will be interested.


audio progression: 1:42:25

This is a neckless body, neck-less, not necklace. So it’s the American baby born with no neck and shoulder blades. Her head rested on her shoulders directly. She was fed by a tube inserted in the upper part of her body. She died on 20 December at this time. So Vāreśa is Saturn. Okay, and who is the nemesis of Saturn? Saturn is the first house, it is conjoined Ketu, which is debilitated, okay. So why should Saturn-Ketu combination cause this problem? It really by itself it does not, but look at it very carefully. Look at it very, very carefully. Do you see that? Do you see that Mars Ketu exchange over there? So, by this exchange, by the Parivartana, although we are looking at Saturn Ketu, actually it is Mars Ketu and what houses are getting involved over here. It’s like 3-11, right? It’s like a 3-11 and what is 3-11? That’s the right hand and the left hand; right shoulder left shoulder to be more precise. So, the head which is lagna, lagna is the head and the left shoulder, which is the 11th house, are sort of joining by this parivartana. And who is doing this absurd thing? Ketu is the Piśāca; who is doing it. Read more about Piśāca, I don’t want to frighten you. But Piśācas are a very dangerous being sometimes. Absolutely dangerous. The only Devata who can control the Piśāca; who in fact plays with them; is Gaṇeśa. Only Gaṇapati can control the Piśāca. Nobody else can control the Piśācas. And Gaṇeśa starts dancing. When Gaṇeśa starts dancing, these Piśācas start dancing and when they start dancing, this Ketu, you see the Ketu’s weakness is dancing. Ketu has an ego problem with Mercury. Ketu has an ego problem with Mercury. That is why; you look, it’s a Gemini Scorpio thing, you know. It’s an ego problem. Mercury says look, I am the most skilled dancer and Ketu says no way, we snakes dance much better because we are boneless. Okay so the question is who is a better dancer, Mercury who has a bony structure or Ketu who is boneless and so therefore there is this debate and so whenever there’s a dance party Ketu loses his head, he forgets what he’s doing.

So the remedy for this Piśāca yoga is dancing Gaṇeśa, Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇeśa.

And so this; whenever you find this Mars-Ketu, you know, whenever Mars having the Rāśi Dṛṣṭi of Ketu or Ketu in Kendra to Lagna and Mangal aspecting Lagna. Let’s say even Ketu was in 1/4/7/10 and Mangal is aspecting Lagna. Remember 1/4/7/10 are Viṣṇu sthānas and Mangal is aspecting Lagna. That, from the house where Ketu is placed or from his opposite where Rāhu is placed; some horrible things happen. Disaster happens, absolute disaster and only Jupiter can fight it because he’s Śiva, you know. Śiva loses his head? That’s it. Everybody calms down. So, Jupiter has the power because he exalts Ketu, Ketu starts dancing and that’s it. Tandava. So anyway, should we take a little break or go into another chart?


