Mangal Mantra

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1. Debt destroying Maṅgala Mantra

विरूपा मुनिः गायत्री छन्दः धर्मात्मज देवता
[Virūpā Muni, Gāyatrī Chanda, Dharātmaja Devatā]

1.1 Dhyāna / ध्यान

जपाभं शिवस्वेदजं हस्तपद्मैर्गदाशूलशक्तिर्वरं धारयन्तम्।
अवन्तीसमुत्थं सुमेषासनस्थं धरानन्दनं रक्तवस्त्रं समीडे॥
Japābhaṁ Śivasvedajaṁ Hastapadmaīrgadaaśūlaśaktirvaraṁ dhārayantam,
Avantīsamutthaṁ Sumeṣāsanasthaṁ Dharānandanaṁ Raktavastraṁ Samīde.

Translation: I pay obeisance to (Mars) the Son of the Earth Mother born out of the sweat of Śiva(*) and having the lustre of the Hibiscus flower (Blood red). He lords over Avantikā and holds a lotus, club, trident, and spear in his four hands. He wears red garments and rides the mountain goat.
Comment: (*) Here the reference is to Kartikeya the elder son of Śiva and Pārvati (the Earth Mother). Parāśara identifies him as the deity of Mars.

1.2 Sutadhanaprado Maṅgala Mantraḥ / सुतधनप्रदो मङ्गल मन्त्रः

ॐ हां हंस: खं खः
Oṁ Hāṁ Haṁsaḥ Khaṁ Khaḥ.
Purification Rite & Mantra
Using black wood charcoal three parellel lines are drawn on the floor and reciting the following mantra, these lines are wiped off with the left foot in a gesture of wiping out the sins.

ॐ दु:खदौर्भाग्य नाशाय पुत्र सन्तान हेतवे।
कृतरेखात्रयं वामपादेनैतत्प्रमार्ज्म्यहम्।।
ऋणदुःख विनाशाय मनोभीष्टार्थसिद्धये।
मार्जयाम्यसितारेखास्तिस्रो जन्मत्रयोद्भवाः।।
Oṁ Duhkhadaourbhāgya Nāśāya Putra Santāna Hetave
Kṛtarekhātrayaṁ Vāmapādenaītatpramārjmyahaṁ.
Ṛṇaduhkha Vināśāya Manobhīṣṭārthasiddhaye
Mārjayāmyasitārekhāstisro Janmatrayodbhavāḥ.

2. Putraprāptikaraṁ Bhaouma Vrataṁ / पुत्रप्राप्तिकरं भौम व्रतं(for obtaining a son/children)

Many women suffer from delayed childbirth. The remedy is in Bhaouma Vrata (Fasting on Tuesday) such a Vrata if started in the month of Mārgaśira (approx December) is considered auspicious.

Figure 2.1: mars yantra / मङ्गल यन्त्र

Write the 21 mantra inside the 21 triangles of the Yantra or mark 21 vermillion dots inside the triangles while reciting each of the mantra. The numbers given inside the triangles show the order of offering the vermillion (Sindoor).

2.1 Nyāsaḥ / न्यासः

The person should wake up early at Brahma muhurta and seating on red rug worship Mars with 21 names (Nyasa) by touching the specific body part while reciting the mantra.
ॐ मङ्गलाय नमः Oṁ Maṅgalāya Namaḥ (Feet)
ॐ भूमिपुत्राय नमः Oṁ Bhūmiputrāya Namaḥ (knees)
ॐ ऋणहर्त्रे नमः Oṁ Ṛṇahartre Namaḥ (Thigh)
ॐ धनप्रदाय नमः Oṁ Dhanapradāya Namaḥ (Waist)
ॐ स्थिरासनाय नमः Oṁ Sthirāsanāya Namaḥ (Genitals)
ॐ महाकायाय नमः Oṁ Mahākāyāya Namaḥ (Belly)
ॐ सर्वकामावरोधकाय नमः Oṁ Sarvakāmāvarodhakāya Namaḥ (Left Hand)
ॐ लोहिताय नमः Oṁ Lohitāya Namaḥ (Right Hand)
ॐ लोहिताक्षाय नमः Oṁ Lohitākṣāya Namaḥ (Throat)
ॐ सामगानां कृपाकराय नमः Oṁ Sāmagānāṁ Kṛpākarāya Namaḥ (Mouth)
ॐ धरात्मजाय नमः Oṁ Dharātmajāya Namaḥ (Nose)
ॐ कुजाय नमः Oṁ Kujāya Namaḥ (Eyes)
ॐ भौमाय नमः Oṁ Bhaoumāya Namaḥ (Forehead)
ॐ भूतिदायकाय नमः Oṁ Bhutidāyakāya Namaḥ (Eyebrows center)
ॐ भूमिनन्दनाय नमः Oṁ Bhūminandanāya Namaḥ (Head)
ॐ अङ्गारकाय नमः Oṁ Aṅgārakāya Namaḥ (Pigtail)
ॐ यमाय नमः Oṁ Yamāya Namaḥ (Entire body)
ॐ सर्वरोगापहारकाय नमः Oṁ Sarvarogāpahārakāya Namaḥ (Both hands)
ॐ वृष्टिकर्त्रे नमः Oṁ Vṛṣṭikartre Namaḥ (Head to foot)
ॐ वृष्टिहर्त्रे नमः Oṁ Vṛṣṭihartre Namaḥ (Foot to Head)
ॐ सर्वकामफलप्रदाय नमः Oṁ Sarvakāmaphalapradāya Namaḥ (All organs)