audio progression: 1:46:36

This is the birth of Sagittarius. Actually, it’s a real, it’s a British baby formed in the shape of a female below the waist and a horse above the waist. There is whenever we have this peculiar, this is absurd. I mean, normally this is absurd. How can a baby be born? How? Well, below the waist, below the waist, you are…. you are human female, the human female and above the waste you are a horse. How can a baby be born like that? So it is really not a Sagittarius. It’s a reverse Sagittarius. This is a Thursday birth Jupiter. See Thursday birth and the Drekkana lagna you can see: Jupiter is in Libra and is under Pāpakartarī yoga. Drekkana has to do with the formation of the body. How is the body formed? That we see from the Drikana. Anyway. I really don’t know, how would you say, what is the problem with this chart? Vāreśa Jupiter is in the 7th house alright. What else do we see over there? Do you see a Pāpakartarī between Saturn and Ketu? You see that? What is missing out here is a Pāpakartarī. And this yoga, whenever you see a combination of Saturn and Ketu, remember: animal. Remember, it’s animal. Saturn-Ketu combination is an animal combination. This is animal. This is not human. This is animal. And this animal is merging with this human. And it is sitting in this house of saturn. Look at Jupiter more carefully. He is atmakāraka also. So there is a soul level problem out here. Anyway. She was allowed to die by a compassionate doctor. So basically the doctor gave her an injection and she died. Basically it was, I don’t know what is it, euthanasia. Yeah. And the parents married after seven months and all that stuff. They were not married. The parents of this were not married. And this is very interesting. The Vāreśa Jupiter is in Kuṁbha with Pāpakartarī of Saturn-Ketu. Remember, Saturn-Ketu combination is terrible for human beings. Very recently in the November of 2019, Saturn and Ketu conjoined in the sign Sagittarius and Mangal came to Virgo and put a Dṛṣṭi on that. Mangal has to put a Dṛṣṭi on that because unless Mangal puts a Dṛṣṭi on Ketu, the Piśāca is not activated. The Piśāca the devil, it’s activated. And then oh my god, look at this Mangal putting Dṛṣṭi on Ketu, you see that Śani putting drishhti on Ketu, Pāpakartarī, this is not good. So good thing; they did what they had to do. I think we’ll take a break right now. We’ll move this chart here. We need to take a break, we are almost done.


So let’s start using this knowledge and basically, we have to have some warnings about the Vāreśa. Absolutely delicate planet, absolutely delicate, most important planet in your chart. It’s not…. you cannot play with it. It’s like don’t play with fire. You know the first warning: don’t play with fire. Okay as a kid you understand that when you put your finger inside the fire it will burn you but as an adult Why don’t you understand that the Vāreśa is the pure fire if that light is inside you? It’s the lamp that is burning inside you. The fire in the lamp is the Vāreśa. And that is your longevity. So long as it burns, you are alive. This fire can destroy anything and everything. It’s a very destructive thing. It is, man has grown because of Agni. We are superior to the other beings and it was only because Agni favors us. And this Agni is burning with Vāyu from the opposite sign. So it’s like, you know, the basic principle of Jyotiṣa, wherever there is Agni, Vāyu has to be opposite, has to be. It has to be opposite. Agni will not change places. Everybody else has to change place. Aries, Agni Rāśi. Opposite sign Libra, Vāyu Rāśi. Leo, Agni Rāśi. Opposite sign Aquarius, Vāyu Rāśi. Sagittarius Agni Rāśi. Opposite sign Gemini, Vāyu Rāśi. And each of these Vāyu Rāśis are perfectly balancing the Agni in the sign. Absolutely perfect balance. Nature is very well balanced. These Rāśis opposite signs actually balance each other. Aries has got tremendous Agni, Libra has got that strong Vāyu. In fact, in fact, if Aświni has the Agni that can heal anybody and everything. They are the healers of the zodiac. Aświni Nakṣatra. Why? Why does Aświni have so much? Because you know what? The sun gets exalted over there. The sun gets exalted in Aświni Nakṣatra. So, so much of Agni is there in Aświni. That’s why the sun gets exalted. He’s like glowing. Come to Libra. Now Saturn gets exalted in 20 degrees of Libra and that is Swāti Nakṣatra. and who is the deity of the Nakṣatra. You call swāti, but I say Vāyu. Whenever I see swāti Nakṣatra in any horoscope I fold my hands and say “jai hunuman”, Vāyu. So much of Vāyu is there. Where there is Rāma, there has to be Hanumān. Where there is Sūrya, there has to be Śani. Where there is light, there has to be Śani. It’s a balance of nature. So be careful wherever the Vāreśa is there, he is constantly drinking the air from the opposite side. It is not visible in a chart, but we are going to see that. Vāreśa is the tongue of Agni. It feeds on the wind from the opposite side. If Vāreśa is in 11th house, it can eat the children. Oh my God. Because wherever the Vāreśa is there, it is like Surya and the opposite is like Śani. You have to worship “Svāhā” to bring relief. Svāhā is a spouse of Agni. So, if Agni is in a certain house in your horoscope, opposite to that is, Svāhā. Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad mentions the seven tongues of Agni are Kālī, Karālī, Manojavā, Sulohitā, Sudhāmra varṇā, Sphuliṅginī and Viśvaruci. Agni is Sapta Jihvā, these seven tongues. These are the colors of the seven days. And Agni has three sons through Svāhā. Agni is married to Svāhā. So wherever Agni is in your horoscope, opposite to that is his wife Svāhā. And Agni has three children who are in trines to the Vāreśa. They are Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuci. These are very advanced. Next time we come to Vāreśa, we will go into these parts. Now Sunday is Karalī. Monday is Manojavā. Tuesday is Sulohitā. Wednesday Sudhāmra varṇā. Thursday is Spuliṅginī, sparks, like lightning. Lightning is a spark. See Thursday. Friday, Viśvaruci. Ruci means to have flavor, taste. You taste everything. You have a flavor for everything in the world. I’m enjoying everything. I’m enjoying my clothes. I’m enjoying my food. I’m enjoying my water. So Viśvaruci is associated with Friday and Saturday is Kalī. So, my dear friends, Kalī is Agni. Kalī is pure Agni. She has the energy of 1000 Sūryas. And she is so Fiery, so much agni is there that no amount of Śani can satisfy her. Now this is the tongue of Agni. Matching this tongue of Agni are Svāhā. Now I have made a nice table for you. For Karālī, it’s Hiraṇya, golden. Manojavā, Gagana, sky-colored, light blue color. Sulohitā, Rakta, blood red color. Sudhāmravarṇā is Kṛṣṇa, shining black. Shiny black, black. Spuliṅginī suprabha is the color. I don’t know what’s the color but this is the color. Viśvaruci, Friday. Bahurūpā, multicolored. Is it or changing colors or maybe orangish is it? I don’t know. Kālī ati-rakta, deep red. Deep red, maroon red or even deeper than that. Black red. So these are the colors of the five. These are colors. Okay. So this is a translation I have attempted. The middle column is a translation to try to understand this, but this is not sufficient. Believe me, this is not sufficient. We need to do a separate class only to understand this. Okay, and so I’ll leave it there. I’ll just leave it there for you to digest. Okay, this is just worshipping Svāhā-sakti. I don’t know why this has come again.


audio progression: 1:58:44

Okay, here’s a chart for you. This is the chart of John Travolta. Okay, John Travolta is born on a Thursday and Raṁ bīja, Jupiter is in the 11th house. Which is the opposite? Opposite is Scorpio. Jupiter is in Taurus in the 11th, opposite is Scorpio, which is the fifth house. Hey, this is a male horoscope. My God. So, I have Mangal over there? Oh My God. This is dangerous. And where is the fifth Lord? The fifth house has got two Lords. One Lord is Mangal in the fifth. So he’s not going to give the results will be given by the other Lord Ketu and Ketu is debilitated in the 12th house. Ketu debilitated in the 12th house. Oh, eldest son Jett died at the age of 16 when the family was vacationing at their home in the Bahamas in 2009. Daśā Antar Daśā: Jupiter Daśā, Jupiter Antar Daśā. Now which astrologer worth his salt would have made a prediction that in Jupiter Daśā, Jupiter Antar Daśā, your eldest son will die because of an accident? During a vacation…. See in bādhaka Rāśi, jupiter is in bādhaka, foreign country. Bādhaka Rāśi, foreign country in a sign of venus. Venus means leisure, relaxing, enjoying, vacation. And eldest son died. Why? Because Agni is here. Śani will be here (5th H). All the Vāyu…. this Jupiter…. So, what happens when Jupiter Daśā starts? As soon as Jupiter Daśā starts, this Agni will start burning bright. “I need more air. I need more air”. You see the problem with the Vāreśa is: When his Daśā comes, he demands more and more and more Agni. So, from Jupiter Daśā, this Agni is going to start burning and burning and burning so hard, he will suck all the Vāyu out of the seventh house (seventh house from itself). So, I need the sign opposite, to be very, very strong. The Lord of this sign must be strong like Śiva. Not Viṣṇu. Viṣṇu is pure. Strong: Śiva. Śiva is Bala nāma. Another name for strength is Śiva. So, this is Mangal, he is strong. But the fifth lord is Ketu. Oops, very weak. He (son) is gonna die. Okay and it happened in Jupiter daśā, Jupiter antardaśā: Vāreśa. The Vāreśa burnt the son, took away the son.