2.2 Kalash Mantra / कलश मन्त्रः (Water Vessel)

Thereafter fill a Copper Vessel with water and place some red sandal, rice, flower (red color) etc. in it. Offer this by placing it in front of the Lamp with the following mantra:
ॐ भूमिपुत्र महातेजः स्वेदोद्भव पिनाकिनः।
सुतार्थिनी प्रपन्ना त्वां गृहाणार्घ्यं नमोऽस्तुते।।
Oṁ Bhūmiputra Mahātejaḥ Swedodbhava Pinākinaḥ
Sutārthinī Prapannā Tvāṁ Gṛhāṇārghyaṁ Namoastute

2.3 Yantra Pooja / यन्त्र पूजा

Thereafter a copper plate Maṅgala Yantra (21 triangles) is worshipped with the following mantra. [If this is not available, a red coral be placed on a red color drawing of the Yantra on paper]
ॐ रक्तप्रवाल संकाशं जपाकुसुम सन्निभम्।
महीसुत महाबाहो गृहाणार्घ्यं नमोऽस्तुते।।
Oṁ Raktapravāla Sankāśaṁ Japākusuma Sannibham
Mahīsuta Mahābāho Gṛhāṇārghyaṁ Namoastute
Thereafter reciting the aforementioned 21 mantras, 21 circumbulations of Maṅgala be done.

2.4 Purification Rite & Mantra

Thereafter sitting in Padmāsana or Sukhāsana on the red rug say the prayer to Sri Maṅgala as given at above along with the drawing of lines etc.

2.5 Puśpāñjali / पुष्पाञ्जलि

Then, in order to achieve the fulfillment and perfect completion of her worship, that pure lady, taking flowers in her Anjali(*) and meditating upon the lotus feet of Maṅgala, pray to him in the following manner:
Comment: (*) Anjali is the upper portion of the dress, which is flowing over the shoulder. Alternately, take some red flowers in both hands

3. Stutikathanaṁ / स्तुतिकथनं

धरणीगर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्तेजः समप्रभम्।
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।
ऋणहर्त्रे नमस्तुभ्यं दुःखदारिद्र्यनाशिने।
नभसि द्योतमानाय सर्वकल्याणकारिणे।।
सुखं यान्ति यतस्तस्मै नमो धरणिसूनवे।।
यो वक्रगतिमापन्नो नृणां दुःखं प्रयच्छति।
पूजितः सुखसौभाग्यं तस्मै क्ष्मासूनवे नमः।।
प्रसादं कुरु मे नाथ मङ्गलप्रदमङ्गल।
मेषवाहनरुद्रात्मन् पुत्रान्देहि धनं यशः।।
Dharaṇīgarbhasambhūtaṁ Vidyuttejaḥ Samaprabham,
Kumāraṁ Śaktihastaṁ Ca Maṅgalaṁ Praṇamāmyaham.
Ṛṇahartre Namastubhyaṁ Duhkhadāridryanāśine,
Nabhasi Dyotamānāya Sarvakalyāṇakāriṇe.
Sukhaṁ Yānti Yatastasmaī Namo Dharaṇisūnave.
Yo Vakragatimāpanno Nṛṇāṁ Duḥkhaṁ Prayacchati,
Pūjitaḥ Sukhasaoubhāgyaṁ Tasmaī Kṣmāsūnave Namaḥ.
Prasādaṁ Kuru Me Nātha Maṅgalapradamaṅgala,
Meṣavāhanarudrātman Putrāndehi Dhanaṁ Yaśaḥ.
Translation: O! Maṅgala (Mars) son of the Earth Mother, I pray to you. You have the nature of lightning, are youthful and bear a spear. O Lord, the destroyer of debt and poverty, shining in the sky, and bestower of auspiciousness, I pay my obeisance. I pray to that son of Earth Mother; with whose kindness all mortal and divine beings live in happiness. I pray to that to that son of Earth Mother, who causes pain when retrograde, while He bestows happiness and good fortune when worshipped. As the bestower of auspiciousness and Lord of good omens, bestow your kindness on us. O! son of Rudra come hither riding your Aries (male mountain goat) and bestow sons, wealth and fame on your worshipper.

This fasting on Tuesdays and prayer to Śrī Maṅgala is to be performed for one year. Simultaneously, a Brahmin/Priest be asked to recite the Maṅgala Gāyatrī mantra (as given at para d above) 108 times during the Pooja.

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Garvit Kumar

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