audio progression: 02:01:50

Bobby Brown. Bobby Brown has Sagittarius Lagna, where is Vāreśa Mangal? He is born on Tuesday; you can see that. Vāreśa Mangal is in the 11th house. What about the 5th house? 5th house is vacant, 5th lord is Mangal. So Mangal is going to pull all the air from the 7th. Mangal will suck the air out of the fifth house and put it in the eleventh house because this house, eleventh house, is going to be burning and burning and burning and the fifth house will run out of air. His daughter Bobby Christina Brown who died on July 26, 2015 in Dvādaśottarī daśā of Rāhu daśā, Mercury antardaśā. She was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her Georgia home, kept on life support and moved to a rehab facility in the hospital. But subsequently she died. You see, you see the point is we are using Dvādaśottarī Daśā in this, assuming the Navāṁśa is not right. So please check up this horoscope. 5th of February 1969, 5:21; Boston, MA. Check up the Viṁśottarī Daśā. I want to check Viṁśottarī Daśā, moon is in the ninth house and tell me what was the Daśā he was running. Will you do that? Take that as a homework. Okay. Okay, we have done enough. Now we are not going to see that thing more. That is too painful. Two is enough for you to learn the lesson. Basic idea has gone inside your head.


Wherever Agni is burning, it is good. Opposite that sign is Svāhā. Svāhā means you jolly well make that offering to the fire sacrifice. Do a Yajña. Have you heard of the word Yajña? Yajña is called fire sacrifice. A Yajña of the planets associated with the opposite sign from Agni has to be done. Let us say, let us say, let us say John Travolta had come to you. Let us say John Travolta has come to you. You are his astrologer. He says, can you recommend something? You see, “Oh my God, he’s got Agni in the 11th house. Fifth house is Mangal”. Okay. We’ll tell him please, please do a Yajña for two planets, Mangal and for Ketu and a full Yajña has to be done and particularly here. I want so he should sit for that Yajña. The priest will do all the things, he can’t do it. He can’t do it. All he has to do is, he has to throw the Sāmagrī into the fire and say Svāhā, Svāhā. That’s all he has to do. He has to just repeat Svāhā. The priest will say something and in the end; Svāhā. So; “Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ, Svāhā”. So he’ll say Svāhā and put the Sāmagrī. Sāmagrī means those seeds and the wood pieces and all those things in the fire. Offering to the fire. Make offerings to the fire. Make mangal offerings to the fire. Okay, okay. What about Bobby Brown? “Bobby, you jolly well make some Mangal offerings to the fire”, you see that? I would have said that. Otherwise, this Mangal is going to give you a horrible experience. Okay, now.


Some notes on choosing a mantra for Vāreśa. And particularly we are interested in Gārhapatya. Because you know as a kid you don’t need mantras, you are too busy playing. Now that you have grown up, it’s all about Gārhapatya. It’s all about sustaining yourself in this world. You know the fifth weekday. And if you are born on any of the weekdays from Sunday onwards, then hey… You know, your Gārhapatya could also end up as your Māraka or something when you are in trouble. So, let’s see what Swami Vivekananda did. Swamiji was born on a Sunday, right? So, what do we do? Who is his Gārhapatya? His Gārhapatya is Thursday, Jupiter. So, we know that a remedy for Jupiter has to be done in this horoscope. Jupiter is Lagna Lord. If you do the Gārhapatya remedy properly, you know what? Your Lagna will shine. You will actually become very famous. The more important thing is your fourth house, your mission of your life. The mission of your life is your fourth house actually. And how do I see that? That’s different. Fourth house is Mokṣa Trikoṇa. What do you mean by Mokṣa Trikoṇa? Means it is that building, that house, that mission, that muṭh, which is going to give Mokṣa not just to you, but to many, many souls. In this planet even after you go that’s a very big job it’s not a small job, okay? Just you getting Mokṣa is one thing what about all the other souls okay? If you just take your Mokṣa and run away that’s being greedy. okay? You are a swami, how can you be greedy, so he’s swami vivekananda; he is Kaśyapa; he is Kaśyapa. I mean, you know about Kaśyapa, right? Someday I’ll talk to you about Kaśyapa. Maybe I should do a talk on the Ṛṣis. So, this Jupiter is the most important planet now as far as we are concerned, because he’s the Gārhapatya, he’s the future. If you wanna do anything in this planet, like have a building so that people can come and live and do their meditation or whatever, whatever you want to do. That has to do with Jupiter. Where is Jupiter in the Navāṁśa? I am not bothered about the Rāśi chart of Jupiter. I am not bothered about the Rāśi chart. Jupiter is in Scorpio in the Navāṁśa. So, I take this number 8 over here and I come back to the Rāśi chart. Which house is this? This is the 12th house. So, I need a mantra which is having 12 syllables. I need a mantra which is having 12 syllables. If I get a 12 syllable mantra, this Gārhapatya agni will wake up. So, to wake up Jupiter, to activate Jupiter, to empower Jupiter, I needed 12 syllable mantra. Two, that is part one of the problem. So, I got the number of syllables in the mantra. Next, who is the planet? The planet is Jupiter. Where is he sitting? He’s sitting in the 11th house. 9th house is father, 10th house is boss, 11th house is guru. I repeat, this is based upon the three pada of Viṣṇu. (Trini padaa vichakrame …). Viṣṇu takes three steps. Elders, who are your elders? Your ninth house is your father, who is your first elder. Then next from that the second step is 10th house your boss, Śreṇī Guru. Then next, 11th house your Dīkṣā Guru. So, 9, 10, 11 are your three important gurus of your life. This whole thing is swarga-mārga, path to heaven. So, the gurus are important for you. Father, your Śreṇī Guru and your Dīkṣā Guru. So, Jupiter is in the 11th house, so he has to have a mantra for his guru or maybe you don’t have a guru, so what? You can have a Ṛṣi. For Jupiter, you can have a Ṛṣi mantra. You do a mantra of a Ṛṣi for Jupiter. It will work. believe me, Ṛṣi Mantras are much more powerful than any other Mantras when it comes to Jupiter. The first form, the first form of Jupiter is Ṛṣi, then Guru and then Rudra. So, he picked up a Guru, his Guru is a pure Ṛṣi, come on: Ramakrishna. And then he picked up, his name was Ramakrishna, picked up a 12-syllable mantra. Oṁ namo bhagavate Rāmakṛṣṇāya. Count it. Oṁ namo bhagavate Rāmakṛṣṇāya. 12-syllables. So, this 12-syllable mantra… RamKrishna Mission established. Okay, so this is something important we learned today. Can you replicate the steps? Can you replicate the steps with your own? I will do it again just once again for you slowly.


Find out the Gārhapatya and do what is called ATR, Aṁśa Tulya Rāśi. I’ll make it simple. Find out the Gārhapatya, go straight to the Navāṁśa, in which Navāṁśa it is placed. He’s in Scorpio number 8. Come to number 8. Okay, this is the count. The count will come from this number 8. From the lagna you count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. I get the number of syllables in the mantra. Okay. Then who is the planet? Planet is Jupiter. So, Jupiter’s form is a Ṛṣi or a Guru or a Dakṣiṇāmūrti or something. I need a 12-syllable mantra activating Jupiter. Ideally the Jupiter is in 11th house. So, you should be focusing on Guru. If it was 9th house, I would have said how about a Ṛṣi. If it is in Lagna, I’ll say Śiva. So, depending on where Jupiter is placed, the form I will choose accordingly. Okay. Good. You can do that. I think we are done for the day.


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Garvit Kumar

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